by Robert Wilkinson
This Solar eclipse will help us find the truth with a need for forgiveness, since this one will definitely help us release many elements of our lives which are obsolete or would block our healing or ability to mentor or be mentored. By what is activated as well as what is removed, we will find a new way to relate to ourselves, others, and “All That Is.” As is already happening due to the October 2023 Libra eclipse, this one also helps remove old ideas which no longer work and some will find what they’ve been trying to repair cannot be repaired.
This illuminates and puts the focus on the building function of the North Node in Aries. This eclipse, by what it removes, will stimulate growth via the pull of the North Node in Aries, so expect development through the Sun, Moon, Chiron, and Mercury all conjunct the North Node. This is a pull to the future, with growth in the embrace of truth, connectedness, compassion, and linking with others to overcome outer barrenness. This continues our long term growth by the Aries and Libra things it brings and takes away.
This eclipse is “bookended” by conjunctions in Pisces and Taurus. The strong steady transformational spiritual energies of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus are rolling forward into awakening us all to a new life, with a need for “responsible compassion in action” due to Mars conjunct Saturn in mid-Pisces.
As the North Node is on a degree of “quiet inspiration,” be receptive to those quiet moments when you’re in touch with the rising tide moving you to your new day, new life, and new lands. Those who embrace the sign from Spirit that the ordeal is over will receive a huge expansion of spontaneity and at times reach an “ecstatic state of awareness.” If this happens to you, it indicates you’re totally aligned with your emerging purpose.
With Mars in Pisces ruling the eclipse and it being ruled by Jupiter in Taurus ruled by Venus in Aries, these are the primary players in the background energies of this eclipse. It also implies that we shall see dramatic eclipse effects come forth when Venus conjuncts the Aries stellium in the third week of April and again when Mars conjuncts the Aries stellium in late May. Aries is about honesty, and Pisces is about compassion and forgiveness, so those are the main themes of this eclipse.
This eclipse should help jumpstart new initiatives wherever we have 20 Aries. This will push all of us to more connected and cooperative interactions with others, with promises to be redeemed which were offered in 2016-2017 and expanded beginning April 2023.
We’ve been in a sequence of Solar eclipses where there were no oppositions, meaning many recent eclipses had a lot of “self contained” energies in play and no “Tension of Opposites” as an axis of tensional awareness. This eclipse has no oppositions, but of course those with planets in Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio are having their planets opposed by the transits. So while there won’t be many circumstances bringing awareness, we’re all still getting various types of oppositional awareness in our individual charts.
All eclipses shut something down, taking away elements of our lives no longer true for us. A Solar eclipse in Aries forces us to eliminate all which is dishonest or not authentic to who we are. We’re all growing toward new authentic self-expression, so seek truth while demonstrating forgiveness to all in the past which left us out of balance. Find new ways to express your natural Self, and you’ll feel refreshed as a human!
So What’s Happening Where?
For those who didn’t see this in the earlier articles, a Solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth. The Moon blocks the light from the Sun and casts a shadow on Earth. In eclipse lore, where the eclipse is visible will be where the greatest effects can be expected, lasting the number of years that the eclipse is long in hours.
The coming Total Solar Eclipse falls at 20 Aries at 11:21 am PDT, 7:21 pm BST on April 8. The total Penumbral phase is 5 hours 10 minutes, indicating an influence lasting 5 years and 2 months. The Umbral phase is 3 hours 17 minutes. So these eclipse effects will last through early June 2029, with the most intense period beginning about late March 2025 and lasting for 3 years and 3.5 months. Of course this eclipse, like all eclipses, will be triggered by transits over significant points. As the magnitude is 1.05, it is strong, so this eclipse is also relatively long and strong.
This is the third Solar eclipse in 8 years and the second in 6 months where the eclipse path splits the North American continent. The April eclipse at 20 Aries has a path from SW to NE which will begin near the southern tip of Baja, go through the heart of Central TX from Laredo to Dallas through NW Arkansas, SE Missouri, southern Illinois, most of Indiana, NW Ohio, western PA, through NY and VT into southern Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia, ending on the Atlantic coast of Newfoundland.
Of note is that this eclipse path cuts the 2017 Leo eclipse path very near the New Madrid fault line and follows it up through the Wabash Valley fault zone into the states mentioned above. I believe this could portend a major quake somewhere in the area of those two fault zones. This eclipse has a 108-122 mile wide area of totality. Of course it will also profoundly impact those with planets or points around 18-22 Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, as well as 3-7 Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini, and Virgo.
The Nodes
Because an Eclipse conjuncts the Moon’s Nodal axis, the nodes are very important guides showing the line of greatest development and showing what we know. The NN shows the line of development, and because it’s in Aries, the challenge is to grow into a greater self-awareness, a focus on truth and honesty, a more natural immediate self-expression, and a freedom to do as we need to in the moment without needing the approval or guidance of others.
When the Nodes were in Taurus/Scorpio, we learned to embrace the search for more enjoyable ways to live as an individual on our own terms while letting go of getting lost in strong emotions about what’s leaving. In Aries/Libra, we continue to grow via our interactions, but with the immediate natural expression of Aries as the growth and the refined crafted expression of Libra the way we demonstrate it.
This North Node will further growth in all Aries areas as it promotes growth to fill the voids left by previous Eclipses in Aries and Libra, or prepares the voids to be filled at a later date. Grow toward seeing what’s opening as a chance to “redeem a promise” and embrace new ways to move forward. How can you achieve your most natural purpose by focusing in this moment?
Look to the house where this Lunation falls to see what area of your life will be impacted, just as the houses where past Solar eclipses fell have already been shutting down obsolete patterns since then. I gave you the positions and links to past eclipses in the previous eclipse article. And remember that whatever is taken away will create an attraction for something more appropriate to who you are now, and who you are becoming.
More On the Influence of Eclipses
Besides the factor of where the shadow falls, in Astrology eclipses are said to be most powerful when they conjunct the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, or Midheaven of a birth chart. I explained what we can expect if it conjuncts one of our planets in the article “What Are Solar Eclipses And Why Are People Excited?” If an eclipse conjuncts a light, an angle, or a planet, it always accompanies endings related to the planets and sectors involved, but these can be of great benefit in clearing away old life factors which have no place in our future. As you know if you’ve been here for any time at all, I believe that "something's lost and something's gained in living every day..."
Summing Up
This Eclipse, having a lot of very favorable aspects, ushers in a time of “fortunate losses” wherever we have 20 Aries. This one definitely accelerates our evolution wherever we have the last half of the Cardinal signs in our charts, and helps both our inner Spiritual Warrior and Spiritual Lover to dance in new ways with new people in new areas. This will help us release many things from the past which have been on hold or accept the “redemption of a promise” in our Aries sector. This is another eclipse where we’ll be helped to see what we care about and how we want to manifest that care. This one shows us what’s enduring, what’s true, what’s passing, and how our willingness to surrender the past while forgiving all which needs forgiving will bring us face to face with our spiritual power.
We now renew our Aries expression by letting go with our right hands as we receive blessings with our left! While eclipses take things away, this one will bring us excellence, gifts, a new way of viewing life, the possibility of “ecstatic states of awareness” as well as a clear view of the new time, new way, and new day we’ve entered these past few months.
This eclipse is on the fulfillment degree in the actional and material level of “Potency.” This puts the focus on power, potential, and how to concentrate energy to achieve the stability and momentum we’ll need in coming months. Because of the Mars/Saturn conjunction, there is tremendous spiritual power available to those who are ready to take responsibility for what to let go of and what to forgive as a practice for moving forward in 2025. See to the core of things, rise to whatever task is in front of you, have faith that many things will be redeemed as other things are released, and be cheerful, since a concentrated dose of spiritual energy is already coming to all who are receptive.
The next two parts of this series will examine the eclipse in its context of being a New Moon. We’ll explore the astrological factors in this eclipse, including Sabian Symbols, which signs will be most affected, evolutionary configurations and more, as well as the gifts and blessings this Total Solar eclipse will bring. This is initiating, spiritualizing, specializing, visionary, and intense!
This helps us focus, redirect, letting go of the past while finding new ideas, new spiritual effectiveness, new confidence, and new ways to enjoy life. By what we release, we create a void which will bring us newer, more fulfilling relationships and work. This eclipse is entirely about seeing the need to join with other to overcome a lack or hindrance in circumstances, and will bring rewards to those whose “spiritual warrior” AND “spiritual lover” are in good shape.
We continue to move through the “birth pains” of the emerging Aquarian era. All that Jupiter opened in the way of vision and promise in 2021 has been crystallized by Saturn in 2022 and 2023. This one ends an old way of seeing our relationships and ideals by realizing that “every death is an omen of rebirth.” As the North Node is in Aries we grow by expressing new feelings while opening to new views, new areas to move through, new techniques to allow spiritual power to transform our lives, and a new understanding of our larger spiritual field. Sever the cord binding you to the past and any painful memories you may have. Utilize your spiritual power effectively as new horizons open. Let go of looking back and open to the wide open future!
See you soon with the next article on this Solar Eclipse!
Previous articles in this series:
Astrology in April 2024 - On The Threshold of a Total Solar Eclipse at 20 Aries
“What Are Solar Eclipses And Why Are People Excited?”
© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson
My natal Venus is at 20 Aries, nine arc minutes past the eclipse. I will also have my Venus return (at 20 Aries) and my Mars return (at 23 Pisces) on the day of the Uranus-Jupiter conjunction, which is applying within half a degree of my ascendant (at 23 Taurus). My 12th house Aries Venus is my chart ruler. Your writings have helped me greatly recently. "Jumpstarting new initiatives where we have 20 Aries" means a jumpstart to my Venus... and with Venus as my ascendant ruler, and my ascendant at the point of the Uranus-Jupiter conjunction, a jumpstart to my world. Feeling many changes within, bubbling, percolating, burning. Thank you Robert.
Posted by: jack_of_all_landslides | April 06, 2024 at 07:48 AM
Hi jack (NEVER say that in an airport!) - Glad you found your way to the site! With Venus in the 12, no doubt you'll shut down an old Venusian motive and way of "hiding in the background" (r. Asc in 12).
Yes, the Jup/Ur will give you a new adventure in demonstrating your uniqueness and genius. I'd say it's a promise already awakened last year when Uranus sat on your Asc, and now the adventure begins! Still, while you'll be given a lot of "substance" when the Sun, Venus, and Mercury all cross your Ascendant, the real action begins when Mars conjuncts your Venus and then crosses your Ascendant in July. Until then, prepare.
Posted by: Robert | April 06, 2024 at 08:17 AM
I live in Ohio in the path of totality and the eclipse hit me on my natal SN at 20 Aries in 11th house. I have never mastered how to read nodes other than them being somewhat “fated”. The Saturn mars is trine my natal 6th house Scorpio Jupiter at 15 degrees and theJupiter Uranus hit my natal rx Mars in natal 12 at 21 Taurus, finally eclipse Mercury exactly trines my natal Saturn in 7th house at 24 sag (my Saturn is also conj natal mercury, my chart ruler 18 sag
So this eclipse portends a lot. Promises of 2016/17? The worst year of my life that has rung negative repercussions throughout my entire family when I was charged in federal court for crimes I did not commit as an elected official and I ended up with federal pretenders for attorney and the prosecution rested my lawyer stood up and said defense rests, not a single word in my defense. It was a witch hunt that costa $150k to pay for an attorney, 150k I did not have. So this eclipse gives me the creeps for this ever being overturned. Natal moon at 4 Pisces in 10 oppose natal Pluto 4 Virgo in 4th house.
Posted by: Tamelalee77 | May 02, 2024 at 10:36 PM
Hi Tamelalee77 - Well, of course the 2017 eclipse affected each of us differently, so please do not conflate something then with something now.
All eclipses work to recycle things, but what is recycled and what isn't entirely depends on countless factors besides the position of the eclipse.
There is a four part series on the nodes in the archives of Aug 9, 10, 11, and 16, 2021.
Sorry you got screwed by incompetent counsel. You should have petitioned the court pro se. Anyway, this eclipse is about joining with others to overcome a deficiency of some sort.
Posted by: Robert | May 03, 2024 at 08:23 AM
Robert, thank you for the response and directing to me relevant articles. It is greatly appreciated. I am definitely dealing with matters of deficiencies.
Posted by: Tamelalee77 | May 04, 2024 at 09:45 AM