by Robert Wilkinson
Yesterday’s article about the Sun opposed Pluto with other planets creating resonant void points generated a few questions about how the void point work. Today I’ll crack the door on a very large subject.
First, I’ll start by saying that I did an in-depth presentation on the subject of special evolutionary configurations and resonant voids for Astrology Arizona in 2020. If there’s enough interest I’ll edit it and make it available at a low price.
I was asked to explain the concept of “frictional voids.” I explained that resonant void points are created every time an evolutionary configuration is put into play. One example of this is that a T-square is created by an opposition cut into 2 squares by a third planet which "drives the energies" out into the world. The void is the point opposite the driver, and represents either the problem, the solution, or both.
Any frictional aspect between two planets creates “frictional voids” and if there’s a third planet involved in the same harmonic series, then an evolutionary configuration is created by those three planets in the same harmonic aspect series. If these points involve squares, semisquares, and sesquisquares, then frictional voids are created at the void areas which are opposed, semisquare, square, or sesquisquare the original points.
A very powerful configuration will be generated in mid-August, when Mars conjuncts Jupiter at 17 Gemini with both square Saturn at 17 Pisces. This generates powerful voids at 17 Virgo and 17 Sagittarius, showing the energies needed to integrate and resolve the friction created by the square. However, we also see Pluto is at 1 Aquarius, and so Mars and Jupiter will be in sesquisquare to Pluto while Saturn is in semisquare to Pluto. That generates three points in an “8 Pointed Star of the Need for Right Action.”
The resonant voids will be found in the points in opposition, semisquare, and sesquisquare to those three occupied points. Thus the other resonant points are at 2 Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio, as well as 17 Virgo and Sagittarius. Every transit through any of those zones will create a need for “right action” in the midst of conflict or tension.
We've also had Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus, heralding what we can expect when Venus and the Sun also square Uranus. These squares offer the potential to release positive Uranus in Taurus expressions of uniqueness or individuality. As Uranus is at 27 Taurus, the resonant points activating this need for "right action in expressing genius" are around 12 Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, as well as 27 Scorpio and 27 Aquarius (since Mercury triggered the square from 27 Leo.)
Of course, these transits will profoundly affect us if we have any planets or points near any of those zones. Then that inner planetary principle will be either a problem or a solution to a problem related to whatever presents itself which requires “right action.”
Similiarly, harmonious voids are created by harmonic aspects. We recently had a Full Moon at 30 Cancer/Capricorn with the Moon conjunct Pluto at 1 Aquarius. However, we had Mars at 2 Gemini, cutting the opposition into a sextile and trine, throwing a very favorable void to 1-2 Sagittarius. This is where the Mars in Gemini energies can resolve and express the opposition via productive, stabilizing means which open potential futures (Sagittarius).
In another example, right now we have Venus at 14 Leo, Mars at 2 Gemini, and Saturn at 20 Pisces. Venus is quintile Mars and biquintile Saturn with Mars quintile Saturn. This creates 3 points in a "5 Pointed Star of Quintessential Specialization." The 2 voids created which will build this are at 26 Libra and 8 Capricorn, since both of those points form quintiles and biquintiles to all the other points in the Star configuration.
In the next part we’ll continue with some examples from a natal chart about voids which are created by various types of aspects. See you then!
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