by Robert Wilkinson
At 2:07 am PDT on June 17, Mercury enters Cancer, a sensitive and caring sign. This ends the 2 week Gemini backdrop to planets and houses we have in Gemini and Virgo, and brings Water to the forefront of those planetary Lights and life houses.
This should bring a quickening to all things related to Mercury in our charts. Because it has begun to slow, preparing to go retrograde in early August, we can still coordinate things, discover things, give and receive information, and feel our way through information in order to see what’s needed to get things done the next few weeks. And being Jupiter’s dispositor, all things related to that planet now have a Cancer backdrop until Mercury enters Leo on July 2.
Mercury in Cancer gives us a more caring view of things, a sensitive mind which takes feelings into account. This will allow us to cultivate more receptivity and find views which will both protect us and nurture us. And the good news is that this year, Mercury entry into Cancer brings an immediate conjunction with Venus, promising beauty and value to our 2024 Cancer adventure!
so stay open to new types of feeling insights these next two weeks. Open to new allegiances, new cares, new ways to nurture self and others, and new ways to feel your way into knowing what to say. Be thoughtful, kind, and aware, and you could have your Soul recognized in new ways by others. In Cancer, the mental principle will be more sensitive and caring and more open to “feeling-knowing.”
Mercury’s transit of Gemini brought new perspectives about recent life events symbolized by the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter already in Gemini. Now Mercury outraces all the other planets into the zones the Venus, the Sun, and Mars will transit over the next few weeks, with the promise that next year, Jupiter will expand and bring blessings to some of the things we initiate during this year’s Cancer transits.
For now, face forward, since you can get a lot of Mercury-related things accomplished through mid-July before it enters its shadow zone at 22 Leo. We should be able to get a lot done and stabilized due to Mercury and Venus both tredecile and trine Saturn in the near future, so gather whatever you need to in order to secure your present and future and get ready to do a retrograde review beginning early August. A lot will break out in August, for better or worse. June’s squares to Saturn gave us a heads up!
© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson