by Robert Wilkinson
At this time we have a perfect example of a phenomenon I described in a talk about special evolutionary configurations. We’re now in the heart of a “traveling Finger of God,” also known as a Yod, which is affecting all with a planet in late Sagittarius and early Capricorn.
A Yod is formed when two planets in sextile both make quincunxes to a third planet at their inverse midpoint. That’s why if we have a sextile or a quincunx between planets, we automatically generate resonant void points which create a Yod. For example, in my chart I have Moon at 14 Aquarius sextile my Sun at 12 Aries. That means whenever a transit moves through 12-14 Virgo it makes dual quincunxes to my Lights.
A Yod has a quality of “double expansion through double sacrifice.” The sextile creates a productive response which requires some sort of adjustment or sacrifice to bring forth the best energies of the “nozzle point” of the Yod, in this example at 12-14 Virgo.
Applying this principle to our current transits, we’ve had the Sun forming a close (2 degree orb) sextile to Mars since July 18 which will continue through August 1. Over that time the sextile moved from 27 Cancer/29 Taurus to exact at 4 Leo/Gemini on July 25. They will continue to be within two degrees of orb until August 1 when the sextile will be from 11 Leo/9 Gemini.
Now for the “traveling Yod” road show! Between July 18 and July 20, the Sun in Cancer/Mars in Taurus generated a resonant void at 27-30 Sagittarius. If you have a planet in that span, the productive sextile brought you favorable adjustments and sacrifices in that planetary expression.
Mars entered Gemini on July 20 and the Sun entered Leo on July 22. That immediately put the Yod resonant void at 1-2 Capricorn. As it was exact yesterday at 4 Leo/Gemini, it puts the Yod nozzle release point at 4 Capricorn. By July 27 the nozzle will point to 5-6 Capricorn, and by August 1 the nozzle will point to 9-11 Capricorn, as noted above.
So mid-July brought major adjustments and sacrifices to planets in late Sagittarius, and late July brings major adjustments and sacrifices to planets in the first decan of Capricorn. As quincunxes are also associated with health adjustments, the concept of “expansion through sacrifice” could work out on the physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual planes in the personal, interpersonal, or transpersonal dimensions of human existence.
Adding a layer of complexity to what's going on right now, we also have Mercury at 1 Virgo quincunx Pluto at 1 Aquarius from now through July 29, opening resonant points creating Yods at 1 Aries and 1 Cancer. We also have Venus at 19 Leo quincunx Saturn at 19 Pisces through July 29, creating resonant void Yod points at 19 Libra and 19 Capricorn. So it would seem this weekend is adjustment, adjustment, and more adjustments!
Have fun exploring sextiles and the resonant voids they create. The Yod is one of many. Others I’ve discussed are how oppositions to either point in a sextile creates a powerful resonant productive void in the area of “the empty leg” of the Rectangle. But this is beyond the scope of this article.
Have fun exploring the resonant voids in your own charts, as you will understand why some unoccupied areas trigger major shifts and responses in your life.
If you want to know more about quincunxes, Yods, and what’s coming in the future, here are three which you’ll want to visit or re-visit.
Astrology Class Review - The Yod, or Finger of God
Spiritual Astrology in 2023, 2024, 2025 and Beyond - Fingers of God, Yods, for Years to Come
© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson