by Robert Wilkinson
Yes, we’re headed into the “eye of the hurricane” as the Sun exactly conjuncts Mars over the next week! While it’s exact on Nov 17/18, because an aspect is far stronger when just separating than when it’s forming, be very thoughtful, intentional, and cautious while also learning to “tune into the flow” via the trines to Neptune!
Sun and Mars both trine Neptune is exceptionally favorable for strengthening intuition and connectedness with the Life/Light field. This allows a clear signal between the Light and the collective, strengthened by the Sun and Mars both sextile Pluto through November 23. That sextile should make things move efficiently in a natural way.
Because the sextiles and trines all fall at the end of their signs, this period is extremely favorable for any planets or points we have in the last 5 degrees of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces. It may or may not be easy, due to the intensity of Sun conjunct Mars, but it should make things perfectly clear, from the core to the outermost limit.
Also remember that Venus in Libra is tracking the Sun and Mars in a long term semisquare, so She is providing internal challenges which are recalibrating our responses on a day to day basis. Combined with the Sun/Mars, this is putting enormous pressure on planets or points near 9-13 Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, as well as 24-28 Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. If you have something in these zones, either go slow or quicken the pace, whichever is appropriate.
Because the Moon is in Capricorn and Aquarius through November 20, we should be able to accomplish a lot through organized activity which brings us closer to the Aquarian ideal unfolding in our lives since 2021. However, as the Moon squares the Sun and Mars in the night of November 19 and in Europe on the morning of November 20, there may be friction and diversions or blockages which require a pleasant attitude and real heart strength! That will bring stress to planets we have in late Taurus or late Leo.
By November 22 we move into a new phase with the Sun’s entry into Sagittarius immediately squaring Saturn with Mars immediately following and squaring Saturn from November 24-27. That requires we curb aggression or assertiveness and see the big picture and/or the humor in what we confront. Add Mercury quincunx Uranus and adjust as best you can. In any case, the third and fourth weeks of the month will be HEAVY.
For more about this Sun conjunct Mars and previous Sun/Mars cycles, here are two articles I recently posted:
Sun Conjunct Mars – Sun-Mars Cycles and Mars Retrograde Periods 2000-2027
Sun Conjunct Mars in Scorpio in November 2023 – Mobilized Efficient Adaptation
© Copyright 2023 Robert Wilkinson