by Robert Wilkinson
This is the next opposition this year from early Leo to Pluto in early Aquarius. This allows Venus to externalize Pluto’s deep purifying fire. As Mercury just opposed Pluto a few days ago, it seems that something very intense is seeking to come to the surface. This aspect is most intense between now and Sunday morning.
This opposition with Venus at 2 Leo and Pluto at 2 Aquarius is exact 7:12 am July 12. Be careful from now through Sunday, as that is the time span when this is most active. When Venus opposes Pluto, we have to see clearly what is of value and what isn’t, what is frustrating our ability to achieve something or get something done, and be alert to corrosive people and attitudes, including our own which might undermine our efforts.
As Pluto rules seeds, both good and bad, as well as the sprouting process, Pluto oppositions challenge us to be clear about the core of things. A Venus opposition helps us get to core interpersonal issues and see clearly the interior nature of a person or thing. It can help us see what needs eliminating or what needs encouragement as it is still developing, and help us purify our relationships.
If something or someone has become burdensome, it may be time to re-evaluate your position in that dynamic. This intensifies interpersonal dynamics, so be a bit more cautious in your responses during this opposition. Venus opposed Pluto may bring the end of an old relationship, or we may remember something which died a long time ago.
Still, please keep in mind that transit to transit aspects cannot be taken personally, even when they accompany personal changes. Transits show us the patterns and gestalt of the times, and the interrelationships between the transiting planets show us the complexities of various types of forces in our lives. Where the transits fall in our charts shows the “planetary department of labor” is focused in that area of our life, and the aspects those transits make, whether transit to transit or transit to natal, show when energy builds and when it releases, both in general and in our lives specifically.
As this is a transit to transit opposition, Venus and Pluto are also making other aspects to planets in our charts. If they are productive or harmonious, then the awareness generated by the opposition will build and stabilize something productive in our lives. If this opposition squares something in our charts, then it forms a T-square which helps us integrate our personality and deal with a deficiency or an excess.
These oppositions from Leo to Aquarius can bring high realization rather than any overt opposition in the life, especially if we have a natal or progressed planet helping us triangulate, using points outside the opposition to resolve the tension. While oppositions generate tensional awareness, we can still use the generic flow and intensification to make progress. While an opposition may feel like we’re “sailing against the wind,” if we find a sextile/trine point, then we can “tack into the wind” and catch the forward momentum in our sails despite the headwinds.
This principle can be applied to other transit to transit oppositions affecting a planet in our chart. For example, If we have something in sextile and trine to the opposition, we can make great progress despite outer circumstances. If we have something that makes a quintile or tredecile to the opposition, we will find high specialization and unique circumstances that should help us to express something “quintessential.” And if the opposition makes a T-square to a planet or angle in our chart, we can use the tension to integrate the power and release it through the void in the configuration.
As I mentioned, this is the second of three oppositions to Pluto this year; Mercury opposed Pluto between July 2 and July 4, this one is most intense between July 11 and July 13, and the third will be when the Sun opposes Pluto between July 21 and 23, so if there was some sort of extreme event in the first week of this month, it heralded something related in a Venusian area which will be followed by something “coming to Light” at the Sun opposed Pluto.
The Mercury and Venus oppositions operate from 2 Leo to 2 Aquarius, showing our ability to learn even when “school’s out” and gain through life’s “inconveniences.” The Sun opposed Pluto will happen from 1 Leo to 1 Aquarius, again bringing the larger Aquarian 20 year pulse to the surface in a Solar way. And Mars will oppose Pluto from 30 Cancer to 30 Capricorn at election time, accenting past polarizations rather than point to the future.
The good news is that at this Venus opposed Pluto, we also have a very powerful, productive, and stabilizing Sun trine Saturn, making for great resonance for any planets we have near 18-22 Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces. We also have the entire last decan of these signs harmonized by the favorable planets spread by Mars/Uranus in late Taurus harmonized with both Saturn and Pluto.
So while the opposition provides awareness and the need to focus on eliminating all which is frustrating our ability to accomplish something or see our “likes” come to fruition, there are also other factors going on which may affect us more profoundly in other areas. This chart also have a very favorable Moon trine Jupiter, harmonizing planets we have in the first half of the Fire and Air signs. So regardless of where this opposition falls in our charts, we have other very harmonious factors in play.
We also have two heavy 7th harmonic aspect series in play at this time, one involving Venus, who is septile Jupiter which is quintile Neptune. That shows a potential realization which puts some new opening in play via Jupiter. The vision or opportunity will be unique, open new vistas of opportunity, and give us a chance to play and benefit from some sort of “inconvenience.” Main areas affected by the septile are 9-13 Gemini, 1-5 Leo, 22-26 Virgo, 14-18 Scorpio, 5-9 Capricorn, 26-30 Aquarius, and 18-22 Aries. Main areas affected by the quintile are 28 Pisces-2 Aries, 10-14 Gemini, 22-26 Leo, 4-8 Scorpio, and 16-20 Capricorn. If you have a planet or point in any of these areas, it’s a unique turning point of high realization!
With Leo as the sign externalizing Pluto’s future vision, it’s a time to allow the spontaneity we’ve cultivated in the past to come forth, and create as much festivity as we can. This period of July 10 through 14 should help us connect the dots from the Mercury opposition to the coming Solar opposition. In any case enjoy the opening, enjoy the freedom, enjoy the blessings you have already begun to receive, and open to new fiery and/or creative initiatives.
© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson