by Robert Wilkinson
Because it's now happening, I'll boost this post from last week to the top of the stack! We have our first Mercury conjunct Venus of the year coming on June 17 at 5:43 am PDT on the Solstice degree! This is important, as it heralds the season to come at the Solstice. This brings our mind directly into contact with our “attraction factor,” launching a new way of communicating with others and appreciating their communications with us, especially those which are kind and/or sensitive.
This is the second of three Mercury conjunctions with Venus this year. The first was when Mercury was retrograde in April and conjuncted Venus at 18 Aries. The third will be on August 7 at 4 Virgo when Mercury is retrograde. So this is the only conjunction when they’re both in direct motion.
Mercury conjunct Venus has a wide range of possible manifestations. It can be "the beautiful mind" or pleasing ways of communication; in Cancer, it could be that we'll all be a bit more sensitive, or our minds may turn to finding the beauty we feel we need in our lives. This may bring idealistic views, or a turning to art as a means to communicate. This is a creative conjunction and in Cancer gives a liking for intimate personal interactions.
This “Fusion of Mind and Likes” promises a new initiative wherever we have 1 Cancer. And whatever we begin which then gets a review in August will be activated in early September when Mars transits 1 Cancer, and those initiatives will open a thousand doors when Jupiter enters Cancer in June 2025!
The first degree of Cancer is a “critical degree,” the cusp of a Lunar Mansion, and the gateway to a season. It is said to be a degree of changing allegiances, of “lowering one flag and raising another,” of a radical turn in a new directions, or a quest for a greater security. It is a degree of “alignment with a larger reality” and so this conjunction marks the beginning of a new orientation for all of us where the conjunction falls, with it “lighting up” in the 24 hours after the Solstice and a full activation by Mars in early September.
This new Mercury/Venus cycle will be extraordinarily important due to the aspects. The conjunction is sextile Mars, biseptile Saturn, decile Uranus, square Neptune, and quincunx Pluto. That combines elements of productivity, immediate shifts in the collective, major sacrifices, and forks in the road of destiny leading us to whatever nourishes us.
This will certainly mark major changes for those with planets or points near 1-3 Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, and Aries, 16-18 Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Taurus, and 29-30 Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. The “forks in the road” will happen to planets or points near 18-22 Pisces, 9-13 Taurus, 30 Gemini-3 Cancer, 22-26 Leo, 13-17 Libra, 5-9 Sagittarius, and 26-30 Capricorn.
Soon Mercury will go retrograde and we’ll all get another conjunction at 4 Virgo, which will be favorable to the Moon and Mars in this chart. After then, we’ll have no more Mercury/Venus conjunctions until Venus goes retrograde in March 2025 and conjuncts Mercury at 9 Aries, followed by Mercury going retrograde and hanging close to Venus for all of March and early April but never exactly conjunct. After that we have to wait until November 2025 for the next conjunction.
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