by Robert Wilkinson
This Solar eclipse will be fairly favorable, helping us turn corners while seeing greater truths and reaping significant rewards in years to come. Because there have been so many articles posted over the past 2 weeks, I figured you might like them all assembled in this one stop shop. Even if you've already read them once, I'm sure a second read will give you even more insights than the first time!
This one was the first in the series and covered a lot of lore and explanations about what Solar eclipses are and why there’s nothing to fear by what they take away.
What Are Solar Eclipses and Why Are They Feared?
This one covered the NASA statistics on the eclipse, where the shadow fell, which nations and signs are most affected, and for how long. It also contains links to article for all Solar eclipses since 2011.
Astrology in April 2023 - On The Threshold of a Hybrid Solar Eclipse at 30 Aries
In the middle of that article, I posted a link to these two important articles about eclipses which I didn’t post as separate articles this year. If you didn’t see them, take a new look, since there’s a lot of information about eclipses in general, how much is fate and how much is free will, and an explanation of how past solar eclipses affected me personally.
Solar and Lunar Eclipses Pt. 1 - Is Any Eclipse Destined to Have Bad Effects?
Solar and Lunar Eclipses Pt. 2 - Past Solar Eclipses Brought Me New Lives
This one recapped what was covered so far, and began the overview with an explanation of the influence of the Nodes and a few key aspects to keep in mind related to your charts.
The Hybrid Solar Eclipse of April 2023 at 30 Aries Pt. 1 - Who Does It Affect and for How Long?
This finished the overview, and elaborated about Jupiter and Saturn at this point in time, the rulerships of the planets in the chart, and a look back at the larger Cap/Aquarius cycles affecting us all.
This article covers significant aspects, evolutionary configurations, degree symbols, the Jones pattern, and other important factors in this New Moon Solar eclipse.© Copyright 2023 Robert Wilkinson