by Robert Wilkinson
On November 23, Jupiter goes stationary direct at 29 Pisces and resumes its direct motion lasting through next July as it prepares to sprint through Aries in early 2023 on its way to entering Taurus in mid-May 2023. What does this mean?
It means that the Jupiter review we’ve been doing since July is now over. We’ve all been in review, revision, and re-imagining our spiritual truths and opening to a greater feeling-connection with “All That Is,” as well as our need to concentrate to see the whole picture, since its retrograde station at 9 Aries. Since late July we’ve been reviewing the degree span it first traversed in May, June, and July. Having reviewed those lessons, potentials, protections, blessings, and opportunities, we now can see how to let go of the old and flow into the new, managing the beginning of a new voyage which is now future oriented.
The transit of Jupiter through Aquarius in 2021 set many things into motion related to the new 20 year era unfolding. Its conjunction with Saturn in December 2020 began a 20 year Aquarian era as well as a 200 year Air era, where we leave the materialism of the Earth signs behind and fly free into the realm of cooperative visionary ideas to be accomplished through managed group energy.
During its time in late Aquarius, it transited the “Transfiguration Zone” in late April and early May 2021, again in August, with the third and last transit in December. Each of these opened doors to “graduation into a new realm of Being,” where something cocooned in each of us broke out of our chrysalis and were transfigured in our world in some way related to our part in the greater whole of Being. The ordeal of transfiguration will be complete by February and March 2023 when Saturn transits the Transfiguration Zone and crystallizes the transfiguring energies we’ve been through.
From Here We Move Forward
This should bring a sense of confidence and well-being for those who have reviewed, found joy in the journey, and accepted a wider view through seeing the whole picture through concentration. We now stand ready to live a new “adventure in federating while disintegrating” we’ve experienced in November.
Now that it’s moving forward, it will pick up speed very quickly, as this is the part of the zodiac where Jupiter is at maximum speed! We’re getting our final experience of Pisces and the “dreamscape” between now and the December Solstice. In mid-February, after Jupiter leaves its shadow zone at 9 Aries, it races through that sign before entering Taurus on May 16, 2023, opening a brand new energy field.
The Sabian Symbol for Jupiter's Direct Degree
Jupiter’s stationary direct degree is 29 Pisces, and the Sabian Symbol for the 29th degree of Pisces is "A Prism.” According to Rudhyar’s notes from the Marc Jones class originally published in The Astrology of Personality, this degree is one of "enlargement of perception" and "a closing in of vision." We are told this degree is one of "Subtle analysis" and the "capacity of mind to transfer its powers to machinery."
In The Astrological Mandala he states this is a degree of technique to fulfill Pisces energies where we may be illuminated by "the analytical power of the mind necessary for the formulation of life processes in their many aspects." This is a stage where the whole breaks into its parts, like a prism breaks light into many colors.
He gives the keyword "Differentiation," and points out this symbol is one where we may see "the relationship between the One and the Many." He says this degree falls in the Span of Protection, Act of Capitalization, and Scene of Perpetuation on the Individual-Mental level.
Dr. Jones says this is a degree of "the world's stability," where Nature never alters Herself unnecessarily. He states "the reliability of normal processes and the consistency of true intelligence are the foundations of a common knowledge" humanity has expanded over time, and this resulted in our ability to control the environment in ways that promise better achievements ahead.
He says this degree shows us how to take facets of reality and use them as effective instruments "for a measure of the whole potential." He offers the keyword VALIDATION, and states that when positive, the degree is "exceptional accomplishment through judgment of unusual accuracy."
So this Jupiter station on the technique degree of individual-mental activity in a universal feeling setup will allow us to see what is perpetuated and what is left behind at the end of a long cycle. Here we see the power of knowing the relationship of the parts to the whole, and through focus we can enlarge our vision and develop closure techniques to use in subtle natural service.
This indicates the platform for the larger Jupiter energies for the rest of the year involve the need for mastering energy for a more than personal purpose, showing our aptitude and willingness to embrace our greater potentials. We are experiencing the dance between the one and the many, so have fun!
The Near Future
As Jupiter goes direct it makes great aspects with Mars, Saturn and Pluto through the end of the year and into January, with only the initial semisquare to Uranus creating friction. While planets in Sagittarius will all make tredeciles, then biseptiles, and then squares to Jupiter in Pisces, when they enter Capricorn the binoviles and quintiles begin!
Jupiter will be at the extremely important last degree of Pisces from December 4 through 20, so use that time to dream the future you want to see made manifest in 2023. 30 Pisces is a degree of dreaming the archetypal life and roles we want to play in the future, so the more precise your thought form, the clearer a picture of that will be made manifest over time. This is the end of the end of many things, and the more we can forgive and bless to flow down the time stream, the better.
If you want a greater understanding of what this recent Jupiter retrograde in Aries and Pisces period has been about, here’s what I wrote when Jupiter went stationary retrograde in July 2022: Jupiter Stationary Retrograde in July 2022 at 9 Aries – Looking Back at our Life Adventure To See the Whole Picture
For the bigger picture:
Here’s what I wrote in May 2021 on Jupiter’s entry into Pisces: Jupiter in Pisces 2021-2022 – A Year of Expanding Our Ability to Feel All there is to Feel
From December 2021, when Jupiter re-entered Pisces after its time in late Aquarius: Jupiter Re-Enters PiscesAnd here’s what I wrote in May 2022 on Jupiter’s initial entry into Aries. This will help you refresh what to expect beginning late December: Jupiter in Aries 2022-2023 - New Beginnings Present and Future
Copyright © 2022 Robert Wilkinson