by Robert Wilkinson
Because we’re literally in the thick of several very powerful oppositions, as well as other major changes, here are 6 articles which have already slipped downstream.
We just had Mercury square Saturn yesterday, and are moving through an exact Mars opposed Uranus today and Sun opposed Uranus on Monday! (The Sun is also conjunct Mars for at least two weeks to come, and those articles will post on Monday and Tuesday!)
Here’s the article outlining this period and how to maneuver through it.
Astrology Weather Report for November 2023 – Squares and Oppositions Ahead!
A few days ago I posted this review of an excellent book which I can wholeheartedly recommend to anyone and everyone who wants to explore “the Science of the Soul.” This will help you identify specific Soul qualities and embrace them as part of your daily life.
Quest For Presence Book 2 - The Soulful Capacities - A Book Review
Our recent Solar eclipse will have effects lasting for years, and the Lunar eclipse will be very strong the next few months.
Because eclipses all remove people, things, ideas, and potentials from our lives, we all have to learn to manage the losses and how to let go with grace and thoughtful responses. This will help everyone trying to deal with the past or disappointments.
Solar Eclipse Losses and Letting Go of the Past
Venus just entered Libra!
The Magic of Venus November-December 2023 - Venus In Libra Brings Balance and Beauty
And Mercury just entered Sagittarius!
Astrology in November and December 2023 and January 2024 - Mercury In Sagittarius
See you soon with the articles on Mars’ entry into Sagittarius and more!
© Copyright 2023 Robert Wilkinson