by Robert Wilkinson
This article is the first of three major milestones for the Aquarius Papers. What you are reading is the 10,000th article on this platform. In about 2 weeks we’ll celebrate the 20th anniversary of the launching of this Starship, and sometime in June we’ll hit 16 million page views. While these numbers don’t include the 1000+ articles and millions of page views on the original Salon platform, it’s safe to say no one else has ever hit these numbers before. Today we take a look around at the spiritual portals found on this site.
The header “Aquarius Papers – Global Astrology” was always meant to be the primary focus. However, the subheader “Using Astrology, Spirit, and Archetypes to move and groove through the intersections of Fate and Free Will” is equally important, since astrology gives us a roadmap and weather report for our Life journey, but we are the ones doing the walking and talking. That’s also why as a spiritual Astrologer, my focus has always been on the birth chart as the energetic hologram for our personality as it becomes a vehicle for our Soul/Spirit.
We are Spirits in the material world. We have a body, feelings, and a mind but we ARE a Soul/Spirit, eternals having a human experience. This is my approach to reading charts and how I teach astrology. We are here to integrate our personality so that we can express our Higher Self effectively, courageously, compassionately, and consistently. That is the only reason we are on Earth as we live our lives within great Human Laws which remind us that all forms pass away, the Golden Rule works, and Love is the way.
In the past two days I’ve written about how when I began I couldn’t imagine the numbers I gave you in the first paragraph, nor that it would eventually become the largest free interactive astrological school library on Earth. Besides thousands of astrological articles and hundreds more where astrology intersects with spirituality, there are countless spiritual essays in the archives covering hundreds of elements of our spiritual quest.
As there are many facets to our quest for truth, I’ve offered articles about the nature of the lower self and the Higher Self, the nature of human challenges and the power we have to transcend limitations by using the spiritual skills within us. We can turn our energies to better expression any time we want to accept the task. I’ve offered tools and insights so that regardless of the challenges they go through, readers may become the person they aspire to be in conscious cooperation with Dharma/Tao, living the Life which fulfills them and serves a higher purpose.
There are also a few dozen articles about dealing with the grief all human beings feel. All of them address different facets of the human as well as archetypal dimensions of grief. Everyone on Earth has lost loved ones. What I offer here will help you through the dark night of your Soul. We all are here to go to the depths and learn what we have to learn to help others who also are shipwrecked in hell. All the articles published on January 9 offer help to those who grieve the loss of a loved one.
I have countless articles on karma, examined from every possible angle. I’ve covered personal karma, social karma, family karma, friendship karma, partnership karma, marriage karma, all seen through the lens of the universal lessons and truths we all must accept to become spiritual adults.
There are articles about how the family, society, and friendship matrix we’re raised in help and hinder us, and the power we have to change the trajectory of our karma by consciously focusing on replacing negative orientations with productive intention. There are articles about toxic people and how to deal with them, the sources of suffering and the antidotes to suffering, and many more subjects designed to assist readers to awaken to the power we have to become a Light in the darkness, a Sanctuary in the storm, and a joy in the community. Here are 50 of many hundreds of articles on various spiritual topics:
The 21st Century – An Age in Transition
Are We Ever Done with Karma
How Is a Help Mate or Soul Mate Similar or Different Than Your Twin Flame?
The Spiritual Warrior Can Never Be Defeated
Overcoming Bad Luck, Bad Karma, and Bad Life Circumstances
The Three Eternal Truths of Human Existence
The Masters of the Wisdom, the Future of Human Evolution, and Occultism
Astrology and Destiny – The Intersection of Fate and Free Will
Life After Death – What Awaits Us On the Other Side?
Making Our Thoughts and Affirmations More Effective
We Have the Power to Overcome Difficulty, Misfortune, Confusion, and Bad Life Situations
The Four Noble Truths and the Eight Fold Path
The 21st Century and the New Age – Future Skills, Future Knowledge, Future Worlds
Our Spiritual and Human Self
To Those Who Grieve the Loss of a Child
Overcoming Fear
Why and How We Do or Don’t Get Along with Each Other
The 3 Paths to Enlightenment and Higher Awareness
Does Astrology Affect the Life of a Being Like Christ or Buddha?
Karmic Storm Zones and Changing Difficult Karmas to Good Future Karmas
The Secret Doctrine and HP Blavatsky
The Seven Rays – Primary Energies of Earthy Existence
The Seven Planes of Consciousness and Matter and our Light Body
The Seven Learning and Teaching Styles
Intuition, Heart, Mind, Desire, and Knowing How to Know
How To Stop Bad Feelings, Habits, and Behaviors
Aptitude, Karma, and Heredity
The End of the Age – Time and Evolution
Community Building
The Three High Moons
Taming and Transcending the Lower Self
Parent Karma, Past Life Agreements, and Soul Bonds
The Way of the Buddha and the Way of the Bodhisattva – Two Eternal Choices
Attracting Your Soul Mate
Finding Others Who Are Part of Your Spiritual Community
Innocent Ignorance v Willful Ignorance
Gandhi’s Seven Deadly Social Sins
Fate and Free Will –Can an Unconscious Being Choose to Become Aware?
Overcoming Difficulty When You’re Feeling Hopeless
Is Truth Always What it Seems to Be?
Walking the Path of Hastened Attainment
How to Transcend Frustrations
Tactics and Strategies of Batterers and Other Abusive People
Concentration, Meditation, and Contemplation
How Our Thoughts Take Forms, the Desire Mind, and How to Overcome Fear
The Grand Irrationality – What is It and Why is It Happening?
The Global Problem of False Equivalency Thinking
Family Karma and Heredity – How Much is Nature and How Much is Nurture?
What Is Our Soul Group and How to Forgive Abusive People
The Qualities of the Higher and Lower Mind
All these and more are in the archives. There are a lot more articles about karma and our life relationships, though you may want to get a copy of The Magic of Venus: Friendships, Soul Mates, and Twin Flames since that’s got just about everything one could want to learn about the relationships we’re born into and those who come and go throughout our lives. And in Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend, I offer my take on various types of “little k” karmas and “Big K” Karmas, and their function in bringing us out of error and into our connection with past and present humanity through awakening our heart and Soul as spiritual forces at our disposal. These two books together will help you take command of your personal, interpersonal, and transpersonal dimensions of life and express your Higher Self.
There are a large number of volumes of major spiritual works on the bottom left column of this site. Every time I find something venerable or good source material I put a link there. All of those are free sites, so you have hundreds of great spiritual works at your fingertips! “Light on the Path.” “Through the Gates of Gold.” “The Voice of the Silence.” “The Mahatma Letters to AP Sinnett.” “The Tarot – Key to the Wisdom of the Ages.” “Initiation Human and Solar.” The Agni Yoga works. The Wisdom of Ram Dass. The Sacred Texts Library. The Nag Hammadi scriptures. There is enough wisdom in a few links to last you a lifetime, so please visit when you can.
So it’s 10,000 done, and more to go! In the future I may cut back on some of the astrological technicalities and take a different approach to some subjects, and of course I have other books to work on, including one I think is fantastic about the Cycles of Life, how we develop, and what we can expect with each passing year. Fifth Ray Publishing needs another book, and I have several more beyond this one. At some point I’ll be doing short instructional videos for a Fifth Ray Channel in the future.
Our 20th birthday is on the way!
Aum and blessings,
Professor Robert
© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson
Congratulations Robert! I've been reading you for what must be the past 13 or 14 years and I have you to thank for helping me steer and sometimes, "course-correct" in the daily dances of Life. Thank you for all you have shared and all the wisdom and knowledge you have yet to drop upon us.
Posted by: Damienruud | April 15, 2024 at 03:31 PM