by Robert Wilkinson
At 4:58 am PST February 5, Mercury conjuncts Pluto at the first degree of Aquarius, beginning a new Mercury/Pluto cycle on the exact degree of the Grand Mutation! This begins the “coordinated activity in building an ideal.” This is the first of the three inner planet conjunctions on this degree this month.
We’re now beginning the third year of a 20 year Aquarian era, and a 200 year Air era. This transit of Mercury brings a new iteration of the December 2020 Solstice conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn and gives new power to the vision we’ve pursued this past year.
When Jupiter conjuncted Saturn in December 2020 the initial Saturn pulse began its process of expansion. That’s what’s in motion. That energy is renewed every year by the Sun, Mercury, and Venus, and every two years by Mars. Each of these sets a new iteration of the "building toward a collective ideal” into motion.
This year, we have a triple trigger as Mercury, then Mars, and then Venus all transit 1 Aquarius in the next 12 days, with each conjuncting Pluto at that degree just after they enter the sign. These conjunctions each begin a new period of sprouting 1 Aquarius “seed forms” via Pluto. That means this year (thanks to Mars) we have a particularly intense infusion of energy into making those themes manifest.
These Aquarian cycles will transform our lives in countless ways, from our assumptions to how we work together to achieve common ideals. While many things won’t be perfect initially, mainly due to our inexperience in this new energy field coupled with the resistance to the evolutionary pulse from Uranus in Taurus, we’ll get beyond this conflict as the global consciousness moves out of the selfish density of Earth attitudes and embraces emerging synthesized Air understanding.
This makes for more complex experiences, as we won’t simply have Mercury experiences, but instead Mercury conjunct Pluto experiences! This cycle features the ability to give and receive information about the ongoing Aquarian “building an ideal” wave form in place due to the Grand Mutation. We’ll be able to see both in the large and in the particular, from a vast vision to seeing to the core of a given thing. This gives a penetrating insight of seed issues or seed power, and no doubt many will find their ideas will be revised in profound ways. This is the definition of “penetrating insight,” and is the first Mercury/Pluto conjunction in Aquarius for the next 20 years.
So at this time, Mercury expresses the larger Plutonic spiritual field force and we can get insights into the “spiritual mind of Pluto.” This is a time to face the future as we continue to say goodbye to old ways and views due to the realities at the core of what’s going on. By February 12, Mars will conjunct Pluto offering us “the power of Pluto” to initiate activity to fulfill the unfolding ideal, and on February 16/17 Venus will conjunct Pluto, bringing purified relationships to the fore over the next year.
If you want to know about Pluto in Aquarius and the widespread revolutionary change we’ve begun, please take a new look at Pluto in Aquarius – 20 Years of Revolutionary Change Pt 1 and Pluto in Aquarius – 20 Years of Revolutionary Change Pt. 2 These two articles outline what we can expect during this radical collective renewal and the sprouting of seeds of collective progress, preparing us for the revolutionary expansion coming after Jupiter conjuncts Pluto at the Angel Point in 2033 almost exactly 9 years from now!
Ultimately, we’re all opening to new ways of contributing to a better world, each according to where these conjunctions at 1 Aquarius fall in our chart. Wherever you have 1 Aquarius is going to be the focus of your spiritual work through Halloween 2040 with the next Jupiter/Saturn conjunction at 18 Libra. So while this 20 year period opens us to building a great ideal which can serve as a “spiritual touchstone” for others to admire or participate in, 2040-2060 will bring consequences for the human race as a whole, even as the blessings of 15 Aquarius dominate the Jupiter/Pluto cycle of 2033-2045.
See the great vision you’ve already begun to participate in, with another huge boost in clarity about the vision between Feb 12-17. Enjoy the Aquarian groundswell happening now, since it’s a huge wave lifting us all into the future!
© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson