by Robert Wilkinson
Today, tomorrow, and Friday we’re still dealing with a very powerful Mercury/Sun square to Saturn and opposition to Uranus, due to the lingering effects of these aspects being made at the Superior conjunction and yesterday’s Total Lunar Eclipse. Add Mars retrograde, and things are both frictional and not as they seem.
Obviously, this is challenging all of us to act productively in some way. Much that is done now will no doubt echo across time and return when Mars is direct and re-transits this span in March 2023. As Mars continues to square Neptune, the confusion and Gaslighting is strong at this time.
Today and tomorrow the oppositions to Uranus remain very strong as they remain within a degree and a half of exact, so be cautious when others behave erratically. The squares to Saturn indicate a need for patience when dealing with heavy handed authoritarian people and leaving behind lesser things while cultivating internal and external spiritual connections. This will be focused wherever we have the middle degrees of the Fixed signs, so if you have a planet there, see it as either who you need to be in a productive way, or see it as something triggering an unconscious agitation in another.
Remember, this is the dying gasp of the very challenging Saturn square Uranus in play for almost two years. As you know, this has been a time when the friction of the square has challenged us to be positive in our Saturnian and Uranian expression, seeing what matters and disregarding the rest. This is the final challenge, since by February the square will no longer be in play, even if the transits of Aquarius square Uranus and then conjunct Saturn while Saturn is in a binovile with Uranus, promising spiritual realizations which have been cooking for many years.
Venus in Scorpio can manifest positively or negatively, depending on the person’s learned Venusian expression. With Venus forming a quincunx to Mars retrograde as it trines Neptune which is squared by Mars, be alert to roundabout intense interactions which deflect into confusion and Gaslighting. The antidote to this combination of aspects is to remember good Cancer and Virgo skills, being cautious and paying attention to details.
As Mars square Neptune is in play for the rest of November, see it as a dress rehearsal for the final Mars square Neptune in March 2023. All squares challenge “right action” whether turning a corner or putting brakes on something. The problem and solution are seen in the voids created by the square, in this case Virgo and Sagittarius.
The specific symbols expressed by this involve 23, 24, and 25 of the Mutable signs. So looking at the voids, prepare for “entry into a new land,” accept the happiness which is yours to claim, and use experience to anticipate powers still developing within you. Also, joyously accept the ego training at this time, get over any lurking preconceptions, and focus on a noble work or form of service.
”Riders on the storm, Riders on the storm, Into this house we're born, into this world we're thrown…..” Be careful as the storm is raging intensely at this time.
Copyright © 2022 Robert Wilkinson