by Robert Wilkinson
There's a conjunction between Venus and the Sun on June 4, 2024, at 15 Gemini. What does this mean for all of us?
First, it means the principle of Beauty, Harmony, Grace and all things which are pleasing to us is now being illuminated through its dance with the Great Light! The conjunction has been extremely close for about a week and a half, and will continue to be close for another 10 days.
As they’re dancing together in the 2nd decan of Gemini, feel the balance and/or rhythm to what you’re hearing or saying, as this has a Venusian sub-influence. In fact, the entire second decan of Gemini deals with a Venus/Mars dilemma, so if you find yourself in a dualistic situation, find the right way to adjust Venus, Mars, or both in your response to this “fusion of Likes and Life.” This conjunction promises new likes, affections, and pleasing forms in the future!
At this point, the themes set into motion at their Inferior Conjunction at 21 Leo on August 13, 2023, now recede into the background, and a new set of themes related to 15 Gemini will propel us into the future! As with Mercury, Venus also has direct conjunctions as well as retrograde conjunctions. These are the only 2 planets who have this distinction. The rest all have oppositions.
When Venus is retrograde and conjuncts the Sun, it is similar to when Mercury retrograde makes an “Inferior Conjunction” with the Sun, but in a different way. Like Mercury retrograde, a Venus retrograde inferior conjunction fuses that retrograde planetary function with the Great Light. However, while the Mercury RX fusion is one of Life and Mind, a Venus RX fusion involves other areas of our personality. Whether retrograde or direct, when Venus conjuncts the Sun, we have an illumination of our relationship to Wisdom and Folly through the fusion of Life with Likes.
So it can be inferred that both types of conjunctions are a fusion of the unique function of Mercury and Venus with the Great Light, with the direct conjunction a point when the planet fuses its qualities with Life and then moves forward in front of the Sun as “heralds of the new day.” Then when the planet gets to its maximum distance from the Sun, it begins to slow until it goes retrograde, after which it makes the Inferior Conjunction with the Sun. That also is a fusion, but because of the retrograde quality, it is backward looking, or inward looking, or echoing the past in some way, since it’s already been on the degree of its Inferior conjunction.
Because the Inferior Conjunction is in some way related to an opposition, they definitely bring awareness through the retrograde lens. This correlates with the Sun opposing all the other planets, which are all retrograde at the Solar opposition. This is a worthy area of research, since all oppositions of the Sun with Mars and all planets outside of Mars involve the planet being retrograde, while all conjunctions happen when the planet is direct in motion.
Venus Venturing Forth From Here
Venus (relating, valuing, and appreciating) conjuncting the Sun (Light/Life, Illumination, integrity, strength of heart) while direct indicates that values and relationship issues (Venus’ department of labor) are moving into consciously chosen attractions, affections, vanities, and forms of pleasing beauty. When it conjuncts, or fuses, with the Light/Life principle (the Sun), it sets the quality for future attractions related to relationships and values for the next 9+ months between the current Superior Conjunction and the next Inferior Conjunction, and more generally, the 19 months which follow before the next Superior Conjunction.
Since the last Inferior Conjunction in August 2023, we’ve all seen what couldn’t be propped up any more, as well as seen people fail when attempting something beyond their abilities. Many memories of past apparent failures were seen in a different light which led us to retire from old dramas since September 2023.
We now have a new “fusion of Life and Likes” with the themes of 15 Gemini now replacing the themes of 30 Libra, the last Superior conjunction degree. We now get to feel our connection with the beauty within and without through our Gemini qualities. This is a time of our lives merging with our values and relationships to bring forth a greater enjoyment and “liking of the light of what we’re seeing.”
Since beauty is in the eye of the beholder, we each get to admire what we believe is beautiful, in action, feeling or thought in our lives. We get to choose the beauty and wisdom we want to live! At this time of Venus conjuncting the Sun, search for the beauty outside you and see how you can express the beauty within. And if things haven’t been so beautiful in the past, you can always choose a more “enlightened view of what’s beautiful” by dancing with your inner Venus to see what could be more pleasing with an ability to attract that in your life.
That’s one of the things you will find in my newest book, The Magic of Venus: Friendships, Soul Mates, and Twin Flames. We all attract what we’ve learned to attract, and can easily learn to attract people and circumstances which are a lot more pleasing than some we’ve had in the past. In the book I explain how we can consciously shape our attractions, and by releasing old patterns of what we used to want, we can quickly move into a more pleasing life with values and relationships which show us the beauty we seek.
At this time of “Illuminated Beauty,” remember that Venus’ beauty entirely depends on her higher virtue of Wisdom and Divine Knowledge, as per Her rulership of the Throat Chakra. The Magic of Venus: Friendships, Soul Mates, and Twin Flames will give you a thousand gems of Venusian wisdom, as it is the most comprehensive book ever written about the many ways our inner Venus shapes all of our relationships throughout life. I have synthesized astrology, psychology, and spirituality in ways that offers readers insights about the purpose of past and present relationships, and how to create better ones in the future. It is both a manual for improving who we attract as well as an astrological reference book.
The first part of the book explains why we like what we like and key factors in healthy relationships. It explores why we attract certain types of people until we change our focus to attract people who will like and love us, how to know if someone is right for us, and how our family and culture influences our likes when we’ve young.
In the section about “the Lover” we take a look at the six Divine archetypes available to us in our chart, and explore what a healthy Lover looks like. This book opens the doors to understanding how to attract the best people for us, whether friends, romantic partners, or our ideal mate. It’s both an astrology book and a work with wisdom gleaned from a lifetime of relationships and exploring the essentials of healthy relationships.
The second part of the book has chapters on Venus in each sign, as well as the qualities of each sign’s archetypal mate, as well as Venus retrograde, important astrological factors in compatibility, marriage charts, and the timing on who we meet and what that means, and affirmations for each Sun/Venus combination for centering the focus on attracting more perfect life relationships.
The book was written for both astrologers and non-astrologers. Even those with little or no understanding of astrology will benefit from what’s offered. I have no doubt it will open the door to your imagination and ability to find perfect friendships, make the most of the Soul Mates you’ve met or will meet, and help you understand your mythic hero’s journey in the realm of relationships. It is a book with countless gems for your consideration, and if you want to see how to enjoy life in a more fulfilling way,
I believe a special feature of The Magic of Venus: Friendships, Soul Mates, and Twin Flames is the chapter explaining the difference between Soul Mates and Twin Flames. While we have many Soul Mates, we have only one “Twin Flame,” or “Divine Other.” Soul Mates help us bring forth our Soul and the greater love we ARE. That’s why some of them break our hearts, but always point the way to more fulfilling, loving, and wise relationships in the future. When you read the chapter, you’ll understand that all your difficult relationships in the past brought forth your heart and Soul, and you’re now a wiser person with better relationships ahead.
Venus Leads Us Beyond Seductions and Needlessly Hurtful Relationships
As I offered in other articles on this subject, that some people hurt others is a reality in this impermanent world. However, by choosing to honor our Wisdom, we can let go of old emotional habits which lead to needless suffering and embrace love, wisdom, veneration, compassion, and self-respect. Even though these may not be in evidence externally, by maintaining these qualities within me I can transcend the outer conditions, and no longer struggle with those who want to suffer, or dish it out to others.
A very wise man once said words to the effect that life is painful, but we do not have to suffer. It does take courage, strength, and good will to transcend the tendency to suffer, but in releasing the habit of suffering, we take control of our magnificent eternal consciousness and are able to find a tremendous compassion and power. Using these, we are able to enter into the pain and suffering wherever we find it, and break the link between the two.
So as you move through these times, whether they are cheerful or painful for you and those you are with, try to remember that regardless of what's going on around you, we have the choice to BE however we need to be in that moment to bring forth the highest self we are able. It is that which is beyond the fluctuations of personality, and the means by which we can be the light in the darkness of this impermanent existence.
See you soon with more on this important celestial fusion of Life with Likes, bringing the promise of “students sharing knowledge” to find different angles on truth and meaning. As this begins 9+ months of influence wherever we have 15 Gemini, see how to express beauty and/or search for greater beauty in that sector of your life. There are treasures to be found!
Tomorrow we’ll continue exploring the themes of 15 Gemini and other key points of this very important conjunction!
© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson