by Robert Wilkinson
At 9:10 pm PST on February 4, Mercury will leave Capricorn on its journey and enter idealistic Aquarius, where it will occupy the exact degree of the Grand Mutation of December 2020 through 1 pm PST February 5. Mercury’s transit of this crucial degree gives us yet another sign, signal, or understanding about the 20 year era set into motion then.
This is the second inner planet entry into Aquarius this year, with Mars and then Venus following in mid-February. Mercury in Aquarius brings Fixed Air to the forefront of any planets or houses we have with Gemini or Virgo prominent. As Mercury is said to be “exalted” in Aquarius, it’s now in its “grounds of greatest development,” so open to seeing the bigger picture and how all the parts fit into a larger whole.
Mercury continues to accelerate toward maximum speed between now and its Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 10 Pisces at the end of the month. Because of Mercury’s fast pace, now is a very good time to move forward with projects, as the “coordinating principle” is now very fast with the ability to find information a lot quicker than when retrograde.
The themes of the December/January Mercury retrograde are still in play until the next SRX. That recent retrograde helped us take a new look at how we were shaped emotionally and socially, or how we accepted power or responsibility on those levels of life. We were mobilized in our early Capricorn sector to review and get a new sense of what our fulfillment might look or feel like.
Since Mercury went SD at 23 Sagittarius on January 1, we’ve all been influenced by its theme of “immigrants about to enter a new land.” We’re all in motion and those who are willing to give up the lesser will find the greater. It will race through Aquarius and Pisces into its initial foray into Aries, where we will again take a look back at basic facts and the new identity we’ll have found.
Mercury is now ruled by Saturn in Pisces, showing Mercury will be more intuitive, more empathic, and more “in tune with the collective” even as the lessons involves renewals, a quickening which requires that we eliminate all which is unnecessary for our social progress, and an ability to master “high realms.” While in the first decan of Aquarius through February 11, Mercury also has a Saturn sub-influence with an added dose of Venus. While in the second decan from February 11-17, it will have a Gemini sub-influence with an added dose of Mercury. When in the last decan from February 17-23, it will have a Libra sub-influence with an extra dose of the Moon.
Remember too that the Inferior Conjunction of Mercury RX with the Sun was at 1 Capricorn at the Galactic Center, so we’re still receiving indirect messages and signals from the heart of the Galaxy and the greater “consciousness” of that Galactic Entity. Now Mercury speeds forward to its next “Superior Conjunction” with the Sun at 10 Pisces when that “fusion of Mind and Life” replaces the Inferior Conjunction of the Solstice.
While in Aquarius, Mercury is in its own 9th house relative to its Gemini qualities, and in its own 6th house relative to its Virgo qualities. So it’s very future-oriented and visionary, as well as willing to adjust and/or serve as needed. I explain more about how Mercury functions in various signs in my pioneering work A New Look at Mercury Retrograde.Since it was retrograde in all three Earth signs last year and just shifted patterns into a combo of Earth and Fire, which will be followed by an all Fire retrograde in April, if you want to know about Mercury retrograde in various signs and houses, as well as how it functions in worldly events, please get a copy. It’s both fun and informative, and will give you “a new look” at all things related to Mercury retrograde! (Just make sure you get the 2nd Edition with the award on the cover published by 5th Ray Publishing rather than the much older 1st Edition published by Weiser.)
Mercury in Aquarius takes the personal understanding of how to apply power in Capricorn into a wider dimension of understanding in Aquarius. It sees how the parts related to the whole, and works within a bigger vision than in any other sign. When in doubt, stop worrying and see how everything fits together in a bigger picture.
From here it’s onward to the Superior conjunction at 10 Pisces! As a result of the Inferior conjunction at 1 Capricorn, we’re seeing ways to claim power in a different realm than we’ve been dealing with. It may be a return to the past, or a renewal of an old power, and we’re definitely seeing life differently as a result of the retrograde! We now can move forward into a great vision as we prepare for a more empathic and intuitive way of coordinating affairs when Mercury goes into Pisces the last week of February. Again, because of Mercury’s SD degree still in play, stay focused into moving forward into the new lands promised by that degree, and give up the lesser and you will attain the greater!
© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson