by Robert Wilkinson
This is a heads up from the Captain of the Starship! We have cosmic storms ahead for the next few days, so please fasten your seat belts, since we’ll accelerate cruising speed and see if we can’t get ahead of the storms!
As I explained in the article Astrology in August 2024 – Mars Conjunct Jupiter in Gemini, both Square Saturn in Pisces we are officially in rough weather! You may want to take a new look at what’s discussed there, since I get into the long wave cycles, the aspects in play for the rest of this year into 2025, the special voids created by past and present configurations, and besides the aspects in the title, the very long wave Saturn semisquare Pluto.
As I gave you there, this creates three active zones in an “8 Pointed Star of the Need for Right Action,” we have to be able to manage these energies by a combination of enthusiasm and restraint, following a higher truth, a higher vision, and a greater freedom of thought. This primarily affects 1-4 Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, 15-19 Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, and 29-30 Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
In addition to whatever I said in that article, I’ll add that we now are in the heart of the approaching energetic boost of Mars conjunct Jupiter with both square Saturn, showing the crucial emergence of something cooking since December 2020’s Grand Mutation at 1 Aquarius! However, as squares also accompany turning corners and/or putting the brakes on something, there’s sure to be some intense friction somewhere and perhaps tremendous releases of something expansive for the future.
Today’s Moon in Scorpio square the Sun and opposed Uranus gives us a glimpse of the problem and/or the solution to the friction accompanying the Full Moon Fixed T-square to come on Monday August 19! While tomorrow’s Moon in Sagittarius isn’t dramatic, everything begins to heat up on Wednesday, August 14, with the Moon in Sag opposed Mars conjunct Jupiter and square Saturn. As Sagittarius is the solution to many issues over the next few weeks, see how to use that optimistic, wide exploratory view to fill in whatever is needed.
Also on August 14-15 we have Mercury retrograde forming a Yod with Neptune and Pluto. This is the second Mercury Yod and challenges us to focus on seeing the primary features in situations, and sharing what we can. Then on August 15-17, Mars squares Saturn, with its lesson of backing down or backing out of situations where we’re “out on a limb,” or have gone as far as we can go without something collapsing.
The next wave of T-squares is set off by Venus square Jupiter and opposing Saturn on August 18-19, creating a void in Sagittarius. This is followed by the Full Moon Fixed T-square on August 19 generating a late Scorpio void at the same time the Jupiter square Saturn is exact. Then on August 20 the Moon in Pisces on conjuncts Saturn, squares Jupiter, and opposes Venus while squaring Mars, again generating a void in Sagittarius.
August 21 shows the Sun entering the Yod where it activates that “Finger of God” energy through August 23. August 22 finishes the run for the month with Venus square Mars. The important point here is that Venus in Virgo is the harbinger of the T-squares to come in September when the Sun and then Mercury oppose Saturn and then square Jupiter. By what Venus teaches us between August 18 and August 23 we’ll have good rehearsal skills for what’s coming in September. And all of them involve us seeing how to generate good Sagittarian traits, behavior, attitudes, and ideas.
As I offered in the above linked article, transits through the early degrees of the Fixed signs and middle degrees of the Mutable signs will trigger all kinds of Octile series aspects with Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto for the next 6 months. Another intense period is when Mars in late Cancer and early Leo opposes Pluto, sesquisquares Saturn, and semisquare Jupiter. That will be in late October and early November, as well as early January.
So mark your calendars, make progress despite the crosswinds, and if things go every which way and nowhere at the same time, have a sense of humor and vision, seek the truth or at least a greater freedom to expand in the direction Jupiter is leading your mind, shake off Saturnine ambivalence, hesitancy, fear and confusion, and remember you’re fulfilling your part to play in the larger evolutionary process in play since 2020.
You can find out more about your ability to master your Saturn to come out of fear or oppressive limitations and attitudes in my book Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend. In that work you'll understand how to break free of unhelpful responses, so that when major "storm systems" like this one blow through your life, you'll know exactly how to use your power to steer the process of your self unfoldment toward the goals you know you are here to fulfill. While friction will certainly be in the air over the next few months, by claiming your Saturn powers you will move through them with a minimum of upset. Please get a copy, or if you already have one, take a new look at Saturn's virtues since they will help keep you on track despite these generic storms.
© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson