by Robert Wilkinson
I’ve noted a lot of people in confusion or trying to push the river recently. While this happens often, I can’t help but note “the law of unintended consequences” in play, with efforts often going in a totally different direction than expected. And then I remembered….
The fact is, right now we have Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto retrograde! This isn’t necessarily “bad,” but it’s clearly NOT a time to push anything. Retrogrades are good for dealing with things from the past, finishing things postponed for whatever reason, and reviewing and reflecting on plans before resuming work after some of these retrogrades turn a new direction.
Yes, Venus is about to go direct, but I’ve found planetary stations seem to amplify the retrograde quality, so while Venus has been speeding up since its Inferior Conjunction with the Sun a while ago, it’s still has a retrograde feel. And while Jupiter is technically still direct, it’s on its retrograde station and so is also a retrograde energy, especially because it’s going retrograde on the exact degree Mercury went retrograde on in mid-April. So it’s not only going RX, it’s reminding us of a previous planetary retrograde!
Of course, this is a passing matter, since by early September Venus will be direct and picking up speed, with Mercury picking up speed from that point after its Inferior conjunction with the Sun the same time Venus goes direct. Pluto goes direct in early October, and Saturn goes direct in early November. So by 10 weeks from now, we’ll again be back to a somewhat “normal” 3 planets retrograde instead of the current SEVEN.
The only other observations that have come to mind is there seems to be a widespread Neptunian delusion of abundance via its recent RX station at 28 Pisces. While many things are possible, sometimes we have to wait for the right time for the conditions to be good to move forward. We also have to learn that what is right for one may or may not be right for another, and just because someone is shouting that we should/shouldn’t do something doesn’t mean it’s appropriate to do or not do that. Insisting the tide should change will not make it change.
Part of being human is to learn that we cannot go beyond certain boundaries until we’ve learned those lessons, as I explain in my book Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend. We all have to learn the value of restraint, of holding back our instincts, if we would train our mind and desires to fulfill our higher purpose. There are reasons for the boundaries of our existence, because within them we learn until it’s time to transcend them and move into a larger field of experience where we encounter another boundary.
So if things seem to be swirling in contradictory directions, or you’re feeling like it’s not yet time to do something, you’re on target. Use this time to reflect, review, rehearse, or take a new look at some things from the past which have been on hold. Do they need to be resumed, or should things take a new direction at the right time? Give yourself a couple of weeks to figure things out, and then engage warp drive! May the Source be with you!
© Copyright 2023 Robert Wilkinson