by Robert Wilkinson
At 6:07 am PST January 20, the Sun will begin to occupy the first degree of Aquarius, vitalizing and illuminating the Grand Mutation conjunction at that degree! This begins the “enlightened building of an ideal.” And at 4:50 pm PST that day, Pluto re-enters Aquarius and sets global transformation into motion!
We’ve now completed the third year of a 20 year Aquarian era, and a 200 year Air era. This transit of the Sun revitalizes the December 2020 Solstice conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn and gives new power to the vision we’ve pursued this past year.
When Jupiter conjuncted Saturn in December 2020 the initial Saturn pulse began its process of expansion. That’s what’s in motion. That energy is renewed every year by the Sun, Mercury, and Venus, and every two years by Mars. Each of these sets a new iteration of the building toward a collective ideal” into motion.
This year, we have a quadruple trigger as the Sun, then Mercury, then Mars, and then Venus all transit 1 Aquarius. While we just experienced the final Sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, in a few weeks we’ll see Mercury, Venus, and Mars each conjuncting Pluto at 1 Aquarius, beginning a new period of sprouting 1 Aquarius “seed forms” via Pluto. That means this year we have a particularly intense infusion of energy into making those themes manifest.
These Aquarian cycles will transform our lives in countless ways, from our assumptions to how we work together to achieve common ideals. While many things won’t be perfect initially, mainly due to our inexperience in this new energy field coupled with the resistance to the evolutionary pulse from Uranus in Taurus, we’ll get beyond this conflict as the global consciousness moves out of the selfish density of Earth attitudes and embraces emerging synthesized Air understanding.
For your Review: Articles on the Grand Mutation and Pluto’s Entry into Aquarius
First, the Grand Mutation! What it was, how it set a 200 year cycle of Air conjunctions into motion, the acceleration of the Aquarius energies coming into manifestation, and the Sabian symbol for the conjunction.
The Grand Mutation of December 2020 at 1 Aquarius – Ushering In A New 200 Year Era
This is how the Grand Mutation affects different generations.
How Jupiter Conjunct Saturn at 1 Aquarius Affects Different Generations
This covers Pluto transits and lengths of stay from 50 years ago to 45 years from now, and how we are in a time which parallels the period of the American Revolutionary War. There’s also a section explaining why we are not yet in the Age of Aquarius, how it’s drawing closer by the year, and the competing Capricorn and Aquarian long wave cycles.
Pluto in Aquarius – 20 Years of Revolutionary Change Pt. 1
In this one, I speak of the differences between Pluto in Capricorn and Aquarius, what Dane Rudhyar and Marc Edmund Jones said about Pluto in Aquarius, various ways the energy will manifest in the world with an eye at the positive changes to come in future decades.
Pluto in Aquarius – 20 Years of Revolutionary Change Pt. 2
Here’s what I gave you a year ago when Pluto went stationary retrograde at 1 Aquarius. I speak of the long wave Pluto cycles set into motion the past few years, and how we are learning to manage our energies within a larger group situation while also offering our genius or specialized skills to the work.
Pluto Stationary Retrograde at 1 Aquarius – Sprouting the Seeds of The Grand Mutation
As I was finding these articles, I remembered this one which certainly bears a new read, since it covers what HPB said about the change of the Ages, some hints about Saturn’s role in this, and how we can become a conscious participant in the larger evolutionary tide sweeping our planet.
The Age of Aquarius, Saturn, the 21st Century, and HP Blavatsky.
© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson