by Robert Wilkinson
As the editor of the Astrology Arizona newsletter, I compose an overview of each month. Today we take a look at the primary factors for December.
Before we jump into the overview of the month, I want to welcome all to drop by our Astrology Arizona Facebook page and join the social media initiative going on there. Please feel free to contribute a topic, ask about a topic, or anything else related to our new group. See you over there!
I also highly recommend joining our group and coming to our zoom presentations, since we have some of the best astrologers anywhere giving talks about all kinds of great astrological topics. We’ve had “Evolutionary Configurations,” “America at the Crossroads,” “Using Planetary Hours in Charts,” “Outer Planet Cycles and How The Past Affects the Present,” “The Three Part Self,” “How Our Chart Expresses Our Spiritual Potential,” and more.
In our May talk, I spoke about my new book The Magic of Venus: Friendships, Soul Mates, and Twin Flames and how to change our relationships for the better, as well as Soul Mates and why we’ve attracted who we’ve attracted throughout our lives. We’re having a Solstice gathering by Zoom on December 17, and Predictions for 2023 on January 28. You can find out more at the FB page, our website, or by writing me.
The Overview for December
This year the month of December begins like a rocket ship, building intensity until the Full Moon, when the Sun opposition to Mars finishes and peace begins to be restored to the realm (at least to some degree!) Once the opposition is finished, Mars begins to speed up until it finally goes stationary direct at 9 Gemini in mid-January, so many things should begin to feel like they’re moving forward by the end of December!
Mars at maximum retrograde the first 8 days of the month builds an intensity which will lead to new ways of doing things, new understanding of new possibilities, as well as what’s possible in the near future. For now, be cautious, since the beginning of December is already under the influence of Mercury and Venus both opposed Mars, with Saturn providing the means to make progress despite the oppositional tensions.
Also contributing to the general agitation of early December is just after the oppositions to Mars, both Mercury and Venus square Neptune and then Jupiter. The T-square is off-set, so there will be a spread of void points in Virgo, showing the energy we need to manage the various tides pushing us in multiple directions at once. Just as this period ends, the Sun opposition to Mars increases in strength through December 8 and continues in maximum intensity through December 10.
The inner planets in Sagittarius and Capricorn this month are now preparing to re-enter the outer planet occupied zone of Pluto in Capricorn, Saturn in Aquarius, Neptune in Pisces, Jupiter in Aries, and Uranus in Taurus, so regard this period as a time of spiritual harvest for the year. We stand on the threshold of renewing the year cycles of each of these outer planet spiritual heavyweights between January and May, so prepare to pull the energies inward for the next few months.
Remember Mercury and Venus are dancing within a few degrees of each other this entire month, and will make the second of their conjunctions this year just hours after Mercury goes stationary retrograde at 25 Capricorn. Their dance began in late Scorpio, became exact at 8 Sagittarius, and this month they again conjunct in late Capricorn. Along the way they’ll both quintile Neptune and Jupiter and then trine Uranus, so all things related to those planets should be quite harmonious and even a bit enlivening!
The month begins under the influence of the late November New Moon at 2 Sagittarius, intensifying everything and quickening the pace. Of course that’s completely opposed to the energy of Mars retrograde, which at this time requires we go slow and be patient as we find our way around obstacles. And of course, we’re still “under the beams” of the recent Scorpio eclipses, which are already leading us to say goodbye to the past, giving up some old ideals, and finding a new perspective on how and when to do things.
From December 4 through its entry into Aries at the Solstice, Jupiter spends its time in the “Dreaming the Archetype” degree of 30 Pisces, the visualization degree where we dream the future before it’s formed. Be clear about the future you want to see made manifest, and if it’s true for you, it will come forth to the degree you are in alignment with that destiny. Be willing to forgive much and let it all wash down the time stream.
This prepares us to launch into a new vision when Jupiter enters Aries just before the Solstice, renewing its fiery expression and will be accelerating like a rocket ship on its way to transiting its May 2022 conjunction point with Mars at 4 Aries! That conjunction began a 2 year cycle of learning how to enjoy life more naturally on our own terms. Once it transits 4 Aries it’ll be on its way to another major long term healing and mentoring cycle when Jupiter conjuncts Chiron in March at 15 Aries, setting a 12 year cycle into motion. Jupiter moving from Pisces to Aries affects any planets we have in Sagittarius and Pisces, as well as the houses where we have these signs on the cusp.
Saturn is still teaching us how to manage our feelings and our individual spirituality to play our part in the greater Aquarian 20 year era now developing. This month Saturn continues to crystallize what we need to learn about the second half of Aquarius, with the theme of “Management.” Its October station encouraged us in November to rise to some type of urgent need, “emergency,” or “an exaggeration of life problems.” The first half of the month, we can find strength and resilience in past or present disappointments in relationships. Gratitude and appreciation are the keys to success in the second half of December.
Planets Slowing Down, Speeding Up, or Shifting Signs
December is another important month for planets going retrograde and changing signs! This month Jupiter speeds up, Mars hits maximum retrograde, and Mercury begins to slow down, going retrograde at the end of the month even as Mars begins to speed up. Venus remains at maximum cruising speed, Saturn’s picking up speed, Neptune goes direct in early December, and Uranus will be direct in January.
In December four planets change signs. This month Mercury, ruler of Gemini and Virgo, will give us two sign experiences (Sagittarius and Capricorn), the Sun, ruler of Leo and Cancer, will give us two (Sagittarius and Capricorn), and Venus, ruler of Taurus/Libra, will give us two (Sagittarius and Capricorn). The big news is Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius and Pisces, will again give us two sign experiences (Pisces and Aries.)
Mars begins the month still slowing down and in the middle of the most intense phase of its oppositions from Mercury and Mars. It’s going to be in Gemini through late March, so adapt! Mars in Gemini is versatile, but can get too spread out in “multi-tasking” mode. Because it is retrograde, please remember that much which is initiated at this time won’t move forward until January. Long term planning will sustain the faithful in the interim.
Mars is activating the house(s) where we have 19 through 10 Gemini. The blessing of the Sagittarius to Gemini oppositions is they are resolved by Saturn in Aquarius, showing that time, maturity, and patience are our allies in building heart power. Even though Mars is no longer trine Saturn by mid-December, the Sun sextile Saturn through mid-month keeps that trine in play, opening a very favorable void in late middle Leo. By the end of December, Mars makes a serendipitous tredecile to Saturn, bringing unique gifts and blessings perfect for our circumstances!
Because Mars is still retrograde with the oppositional tension in play, don’t push the river! Adapt to the slowed pace, and work on whatever will help support the Mars expression after it goes direct in January. Some things we began in late August, September, and October have been “put on hold,” giving us changes to revisit and/or rework what we need to before we can resume action in January, moving into the next phase in March.
Until the last four days of the month, Mars is in the Libra decan of Gemini, ruled by Venus with an extra dose of Mars. Because of the favorable aspects to Saturn, it promises some relative ease of interaction for planets we may have in Air and Fire signs. Still, prepare for adjustments and sacrifices as Mercury and Venus quincunx Mars during the third week of the month.
Between December 1-10, Mars will agitate those with planets between 16-19 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, and between December 10-20 it will agitate planets or points we have between 12-16 degrees of those signs. From December 20-30 it will agitate 10-12 degrees of those signs.
Because Mars has been in Gemini for many months, the position of Mercury has been and continues to be important in how Mars expresses its energies. Mercury in Sagittarius the first 6 days of the month continues to feature openness, but also that sign’s tendency to want to jump on the horse and ride off in 10 directions at the same time! After Mercury enters Capricorn, it will bring a very favorable organization and discipline to Mars, since Capricorn is the sign of Mars’ exaltation, or “grounds of greatest growth.”
As I’ve offered before, when Mars is within a degree of forming or separating from a hard aspect with a planet, slow down and show deliberation and caution in how you use force. Hard aspects to/from Mars always require that we moderate or antidote impulsiveness and impatience.
Sign Focus
This month the sign focus is on signs adjacent to the outer planet occupied zone, expanding it from Sagittarius through Taurus, extended by Mars in Gemini. The first week has tremendous Sagittarius emphasis, which quickly gives way to a Capricorn emphasis the second week of the month.
When the Sun enters Capricorn at the Solstice, Sagittarius completely disappears and we’ll be in the thick of major Capricorn energy. Coupled with Jupiter leaving Pisces and entering Aries, it again brings occupancy to that sign, giving us at least one planet in each sign between Sagittarius and Gemini, if only for a day. So this month puts the focus on Sagittarius, with the rest of the planets spread out in Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Taurus, and Gemini with Aries coming in as Sagittarius disappears.
We’re Actors On A New Stage With A New Set
The Grand Mutation of Jupiter conjunct Saturn at 1 Aquarius began a new 20 year Aquarian Era in December 2020, as well as a new 200 year Era, moving global energies out of Earth and into Air. We’ve begun to grow beyond the materialism of the past 200 years and have entered two centuries of Air emphasis, with its qualities of relatedness, receptivity, versatility, movability, lightness, and cooperative ideas, visions, and ideals.
The 2020 Solar eclipse on the Summer Solstice is still facilitating a grand reorientation in our lives, including an acceptance of new allegiances and life directions, and the December 2020 Solar eclipse at 24 Sagittarius is still helping us remove blocks to our happiness. The June 2021 Solar eclipse at 20 Gemini is already removing irrelevant and extraneous ideas and considerations from our decision making process, and the extremely beneficial Total Solar Eclipse at 13 Sagittarius in early December 2021 gave us a promise of major gifts and unique interactive opportunities which will be perfect for whatever we need. Rewards are coming these next 4 years!
We’re still "under the beams" of the Solar Eclipses we experienced in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022, and these “cosmic recyclers” continue to remove all that we no longer need in our lives. Take note of where you have 1 Cancer, 24 and 13 Sagittarius, 20 Gemini, 11 Taurus, and 2 Scorpio, since 1 Cancer aligns us with a larger reality, 24 Sagittarius helps us find happiness, 13 Sagittarius gives us a new identity and love, 20 Gemini removes what cannot be assimilated or communicated, 11 Taurus will help us remove “weeds from our garden of Life and Mind,” and the current one at 2 Scorpio helps us release many attachments from the past as we enter a more complex social experience. All in all, these were some very favorable eclipses wherever they impact our lives.
The mid-June 2021 Solar Eclipse at 20 Gemini continues to shut down parts of our lives in that sector for years to come. All the eclipses in Gemini and Sagittarius are removing old ideas, old perspectives, old truths, and old futures. May’s eclipses with Sun in Taurus have begun to shut down old value systems in that sector, as well as the Scorpio sector via the May Full Moon Wesak Festival eclipse. November’s Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon at 17 Taurus/Scorpio will help us tap our spiritual power and focus it through our “hearing our inner God” and allowing our Higher Self to transform our lower self and worldly expression. You can find out more by going to the articles posted not long ago.
As we study how successive Eclipses have affected various areas of our charts and lives, we can get a sense of the utility of these “Cosmic Recyclers” in removing what we no longer needed in those areas, creating a void which attracted new life experiences. They invite us to look back, and then forward, to see the continuity of “letting go, taking in, letting go, taking in” across the years.
The Grand Irrationality
In December, the 7-pointed “Star of Destiny" I’ve termed The Grand Irrationality is in play when the Sun forms a biseptile to Neptune and triseptile to Uranus during the first 5 days of the month. These will activate all 7 zones, making early December very intense as we move through the interactive choices and changes indicated by these aspects.
All of the septile-series 7th harmonic aspects from the inner planets to the outer spiritual planets represent turning points at the hard edge of revolutionary change we’ve been going through for a while. Obviously, this is activated every time the Moon moves through one of the seven “hot zones” of this evolutionary configuration. All septile-series aspects are irrational points representing “forks in the road of destiny” in any larger cycle. If you have a planet or point near any of the seven zones, your life is sure to be affected. In December these zones are around 1-5 Aquarius, 22-26 Pisces, 14-18 Taurus, 5-9 Cancer, 27 Leo- 1 Virgo, 18-22 Libra, and 9-13 Sagittarius.
During the periods these 7th harmonic aspects are in play, if things get weird or crazy, be clear about the choices you’re making. While a lot won’t “make sense,” it doesn’t have to; just be clear about what you’re doing and why. Even though there may be interactions with unreasonable or irrational people, we still have the power to respond in productive ways.
As with “hard” aspects to and from Mars, if that planet (or really any planet) is involved in any non-rational aspect, whether one to our natal Mars or transiting Mars making a non-rational aspect to one of our natal, progressed, or solar return planets, it’s a time to be cautious during the period when the aspect is within a degree of forming or separating. Things have a way of getting strange during 7th harmonic aspects, so those are times to be especially deliberate and thoughtful in choosing our responses.
Primary Action Beats for the First Half of the Month
December begins under the influence of the late November New Moon at 2 Sagittarius, putting the spotlight on that house in our charts. That New Moon was on a degree of “giving direction to our restlessness” so we may demonstrate “resourcefulness” as we happily solve “the problems of everyday living.” Coupled with Jupiter ruling that Lunation, it’s a good month to face forward as we rapidly close out old ghosts and sorrows in anticipation of the life renewal promised by Jupiter’s re-entry into Aries at the Solstice.
The first week begins with the Moon in Pisces triggering a T-square with the just separating Venus opposed Mars. As Venus is also sextile Saturn, use all good Saturn traits to navigate the oppositional energies in play during the first 10 days of the month. This can help build productive energies to be released through that Lunar T-square. Add that the Moon also conjuncts Jupiter and Neptune as Mercury squares Neptune, and the Virgo void shows us the solution to any issue or problem which might arise the first third of the month.
That week also brings a run of favorable days on December 2, 3, and 4, with Moon in Aries conjunct Chiron just as the Sun trines Chiron. This favors embracing higher truths as we anticipate Jupiter’s re-entry into Aries and its coming conjunction with Chiron in March at 15 Aries, opening a new 12 year healing and mentoring cycle wherever we have mid-Aries. During that run of days, Neptune goes stationary direct at 23 Pisces and Venus squares Neptune, releasing those powerful subtle collective energies in various forms to be expressed when Mars is direct and triggers the Gemini void at 23 Gemini, also in March.
December 5 and 6 shows Moon in Taurus and Mercury square Jupiter from 30 Sag to 30 Pisces, launching our time in the dream scape where we can visualize what we want to see made manifest, “pre-forming” the future through visualization. As Jupiter will occupy this “archetype creating” degree through December 20, use the time wisely to dream your heart’s desire. The Moon enters Gemini and Mercury enters Capricorn the afternoon of December 6, taking us into the extreme volatility of the Sun opposed Mars at the Full Moon of 17 Sag/Gemini! That marks a culmination of the awareness of this Sun/Mars cycle, with a need to either curb some energies or express them skillfully. Get ready to move things forward in January when Mars goes stationary direct.
The first week closes with the Full Moon, featuring Moon conjunct Mars opposed the Sun, with Sun quincunx Uranus. Taken together, this indicates high awareness of what has worked, what hasn’t, and what needs to be done differently in the future, as well as hard adjustments, sacrifices, and seeing clearly how to present a new social Self by transforming vitality into the power to build ideas. The old answers “will not be adequate to confirm the new conditions of existence” so open to new ways of dealing with old questions and concerns. We’ll be given chances to see why it was better “to retire peacefully” from past interpersonal dramas, and can get a better sense of “the Mandala of our Life,” the floor plan of our “house of personality.”
The second week of December begins with the Moon in Gemini opposing Venus and squaring Neptune and Jupiter, again creating a void in late Virgo. Keep it sweet and simple as you work your plan or routine, and educate or be educated in a way which can help you “escape from an old destiny.” That’s the theme for every Jupiter aspect in play through the Solstice. Venus squares Jupiter on December 9, which is actually a very pleasant square as long as we don’t overindulge! Venus enters Capricorn and the Moon enters Cancer on that day, with the Moon creating a Yod, or Finger of God on December 10 with the forming Sun sextile Saturn, followed by Moon trine Neptune and Jupiter while opposing Pluto.
The Moon in Leo and Virgo closes out the second week. The Sun sextile Saturn is exact on the 12th, and the Moon makes a very favorable rectangle with Mars, Saturn, and the Sun that day and the 13th. Then the Moon makes a Yod with Neptune, Pluto, and Jupiter later on the 13th, and we close the second week with the Moon entering Virgo, Sun square Neptune, and Mercury square Chiron on the 14th. Be clear about what role(s) you’re playing in the second week of December, and see ways to make progress despite the limiting conditions. It’s a great time to let go of preconceptions which only block your happiness.
Primary Action Beats for the Second Half of the Month
The second half of the month begins with Mercury square Chiron and quincunx Mars, indicating a challenge to “self-transcendence” and “letting the Soul speak.” See the dance between Yin and Yang, inner and outer, as a means “to get out of your own way” to allow your Spirit/Soul to express itself. This is a challenge to develop different means of communication, and using self-discipline, express your Higher Self in its most genuine form.
The Moon enters Libra on December 16, where it makes some very favorable aspects to the other planets through the 18th accompanied by Mercury trine Uranus, helping us to original thinking and an opportunity to unlock a spiritual strength we’ve kept caged up deep within. The Moon enters Scorpio on the 18th just as Venus squares Chiron and quincunxes Mars, bringing value and appreciation to the adjustments and changes heralded by Mercury making those aspects a few days earlier. As Mars is sextile Chiron, the Moon in Scorpio creates a Yod on the 19th. Productive expansions through sacrifices are in the air, so work with the magnetism to eliminate or attract whatever you need to express your Higher Self!
The 20th brings Jupiter’s entry into Aries and the Moon’s entry into Sagittarius. This is “the old Moon” at “the beginning of the beginning”, with experiencing deeply and anticipating the future in the air. You’re seeing the first glimpses of a new day dawning, so enjoy whatever inspiration floods your heart and mind.
The fourth week of December begins on the Winter Solstice with Sun exactly square Jupiter on the “critical degrees” of 1 Capricorn and 1 Aries! This opens transformational energies, new allegiances, and major turning points for all of us between late December 2022 and late March 2023. This will mark the beginning of the Winter season in the Northern Hemisphere, and the aspects show major renewals in store for all of us! Venus trines Uranus on the 22nd, again bringing an opportunity to appreciate and see the value in the new answers we’re discovering to unsolved life situations.
The New Moon of December 23 at 2 Capricorn happens just as Chiron goes stationary direct on a symbol related to “the unerring direction of our Soul’s flight across space and time.” While the degree is one of seeing how the wrong use of force damages many things and relationships, Saturn, ruler of the Lunation, is on a degree of showing gratitude and appreciation for our opportunities to grow, regardless of how difficult or easy our life is. Mercury sextiles Neptune on December 24, and the Moon in Capricorn trine Uranus, conjunct Venus and Mercury, sextile Neptune and Jupiter shows that Christmas Eve should be both thoughtful and clear to the core, thanks to the conjunction with Pluto.
The Moon enters Aquarius late December 24, staying in that sign making harmonious aspects on the 25 and squaring Uranus while conjuncting Saturn on the 26th, after which it enters Pisces. Be careful on the 27th when the Moon squares Mars. We can make lots of progress on the 28th, 29th, and 30th, since the aspects are great. We have Venus sextile Neptune on the 28th with Moon in Pisces favorable to Mercury, Venus, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto! Then we have Moon conjunct Jupiter and Chiron and sextile Mars on the 29th, accompanied by Mercury making its second conjunction with Venus just after it goes stationary retrograde at 25 Capricorn.
This is an important retrograde for two reasons: one, it gives us a look back at the theme of 2022 related to 25 Capricorn, as that was where Mercury went stationary direct in February 2022. Two, it is on a degree where two Jupiter conjunctions with Pluto took place in 2020, giving us a look back on how that impacted our lives since then. The theme is one of finding “transcendent security” in relatively comfortable conditions as a prelude to making greater individual spiritual group contributions. So take a look back at 2022 to see how that has happened, as well as the various opportunities which led you here since 2020.
The last days of the month show Sun quincunx Mars on December 30, so definitely slow down and make whatever adjustments you need to make, whether to cut back somehow, or be more playful, or maybe more connected, or releasing what would only scatter you or divert your efforts into something which won’t go much of anywhere. The year ends with Venus conjunct Pluto and Mercury sextile Neptune, bringing a punctuation point to some old values and relationships. Mercury shows it’s probably something we’ve been expecting anyway. Still, with the Moon in Taurus for New Year’s Eve, enjoy yourself, but try not to overindulge!
Evolutionary Development
This is the eleventh month of the North Node in Taurus era! We’re now in a time of our greatest development coming through the sign of appreciation, value, and enjoying the best life has to offer. The recent eclipses are already assisting us in letting go of strong feelings related to the past, as well as all which blocks us from going deeper into our connection to Source. With Taurus growth and Scorpio release, keep it simple and steady, showing what you know by releasing what needs releasing and attracting what needs attracting.
Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries in late May began a 2 year adventure in opening to new ways of enjoying life and new freedom to be as authentic as we need to be. This month our wise friend Saturn continues to help us manage Aquarius energies in our lives, with the early part of the month showing our need for strength and resilience in the face of disappointing relationships, or perhaps we’ll understand how past disappointments led us to be stronger emotionally or in social situations. The second half of the month brings lessons in appreciation for the opportunities we have to grow safely into more effective humans socially and emotionally, so show gratitude for all things which assist you to contribute to a better world in whatever way calls you. These will be most evident during the times Saturn is quintiled or sextiled by planets in Sagittarius, and continues our training in utilizing spiritual power effectively.
We’re done with two years of non-stop friction of Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus. All of us had to see what mattered and what didn’t, and eliminate all which was of no use as we moved into a greater role to play in the future. The square helped us build heart strength and focused spiritual expression, and be aware of our inner Spiritual Warrior which can never be overcome.
Our recent Aries initiatives will expand quickly in early 2023, and this month helps us quicken our pace as we rise to the promise of a wider view and greater life adventure. Once the Sun opposition Mars is done, many things will begin to pick up speed, even though Mercury will soon begin to slow down to go retrograde, which will give us a look back at our achievements since 2020 with a promise of greater things to come.
The Sun in Sagittarius is a time to see the Light of “infinite potential to expand” on material, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels of life. This is with liberated wider view which makes life a grand adventure of “experiments in Truth” where that which was bound in Scorpio “explodes into space.” Sagittarius, as the 11th sign from Aquarius, represent the ambition or goal of Aquarius, where the ideal achieved sees greater future possibilities. We can now explore a wider set of truths, futures, potentials and views which will be shaped into forms of personal power in Capricorn. Since both signs are highly active this month, enjoy the adventure as you find ways to make more significant contributions to a greater group work.
This year’s Aquarian energies are now being fulfilled at this time of the year, and the larger Aquarian pulses set into motion in 2020 will be renewed in a few weeks. This completes the Aquarian lessons of 2022, with a lot of productivity happening now as prelude to the rapid developments to come in 2023. Because Jupiter is still in Pisces, practice forgiveness and compassion as you see what’s falling apart and how the Light still holds, waiting for its new expression in 2023. We are unique sparks of Light which are part of the greater infinite Light Field. The vision of 2021 has now manifested in a new iteration, with vision and harvests coming the next few weeks.
As we’re now at the end of the second year of a new 20 year and 200 year cycle, remember a new era has dawned. Have courage and take the initiative to leave the Earth and fly free into the Air of what’s opening as the Grand Mutation expands its promise into the Divine transfigured ideal of a more just truth and future. This month brings the promises of greater adventures to come as we continue to build strength and resilience and demonstrate gratitude for all we have and all which has brought us to exactly where we’re at, for better or worse. In any case, we stand at the end of the Pluto in Capricorn era, and soon will begin to experience the dawning of the coming Pluto in Aquarius era.
The 2022 Capricorn and Aquarius transits began a new chapter of utilizing forms of personal power in Capricorn to serve the emerging Aquarian ideal. A huge part of the past died earlier this year and a new expansive inspired energy came in via the Mars conjunction with Jupiter in Aries. Sagittarius transits are excellent for all things which began in Aries, as it quickens the potential and productively specializes what Saturn has taught during its time in late Aquarius with its lessons of management.
Our wisdom is taking shape through our power to attain freedom of movement despite limiting conditions. We have been through a time of finding “spiritual linkage through emotional stress” and “the blessings which come after the end of old ways” since June, and now stand on the threshold of transfiguration. Find your heart strength and open to finding new forms of genuine happiness appropriate for who you are now, and who you are becoming relative to just a few months ago.
We’ve ended many things and began a new expression these past five months; the past is over and we all have begun our trek into a new world of new potential, new adventures, and new ways to enjoy being ourselves, doing our work of Destiny. Open to the abundance of the process of growth, since we are all on a rocket ship to the stars!
Since I also include this in the newsletter, I’ll offer it to you here:
SUN – 10 Sagittarius to 10 Capricorn
MERCURY – 22 Sagittarius to 25 Capricorn
VENUS – 19 Sagittarius to 27 Capricorn
MARS – 19 Gemini back to 10 Gemini
JUPITER – 29 Pisces to 2 Aries
SATURN – 20 to 23 Aquarius
URANUS – 17 to 16 Taurus
NEPTUNE – 23 Pisces (all month)
PLUTO – 27 to 28 Capricorn
CHIRON – 13 to 12 Aries
TRUE NORTH NODE – 14 to 12 Taurus
(Bold entries are the ingresses, stations, and lunations. Non-bold are significant aspects.)
MERCURY OPPOSED MARS; November 29 at 20 Sagittarius/Gemini
VENUS OPPOSED MARS; November 30 at 19 Sagittarius/Gemini
MERCURY SQUARE NEPTUNE; December 1 at 23 Sagittarius/Pisces
NEPTUNE STATIONARY DIRECT; December 3 at 23 Pisces
VENUS SQUARE NEPTUNE; December 3 at 23 Sagittarius/Pisces
SUN TRINE CHIRON; December 3 at 13 Sagittarius/Aries
MERCURY SQUARE JUPITER; December 5 at 30 Sagittarius/Pisces
FULL MOON; December 7; Sun 17 Sagittarius; Moon 17 Gemini
SUN OPPOSED MARS; December 7 at 17 Sagittarius/Gemini
VENUS SQUARE JUPITER; December 9 at 30 Sagittarius/Pisces
MERCURY ENTERS SHADOW ZONE; December 12 at 9 Capricorn
SUN SQUARE NEPTUNE; December 14 at 23 Sagittarius/Pisces
MERCURY SQUARE CHIRON; December 14 at 12 Capricorn/Aries
MERCURY TRINE URANUS; December 17 at 16 Capricorn/Taurus
VENUS SQUARE CHIRON; December 19 at 12 Capricorn/Aries
SUN SQUARE JUPITER; December 21 at 1 Capricorn/Aries
VENUS TRINE URANUS; December 22 at 16 Capricorn/Taurus
CHIRON STATIONARY DIRECT; December 23 at 12 Aries
NEW MOON; December 23; Sun and Moon at 2 Capricorn
MERCURY STATIONARY RETROGRADE; December 29 at 25 Capricorn
VENUS CONJUNCT PLUTO; December 31 at 28 Capricorn
SUN SQUARE CHIRON; January 1 at 12 Capricorn/Aries
Again, please consider joining Astrology Arizona to get all this and more delivered to your email inbox at the beginning of each month. And members get to advertise their business on our website!
© Copyright 2022 Robert Wilkinson