by Robert Wilkinson
I recently saw a Dr. Seuss imitation on the title subject which was very cynical. While it was supposed to be funny, I began imagining a retort from another angle of aging. So for your consideration, my answer to “The Golden Years can kiss my ass!”
Professor Robert The Silver Cat On Aging
Yet I can still hear
And I can still see
Yes I can still walk
Know what to let be
I can still read
And still drive a car
I still pay my bills
And hitched a ride on a star
I can still call a friend
And see beautiful smiles
Mostly troubles are past
As are many life trials
Though my body is aging
I’m doing all right
Not too grumpy or sad
With a lot of foresight
So cheer up you elders
This isn’t a bad place
To learn how to love
At a radiant face
Tough luck to the cynics
Who don’t know how to age
Growing old ain’t for sissies
As you become your own Sage
Sing and dance as you can
Love each hour as new
Surf life with a smile
Each day’s a new you!
© Copyright 2023 Robert Wilkinson