by Robert Wilkinson
Over the years, many have asked me how to know their Soul. They wanted to know how to hear their Soul’s message, and how to live a more Soul-ful existence in the midst of the pain of the world. Today we explore a small piece of this huge topic.
I suppose I should begin by reminding everyone that we ARE a Soul having a human experience. We have a body, feelings, and a mind, but we ARE a Soul/Spirit whose nature is to be loving, wise, and intelligent. While each Soul is unique unto itself, we also share an infinite field of Loving Light with all other Beings in our world. We are never separate, even for an instant, from each other or the greater field of Loving Light in which we live and have our Being.
We share a timeless loving bond with all those who help us experience a greater love, whether as children, adults, or elders. Our task throughout life is to BE the love we are and always have been. As we grow in our love and ability to give and receive love, we also understand we are not separate from others, and just as we share their joy and they share ours, we also share their grief and they share ours.
The oneness of Life is a fact, and we all live within that one life. That’s why as we grow in awareness, we feel all there is to feel. And because life is painful and there is widespread violence and misery, we all feel that as well. Even if what we’re feeling isn’t personal, we still have to yield to our feelings if we are to heal ourselves and demonstrate our ability to be of comfort to others who grieve the death of a loved one or the pain of the world. Every time we face the pain of existence with courage and compassion, we expand our heart strength and our ability to live in the midst of the blinding pain of the world and remain compassionate Spiritual Warriors in the midst of a great pandemic sorrow.
To that end, we must all learn the value of healthy grief, as well as techniques to process our grief so we may participate in the healing of the world’s grief. I have written about this for many years, and today I’ll share something I gave the world over 20 years ago from a little book I wrote about how to heal profound, life shattering grief.
Make no mistake. If we feel at all, we will feel both our personal grief of our losses, as well as the grief of other people and the collective global grief of a world which believes violence will bring peace, and killing will bring satisfaction. Of course these are collective delusions, since one cannot be at war with life and still find a lasting peace. So if you’ve been feeling sad lately, it’s a normal response to a collective sorrow and outrage at so much useless killing.
I know the grief of losing loved ones. We all do. Every January 9 I share a little of my journey through the valley of the shadow of death and grief with you, in the hope that as we share our stories of loss we won’t feel so powerless and alone in our time together here on an impermanent world.
Since it seems that so many are grieving the personal loss of a friend, a job, or a way of life, as well as picking up on the collective despair and grief of the ongoing carnage here and abroad, today we’ll take a new look at what can be done as we move through the deep and heavy feelings in the collective field. It helps to remember that we are Souls and share a deep bond of timeless Love with many others. As we live this Love, we destroy the roots of loneliness, frustration, and isolation.
Here’s a small piece from my book Love Dad – Healing the Grief of Losing A Stillborn. From Chapter 10, “The Soul Can Heal Your Grief,” a piece of the section titled “Soul Bonds.”
I believe we Souls are individually radiant sentient spheres of love. We are timeless, changing, evolving beings. It is on that level of Soul that our relationships with our loved ones exist. I envision that we are overlapping radiant love, touching each other in a deep intermingled way, living our lives in an infinite sea of energy we call Love. Humanness is a life-long challenge to integrate our body, emotions and mind so we may wisely and lovingly express our Soul-Spirit.The body has its physical requirements when experiencing death and loss. Tensions must be released while maintaining nourishment and rest. The emotions must be honored, worked with, resolved, and transmuted. The mind must come to its own understanding and peace. Soul-Spirit knows on its own level of consciousness and will teach us if we listen to the whispers of our heart’s inner voice. This requires silence, stillness, and the willingness to go deeply into self. It is why distractions can set the whole process back and why prayer and meditation help.
This is the usefulness of solitude. Periods of solitude and contemplation are renewing, and enable us to experience ourselves apart from the transitory. This can lead us to a deeper awareness and a greater fulfillment.
To focus on deep issues also requires concentration. Concentration is usually best done in solitude. Periods of solitude and inward turning of the consciousness can lead to very deep self-understandings. Solitude, when wisely used, never leads to melancholy. Instead, it allows us to open to a more grounded sense of personal value and purpose through self-communion -- being one’s own best friend and companion.
This involves merging our inner truth with our outer nature. Eventually, by connecting with and integrating the deepest parts of ourselves, we can experience an authentic and vast harmony with all that lives. As we embrace and allow this form of higher love to come forth, the power of our Soul becomes manifest as a deep, loving calm and sense of peace that radiates to all others within our Soul-field.
You can find out more about various elements of grief, what healthy grief is, and why it’s essential to our well-being by going to my most recent January 9 article, Life and Death, Interruptions, Presumptions, and Always Hope, where you will find links to each of the 17 articles on this profound subject.
And if you want to go to the link for the first article in the series where I opened the door to such subjects as the universality of grief, common elements in the grieving process, the interior world of grief, what healthy grief looks like, the healing timeline, and a little from the sections in the book titled “Love As the Ultimate Healer” and “The Quest,” here’s ”Love Dad – Bereavement, Grief, and Healing After A Significant Death.”
Anger will not heal our grief. Outrage will not heal our grief. Screaming at those who disagree with us will not heal our grief. Justifications will not heal our grief. “Being right” will not heal our grief.
Only learning to listen to our hearts with infinite compassion for ourselves as a suffering Being in a suffering human race will allow us to begin our healing. As we heal we help in the healing of the world. Amid the noise the still small inner voice shows us the way to know the infinite Love we all experience when we get our mind out of the way of our Soul. Amid the illusions the inner Flame shows us the way to the light.
Knowing the power of the Heart helps us navigate the fogs of hate and fear to find our Spiritual Warrior who never wants to fight but will always be unconquered in any fight. Healthy grief helps us enter into the bleeding heart of humanity where we find we are one with all who have grieved since the beginning of time. Then we will know our part to play in the Oneness of Life which we all share together, free to shine our light of love to all others and ourselves as we move through the noise and illusions.
We are here to break the link between pain and suffering. While life in an impermanent reality is often painful, we do not have to suffer. And while death is a fact of life, love is stronger than death. My peace be with you.
© Copyright 2023 Robert Wilkinson