by Robert Wilkinson
This brief take was inspired by a comment someone left about yesterday’s article Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto Show Our Spiritual Evolution In Solar Returns Across Time as they noted Jupiter had recently entered Gemini and Neptune will enter Aries in early Spring 2025. That got me to thinking…..
Across the years, Jupiter, ruling our Sagittarius and Pisces sectors and planets, changes signs a few weeks later than the previous year. And it always winds up splitting its sign influence by transiting across or within two signs in a year due to its speed. This is a major influence in all Solar Return charts for a given year, since all of us experience Jupiter in one of its two signs in a given year.
All of us had a Solar Return in 2022. Those born between January 1 and May 10 had Jupiter in Pisces in their Solar Return. Those born between May 10 and October 27 had Jupiter in Aries in their SR chart. Those born between October 28 and December 20 had Jupiter at 29/30 Pisces in their Solar Return.
Those with a birthday between December 20, 2022, and May 16, 2023 had Jupiter in Aries in their Solar Return chart. Remember this impacted the following year in our Sagittarius and Pisces sectors. All of us.
Jupiter entered Taurus on May 16, 2023, and stayed there until May 25, 2024, when it entered Gemini. So everyone who had a SR between mid-May 2023 and late May 2024 had a SR Jupiter in Taurus. Everyone who has a solar return after May 25, 2024 through June 9, 2025, will have a SR Jupiter in Gemini.
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto Are All Changing Signs
While Saturn is in Pisces in all 2024 Solar Return charts, Saturn is another major planet to straddle adjacent signs in 2025. It will be in Pisces in all SR charts before May 25. It will be at 1 or 2 Aries in all SR charts between May 25 and August 31, and then be back in late Pisces through February 13, 2026. This impacts our Capricorn and Aquarius sectors and planets, since depending on when your SR is in 2025, the ruler of these signs in the SR will be in either soft Pisces or hard Aries, watery Pisces or fiery Aries, uncertain Pisces or “just do it” Aries.
We’ve all had Uranus in Taurus and Neptune in Pisces in our SR charts for many years. Uranus has been solidly in Taurus since early March 2019, and so has been in that sign for all our SR charts since then. This will change for Solar Returns between July 7, 2025 and November 7, 2025, as those SR charts will all have Uranus at 1 or 2 Gemini. That marks a HUGE shift in focus! Either the awakening is still in solid, fulfilled Taurus or it’s in explosively curious Gemini.
We've ALL had our solar return Neptune in Pisces since 2012. This shifts across 2025-2026. Because of Neptune's track in 2025, SR charts before March 30 will have Neptune in Pisces, while SR charts between March 30 and October 22 will have Neptune in Aries. After that, charts for the period of October 23 through January 26 will have Neptune at 30 Pisces. After January 27, 2026, we’ll all have our Solar Returns with Neptune in Aries through May 2038.
Pluto has been swinging between late Capricorn and early Aquarius since March 2023. People with Solar Returns between March 23 and June 10, 2023, all had the SR Pluto at 1 Aquarius. This group of people have been carrying, spreading, or sprouting seeds of the future this past year.
Those with birthdays between June 11 and January 21 had Pluto in Capricorn in their last SR. This year Pluto is in Aquarius for all Solar Returns between January 22 and August 31. Then Pluto occupies the last degree of Capricorn for all SR charts between September 1 and November 19. These are the final Solar Returns with Pluto in Capricorn for over 200 years to come. All SR charts after November 19 will have Pluto in Aquarius.
These are all spiritual factors at work in the Solar Returns for everyone on Earth. Have fun figuring yours out!
© copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson