by Robert Wilkinson
A friend of mine, Joel Bennett, posted something today which I am moved to share with you about time, destiny, and our journey to living our Soul’s purpose.
You will recall that Dr. Joel is the author of the Quest for Presence series which outlines the the Four Radiant Forces, the Soulful Capacities, the Nine Attractions, the Eight Trajectories, and the Sixteen Treasures. Each is a book which is part of the whole, and can also be read independently. I wrote the foreword to Book 2 and published my review in the article here titled Quest for Presence Book 2 – The Soulful Capacities
In the review I wrote “He offers that the Soul quality of “Presence” allows us to awaken to a new life “outside of clock-time,” where we become fully aware and fully engaged in living each moment. As he puts it, the Quest for Presence collection is designed to help the reader make room in time to embrace the adventure of living fully, totally engaged and connected each hour of each day.
He writes “the human soul connects heaven – the eternal – and earth – the temporary or temporal – and embodies deeper forces” which he terms “the four Cosmic Radiant Forces” which are Time Shaping, Form, Nurturing Conditions, and Chaos. This book explores the essence of our Soul Capacities, which are Acceptance, Presence, Flow, and Synchronicity.”
With that in mind, Joel posted this earlier today:
At the deepest level, you cannot help but be attracted to your destiny. The soul is working through you right now as a magnet, pulling you to the fulfillment of your own good. Self realization comes before God realization.
Time is only the playing out, the unfolding, of what you have always been attracted to. There is no such thing as clock time except for the massive attention the world gives it as a fabrication and to distract your soul on its true journey. Dive in to this unfolding and in a moment, the next treasure will arrive. And there will be nothing like it, just as there is nothing like you. Now or ever.
I was moved to offer this comment:
The blessing is that each of us is the embodiment of a specific discrete moment in time which happened once and will never happen again. That unique vintage allows us to be "in our own moment" in a never-ending stream of perceptual awareness.
Your post reminds me of something in our old friend the I Ching. To paraphrase, "The way to success lies in... giving actuality to the way of the universe [Tao], - also known as Dharma, or Destiny - which, as a law running through end and beginning, bring about all phenomena in time. Thus each step attained becomes a preparation for the next. Time is no longer a hindrance but the means of making actual what is potential."
When we fully embrace Destiny (Tao/Dharma) then we are in the flow in each moment, and each thing we experience serves our great wisdom which is unfolding with each breath we take. When we are surfing the wave of our own Self-realization in each moment, we forget about time, worries, fears, and cannot be distracted from the sense that we ARE an Eternal moving through experience, moment to moment, always in the NOW.
In the Eternal NOW, all things are synchronous; nothing is out of place in our process of unfolding realization. As we embrace the presence of awareness in each moment, we find we are flowing with our own unfoldment, whether it’s perceivable or not. Accept your destiny, and everything quickens in its own perfect time and place. Then you’re living your higher purpose each moment, becoming more than you ever imagined before embracing the Quest.
Please explore more of Joel Bennett’s Quest for Presence work, since it’s good for the Soul. He’s also about to release Quest for Presence Book 3 – The Attractions, so stay tuned!
© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson