by Robert Wilkinson
Which means that Jupiter is making its first pass into the span of 12-22 Gemini, where it will go retrograde in early October. Lots of threshold action ahead!
The shadow zone is defined by the span between where a planet goes retrograde, and where it goes direct after the retrograde period. In this case, Jupiter goes retrograde at 22 Gemini on October 9. It will retrograde back to 12 Gemini, where it goes stationary direct on February 3, 2025.
That puts the shadow zone between 12-22 Gemini. So this year Jupiter’s shadow zone takes us through the individual, mental, and spiritual levels of the Scene of Discovery and the physical- actional and social, emotional, and cultural levels of the Scene of “Exteriorization” where it goes stationary retrograde.
During this run of Jupiter from 12-22 Gemini, it’s moving through a rough patch as it squares Saturn all of August and most of September, and then moves back into the square from November 2024 through July 2025. August requires us to demonstrate the right use of Virgo and Sagittarius energies, as does the square from November through June, when Jupiter enters Cancer and throws the voids into Libra and Capricorn.
This will challenge all of us to make sure our values are supporting our ambitions and not get discouraged if the price of something is more than it may be worth. Find a justification for achieving your vision and/or ambition and you’ll be able to hang in there through all the ups and downs of Jupiter in mid-Gemini squaring Saturn in mid-Pisces!
Jupiter is also sesquisquare Pluto in August, late November through mid-January, and late March through early May 2025. As a sesquisquare is frictional and interactive, expect a lot of agitation which will be annoying even if it doesn’t lead directly to a crisis. It really doesn’t make significant aspects to either Uranus or Neptune, but it does begin a new Mars/Jupiter cycle in mid-August at 17 Gemini (when it’s square Saturn!) and then Mars moves forward with Jupiter, only moving beyond the semisextile by late October into a novile and then a semisquare in the second half of November.
As Mars will be septile Jupiter most of December, that period will be fairly crazy this year. Areas most affected include 15-19 Gemini, 6-10 Leo, 28 Virgo-2 Libra, 20-24 Scorpio, 11-15 Capricorn, 3-7 Pisces, and 24-28 Aries.
Jupiter direct helps us expand into future possibilities, adventures, and truths; Jupiter retrograde gives us a different understanding, or a different angle of approach. Jupiter RX can bring us echoes of old opportunities and truths in new forms, or the return of an “attitude of expansion” which throws off old limiting views. Welcome to the next 6+ months!
Because it’s in the sector of the zodiac where we experience a greater sense of discovery of Self and explore ways to exteriorize who we are and what we know, the rest of this year and early next year is good for seeing how use the expanded “learning adventure” of Jupiter in Gemini to open future possibilities on an idea level. Between now and early September, as well as November through late April, if you were born the last week of May, August, November, or February figure out how you want to represent yourself to your world, learn how to keep the momentum in your own hands, and be willing to embrace an expanded life and effectiveness. In September and October, this will apply to those born the first week of June, September, December, and March.
The Jupiterian promise or vision you receive over the next 3 months will be clarified after the Sun opposes Jupiter and then Jupiter’s SRX degree in mid-December. Interestingly, as that opposition falls from 17 Sag to 17 Gemini, it means that whatever intense events come down in mid-August will have a direct effect on what happens in mid-December. Learn to rebuild in healthy ways between October and February, as we’ll all be leaving the ghosts of the past behind fairly quick beginning early 2025!
When Jupiter goes SRX in October at 22 Gemini, it will bring us all visions and truths related to “richness of life in associations based on natural instincts,” “warmth of simple living,” and “normal fulfillment of self.” Those who open to the natural rebuilding process will find themselves aware of a lot more about what feeds them and what drains them by February 2025.
During its stay in Gemini, Jupiter is ruled by Mercury. Mercury was in Taurus when Jupiter first entered Gemini in late May, and then raced through Gemini and Cancer in June. Between now and when it enters Cancer next June it’ll transit every sign between Leo, where it is now, and Cancer, where it’ll enter the day before Jupiter enters Cancer.
Enjoy the entrance into the main phase of this year’s Jupiter lessons. This is an important time to gather information, distribute information, and discover elements of our spiritual individuality. While August will be a bumpy ride, many things will become clearer between mid-September and late October.
Brave the T-square storms in August and September, after which you’ll review all the themes I just mentioned. Just remember that regardless of how much we may want to stay in motion all the time, there are periods when we need to rest, relax, and regenerate in companionship with others. Keep learning, keep seeing the many facets to any discovery or any information which needs to be shared, and you should have a sense of a larger vision by late October.
Copyright © 2024 Robert Wilkinson