by Robert Wilkinson
As I have Sun, Mercury, Mars, and the Midheaven in Aries and have known countless Aries throughout my life, I can state absolutely that people with a lot of Aries in their charts despise betrayal, lies, and treachery. Aries loathes these things more than any other failing, because Aries is straightforward and we expect others to also be straightforward. Today we’ll take a new look at why this sign despises treachery in the light of a remarkable quote from one of history's great philosophers.
This originated in a conversation with someone who has as much Aries in their chart as I have. Because we have a lot of Aries action going on right now, I figured it might be a good reprise. My friend was frustrated because she was dealing with people who weren’t as candid and honest as she is. She felt Aries is an “innocent” sign, for better or worse, and that is why we get disappointed when others aren’t as innocent in their motive and actions as we Aries are.
I noted at the time that I have great love and respect for evolved Aries, but also have had to deal with other Aries who were very difficult. Unevolved Aries don’t listen to anyone, and those I’ve hired in the past to do jobs did the job they wanted to do, not the job I wanted them to do. I also offered that we may not be innocent as much as straightforward and unedited, which can lead us to be disappointed in people who are not as honest as we are.
Aries usually can't conceal very much, as we wear our opinion on our face. People with Sun in Aries as a rule are not duplicitous, since we are seldom able to hide anything. We don't like trickery, we don't like gaslighting, we don't like dissembling, and we don't like mixed signals.
We are always in forward motion, seldom stand still for any length of time, and are the carriers of 10,000 seeds which we spread but seldom stick around to cultivate. That's for Taurus and the other signs. It's enough for us to be there first with the seeds, and then off to the next field to plant. We do our own thing in our own way, and expect others to do that as well.
Aries people have no problem with disagreement, even though we easily argue and challenge when we feel someone is wrong. What Aries has a problem with is betrayal. We loathe it like few other things, and for good reason. Aries don’t like people with guile, as they can be deceptive and untrustworthy. Whether you like Aries or not, that sign is not deceptive or untrustworthy. We may be abrupt, blunt, and even abrasive, but we are honest and straightforward and as good as our word.
We can "agree to disagree" with anyone for just about any reason, but don't try to gaslight us. It just irritates us and we want to be somewhere else immediately. Healthy Aries seeks externalization through idealistic Libra. We see things "as they are," and want to know what we can do to "make it better." If we can't see what to do in a situation, then we're off to somewhere more active.
All of us have Aries somewhere in our charts. Those houses, and any planets we may have in Aries, are where we learn Aries lessons and play out our ability to use Aries energies the best we're able. Our Aries sector is where we spontaneously express ourselves, without editing. Initiating Fire doesn't wait for permission! The house where you have Aries is where you are most spontaneously yourself, freed from social considerations.
Aries often err by believing that others will be as honest as we are, and are surprised when others do not like direct unedited opinions. Of course, we usually push back on their desire for us not to express ourselves. Like us or don't, we are absolutely "what you see is what you get." That's why we will always be ourselves. The rub is, to paraphrase the legendary Grant Lewi, "since you will be yourself, then your task is to be the best self you're able to be."
In that process we rub many the wrong way, but we never mean any harm, since we're already down the road being Self-initiating Fire. We are sincerely ourselves, living our lives on our own terms, assuming that others are as well. Aries' sincerity is legendary. That why Aries loathes betrayal, lies, and duplicity.
I found a perfect quote describing our extreme reaction to and aversion to those who would betray, who would lie and deceive by pretending to be what they're not, or telling us something while concealing crucial information that could lead to major problems in our lives. The quote is from one considered to be one of the great philosophers the Western World has ever produced, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.
For your consideration, a profound thought:
"I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you."
Pattern is pattern, and once we're clear about a pattern then we're responsible for our relationship with that pattern. To note an old saw, "Fool me once, fooey on you. Fool me twice, fooey on me." Or to quote the imperial court jester of 20 years ago, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me … can't get fooled again."
As an Aries, I can state from hard experience that once someone betrays us, it’s better not to look back, or fall into the illusion that they won’t do it again, since if it can be done to us once it could be done to us again. This correlates with my belief that true forgiveness only happens when the abuse stops. If we walk on, refusing to dance with insincere or duplicitous people, we are free to dance with those who are sincere and honest.
These are a few things to remember as we move through the world of impermanent situations that may not be as they seem. The only consideration my Jupiter in Pisces can offer to my Aries need to “walk on” is that sometimes the liars and betrayers were just deluded, we believed them, and now we should never believe them again lest it happen again in a different form. And that would be tedious and a drag.
I’ll close with two thoughts regarding spontaneity. The first is don’t wait to tell others you love and care for them, expecting nothing in return, since you wouldn’t want the moment to slip away without speaking your heart. Aries may be impulsive, but that can bring forth your heart in the moment. The second comes from The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyam written in 1859, which cautions us against thoughtless speech:
The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
Aries helps us walk on into the unknown future, self-initiating, self-reliant, always moving forward, since there is nothing “back there” to return to. We can only move forward in life, in relationships, in knowledge, in experience, and in hope for a better future. Whether with others or alone we walk on. That’s Aries.
(Thanks for the inspiration and memory, Irene.)
© Copyright 2023 Robert Wilkinson