The edited talk is in 5 sections of about 20 minutes each, making the total presentation an hour and 40 minutes. That makes it two talks in one. This is foundational Mundane Astrology which can serve as an introduction to future talks by Tony and Gary on the subject matter which they plan to develop as a separate set of classes later this year. The “tag team” presentation is vast in scope, covers centuries of outer planet correlations with social movements and widespread social changes, and is so rich in content you’ll want to listen to it more than once with your notebooks in hand!
It is available as 5 sound files which will be emailed to those who want to purchase a copy. That means you’ll have to have an email address which can receive large sound files, such as Outlook, Gmail, Hotmail, or another like these.
Due to the length and the extensive editing required to make this talk available to the public, Astrology Arizona is asking for $25 to cover costs. (Those who attended will receive a discount and have been contacted through an email.)
You may order your copy by going to our website donation button at the Astrology Arizona Donate Page
This will generate an email to us and we’ll send your copy as email attachments.
Thanks for supporting Astrology Arizona’s efforts to bring exemplary talks and classes to further the spread of Astrology in the 21st century!