by Robert Wilkinson
Today we take a look at important Sabian Symbols, aspects, and other factors in play the next three weeks as Mercury is retrograde in Taurus.
This Mercury retrograde begins at 1:35 am PDT on April 21. The retrograde moves from 16 Taurus back to 6 Taurus, with the Inferior conjunction of Mercury and the Sun occurring at 12 Taurus on May 1. As this retrograde begins in the second decan of Taurus it deals with the emotional and social levels of life, and has a sub-influence of Virgo with an added dose of the Moon.
In Taurus we’ll get a look back at our knowledge quest and Soul evolution in play related to whatever individualizing impulses Uranus awakened May 2022 which was highly activated between December 2022 and March 2023. These themes will be expanded by Jupiter beginning August 2023, and will be a source of Jupiterian experience from then through late March 2024.
The beginning of the RX period gives us a new look at how we need to be able to use our spiritual wisdom in news ways, or perhaps get a different take on how we’ve been substantiating something the past year. Expect returns of memories of prior building experiences, where you linked with others to do something of value.
Because of the sign involved, it could mark the return of old memories of spiritual fullness but also a degree of isolation, or perhaps of having more knowledge than could be put to use. It could bring a new understanding of what we value and why we value it, or why we enjoy what we enjoy how we enjoy it. Take a new look at how to got to whatever you feel doesn’t work any more, and remember opening the mind-windows and letting some sunshine and fresh air into our understanding is often what we need. This brings insights from a different angle in the life area(s) where we have Taurus.
Mercury RX in any Earth sign is extraordinarily organizational and grounded, so there’s always the possibility that your renewed ideas about what you enjoy and why you enjoy it could come from in some roundabout way. Mercury RX in Earth is harmonious with its Virgo nature. You can bet we’ll all have a new understanding of the value we bring to joint building enterprises and how to create something solid with our spiritual Brothers and Sisters by the time Mercury is finally out of its shadow zone on May 31.
The Sabian Symbol for Mercury’s Stationary Retrograde Degree
The Sabian symbol for the 16th degree of Taurus is “An old man attempting vainly to reveal the Mysteries.” In the Astrology of Personality, where Rudhyar uses the original Dr. Jones' class notes on the symbols, he states this degree is about “conscious possession of more knowledge and potentiality than can be used,” “great inner fullness,” and “spiritual loneliness.”
In "The Astrological Mandala he states this degree is about “the inadequacy of past knowledge in a time of crisis.” He goes on to say this part of the zodiac deals with the “emergence of new developments” where “traditional concepts are not adequate to confirm the new conditions of existence.”
He offers that “even the most consecrated tradition does not have the real answer to the problem,” and that “from the Zen point of view the mind facing trouble should not depend on past concepts but should repeat “Not this! Not that!” until the pure Void is reached.” He states this degree falls in the Span of Enjoyment, and is the first degree in the Scene of Confirmation on the actional and material level of the Act of Differentiation.
Dr. Marc E Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, says this is a degree of “the need to share whatever may be the ultimate substance of selfhood, as brought here to a personal realization on the intellectual side.” He says this degree implies “an awakening to a transient inadequacy, and a stirring to the effort which of itself is a promise of fulfillment once the proper conditions have been established.”
He offers that “There is revolt against inertia which threatens the very core of selfhood.” He offers us the keyword PERTINACITY, and states that when operating in a positive manner, this degree is “the uncompromising integrity of higher vision and an unshakeable determination to dramatize it.”
So the focus of this retrograde requires us to see how we may have “awakened to a transient inadequacy” in the past, or may need to rouse ourselves against “an inertia” which takes us away from our center of power. This is a Mercurial platform to review what we will again have to deal with in September, so take a new look at finding new ways, new ideas, new methods of communicating wisdom or knowledge.
Behind the Scenes in this Taurus Retrograde
While in Taurus, Mercury is ruled by Venus in Gemini. As Venus is ruled by Mercury it sets up a powerful “mutual reception” which is a self-reinforcing closed energy loop. As only Neptune is in its home sign of Pisces, that means Mercury and Venus rule all the other planets. This will shift when Venus enters Cancer on May 7, after which Venus will be ruled by the Moon, and therefore the backdrop energy will shift ever few days.
Aspects and the Sun and Moon
In this retrograde station chart, the primary aspects to/from Mercury include the very tight conjunction with the Moon which carries the light forward and includes the conjunction with Uranus. So this Taurus stellium dominates this retrograde. Other significant aspects include a sextile to Mars, a quintile to Saturn, and a semisquare to Neptune and a wide forming biseptile to Pluto.
Besides these, other major aspects in play in the retrograde chart show the Sun quintile Mars, sextile Saturn, and square Pluto, with Mars binovile Jupiter, sextile Uranus and tredecile Neptune. This retrograde is about finding new understanding, seeing timeless truths, cleaning out old interpretations, mastering discouragement, and letting go of the ghosts of the past.
The Moon is at 16 Taurus in a New Moon phase, showing a time of instinctive activity, but with an eye to figuring out a new way to enjoy or value things. This is another “back to the future” retrograde, as Mercury is anticipating what Jupiter will bring this Autumn. So this is a look back to see the future before it happens.
As the Moon is exactly conjunct Mercury and both are ruled by Venus at 12 Gemini, perhaps we’ll get flashbacks (or more likely flash forwards!) related to our need to shed some ghosts and memories of old struggles, or have to see what we must conform to in order to secure our ability to move forward. With the Moon making all the same aspects as Mercury, this will be a productive retrograde, even with delays and reconsiderations.
The Sun is at 1 Taurus, a degree of emergence from source, with power and pure potentiality to fulfill whatever has come into being. This role is about “pure Being” knowing how to sustain itself. As it’s conjunct the North Node, many will be pulled toward “their pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.”
Short Term Past and Future Triggers
During this Mercury retrograde period, pay attention to the roundabout signs and signals you’re receiving about past and present times you need(ed) to turn your focus to other angles of understanding how to relate and who to relate to (or not!). These lessons will be illuminated when the Sun crosses this degree around May 5/6. The themes of 16 Taurus through 6 Taurus will become a source of Jupiterian vision, truth, or expansion between early June and the March Equinox 2024. Of note is that Jupiter goes SRX at 16 Taurus, and goes SD at 6 Taurus, the exact degrees of this retrograde. That implies many of the retrograde themes and lessons will produce “karmic activation” throughout the Summer, Autumn, and Winter.
Looking Forward
A retrograde is always a great time to see things we didn’t understand before, or perhaps reclaim something from the past. Here we take a look back and reconsider or renew how we realized when we needed new information, understanding, or approaches in the past. Perhaps we’ll see new ways to apply our values and resources, or at least see what new values and resources will bring us what we want. Many will recall times in the past when they reorganized spiritually, emotionally and socially, and found themselves more secure in material ways.
We can now take a new look when “the Guide of Souls” takes us within where we can see what parts of the past don’t work any more, whether in terms of ideas and interpretations or feelings. This will be a revolutionary retrograde, with the expansion of metaphoric “earthquakes” as Jupiter rocks and rolls over this degree span. It will be direct over this span between early June and early September, retrograde across this same span from early September through December 30, and then move forward one last time from New Year’s Eve through March 25.
Remember Mercury retrogrades are great times for moving things forward which were stalled or delayed up to that point, so some things will no doubt make progress, given the numerous favorable aspects between planets in Earth signs.
This retrograde allows us to take a different view of things while the generally productive period works over time. Because the planets are widely distributed among half the signs, with a cluster between Jupiter at 25 Aries and Uranus at 18 Taurus, that’ll be the focus of the retrograde activity in your chart. While things will still be slowing through the end of April, Venus ruling the retrograde should assist through providing information and flexibility.
As with all Mercury retrogrades, some projects may have to be postponed, or a new way found to make something be more relevant to our current life. This can give us insights into why we need to get a new angle of seeing things, going inward rather than keep going in unfulfilling directions. All of us will get glimpses of how our past experiences and choices since the last Mercury retrograde have led us to a new view of the greater Capricorn and Aquarian work going on since 2020.
This period gives us yet another look at or understanding of how to shape our world view as an active participant in co-creating some part of the vision we pursue. See different ways of relating to Self, to others, and to Source. Just remember that because of the RX quality, it may a) take a roundabout way to get there, b) require a delay before we understand what these things are about, or c) we’ll see how our Taurus sector or planets needs reconsideration in the context of the larger Aquarius and Capricorn training. If necessary, connect the dots or renew how you express your Wisdom in an inspired way.
In general, these are excellent periods to find a new angle of perspective on what we need to coordinate our lives to express our Soul, and revise and/or renew some things from the past. I gave you a lot about the themes of this retrograde period in prior articles in this series, so please check them out when you’re done here. Links at the bottom of this post.
In the next article in the series, I’ll give you how this retrograde will impact every sign and birthday. For now, please review what I’ve written so far, since it’s rich with material which can help you navigate the next three weeks and come out more aware of how you can contribute to a greater good in the world.
A New Look At Mercury Retrograde
If you want to know what we can expect from Mercury retrograde in Taurus, as well as all the other signs and houses, if you haven't already gotten your copy, please consider getting my award-winning 2nd edition of A New Look At Mercury Retrograde.
The first major work on Mercury retrograde ever written, it offers in-depth information about Mercury retrograde people, Mercury retrograde in the various signs and houses, and what the entire Mercury Retrograde phenomenon is about. If you want to know what we can expect from Mercury retrograde in any sign or house position, it’s all in there.
Here's the Amazon link to the page where you can purchase a paperback edition of A New Look at Mercury Retrograde. You can also get a Kindle ebook at that site. NOTE: make sure you’re buying the second edition with the award sticker on the cover, and not the first edition originally published by Weiser. The edition you want is published by Fifth Ray Publishing.
Previous articles in this series:
A New Look at the Guide of Souls - Mercury Retrograde in Taurus April-May 2023
Mercury Retrograde in Taurus in April-May 2023 - An Overview
The Guide of Souls in April 2023 - Mercury Slowing Down, Preparing to go Retrograde at 16 Taurus
Copyright © 2023 Robert Wilkinson