by Robert Wilkinson
Yes, we have friction and turning points, culminations and new directions promised by these squares! As you know, I have found squares to be powerful integrators, challenging “right action” even in the midst of incredible tension at times. These two squares are a caution to go slow.
Both of these powerful squares will be exact between November 23 and 26, so be very mindful these next few days! As they happen from 1 Sagittarius to Saturn at 1 Pisces, it obviously will most affect those with a planet or point between 28 Taurus-3 Gemini, 28 Leo-3 Virgo, 28 Scorpio-3 Sagittarius, and 28 Aquarius-3 Pisces. If you have something important in any of these zones, expect powerful releases or the need to go in a new direction, or even back down and back away from something which may be exaggerated or over-extended.
The Sun in a waning square to Saturn is a culmination of “the Light of Responsibility” or “the Light of Understanding” on a spiritual level, and the fulfillment of an old limitation, duty, or fear on the denser levels of life. This cycle began in mid-February with the Sun conjunct Saturn at 28 Aquarius, showing this has been a year to take responsibility for planning for the future, working with foresight, and partnering with Nature to prepare for something which assures us a supply down the road.
Even though the waning square to the original conjunction is at 28 Scorpio, this transit to transit square shows a blocking of an old Saturn pulse, or the turning of a corner relative to whatever this cycle has been about this year. We are told by Marc Edmund Jones that this aspect is one of turning away from lesser things and accepting more important duties. If you’re losing interest in something, turn to something which provides you opportunities for healthy self-sacrifice and taking the reins or accepting a greater work.
Mars in a waning square to Saturn is the culmination of “responsible action” or “action constrained by responsibilities.” Like the Sun, this also represents the fulfillment of an old limitation, duty, or fear, but with the added caution to make sure you’re not out on a proverbial limb, and if you are, crawl back down and stop pushing.
This is an intemperate aspect; Grand Lewi speaks about it being an aspect of “bad judgment,” where things can go too long too much, or too far out. If you have to make or execute a plan under this aspect, STOP and consider the potential flaws. He mainly says to be cautious rather than reckless, moderate rather than forceful, and be willing to be happy with what’s been accomplished rather than go beyond a safe boundary or limit.
As it’s transit to transit, whatever happens at this time is definitely the result of bad judgment or over-estimating or under-estimating something. So if some things get a bit crunchy or frictional, just back away and let it be for a while, unless it’s the end of a long and frustrating slog, in which case bless the endings and walk on in a new direction.
This Mars/Saturn cycle began in April 2022 when Mars conjuncted Saturn at 23 Aquarius, a degree of training so we could “pick up and deliver spiritual power” beginning June 2022. That training is now fulfilled, so expect a bit more relaxation as Mars closes in, headed for its next conjunction with Saturn at 15 Pisces in mid-April, kicking off another two year Mars/Saturn cycle. As that takes what we’ve trained for and turns it into a “dress rehearsal,” I’d say we have had a ton of action in our late Aquarius sector up to now, and are about to begin a long period of activity in our Pisces sector by the Spring.
In any case, go slow, bring things to completion, and see those you meet at this time as “comrades in arms” who will be working with you in the future. Saturn’s teaching us life is a marketplace where we practice give and take in our interactions. The Sun and Mars are opening a new adventure. The voids involve discovering an understanding of what is beneath the surface of everyday life, as well as an ability to discern the whole from the most important parts. So don’t get scattered or too nitpicky as you close an old set of responsibilities and move into a wider life adventure!
© Copyright 2023 Robert Wilkinson