by Robert Wilkinson
We are officially in rough weather! We have Mars conjunct Jupiter, giving everything a huge boost of energy, while both are square Saturn, either a) helping us turn a huge corner, and/or b) putting the brakes on something radically expanding. Certainly when these three come together in hard aspects it’s a major gear grind!
Mars last conjuncted Jupiter in May 2022 at 4 Aries. That has been a focus of expanded understanding, vision, or opportunity since then. This conjunction finishes that cycle and begins a new one at 17 Gemini which will last through their next conjunction at 26 Leo in November 2026.
Here I’ll note that the Mars/Jupiter conjunction of 2020 was at 23 Capricorn. So it seems that between 2020 and 2026 we’ve had the makings of a Great Quintile, a “5 Pointed Star of Quintessential Specialization.”
23 Capricorn is quintile 4 Aries, biquintile 17 Gemini, and biquintile 26 Leo. 4 Aries is quintile 17 Gemini and biquintile 26 Leo. And though wide, 17 Gemini is quintile 26 Leo. That means everyone with a planet near 25-30 Leo, 7-12 Scorpio, 19-24 Capricorn, 1-6 Aries, and 13-18 Gemini have been touched by unique circumstances these past years related to where Mars conjunct Jupiter set off new 2 year cycles of expansion or opportunity.
Jupiter last conjuncted Saturn at 1 Aquarius at the Grand Mutation of December 2020. This Jupiter square Saturn is the first turning point of their larger cycle. This is where the initial pulse at 1 Aquarius is now challenged by friction to meet the resistance and overcome it, or be hobbled by that “drag on the line.”
Jupiter expands, Saturn resists. Together they show us how to expand within healthy boundaries and limits while not allowing resistances to wear us down. I have found that when Jupiter afflicts Saturn, we have to see which limitations are appropriate and which need to be tossed out.
If there is discouragement, see if the vision is being aided or frustrated by the rules and structures of current systems. It’s a great time to get clear about where we’re going and shake off old sclerotic attitudes and restrictions which no longer serve us. Allow Jupiter’s imagination to show you greater possibilities while finding a Saturn structure which facilitates the flow rather than dams it up.
Mars conjunct Jupiter assists the momentum to break free of the past, represented by Saturn in Pisces. Interestingly, as these squares come into focus, Mars and Jupiter are also sesquisquare Pluto at 1 Aquarius, the same degree as the Grand Mutation. So in some way this square is a challenge to release the seed potential via Pluto of the future oriented Aquarian pulse taking clearer shape with each year.
Of course that means we also have Saturn semisquare Pluto. That began to take shape in late March 2024 and will continue through late February 2025, making that a constant pressure throughout the entire period. This is also the first major phase shift since Saturn conjuncted Pluto in 2020 at 23 Capricorn in January 2020.
So Saturn’s in its first major phase shift relative to Pluto, while Jupiter is in its second major phase shift relative to Saturn. As the Mars/Jupiter conjunction is at 17 Gemini, Saturn’s at 17 Pisces, and Pluto’s at 1 Aquarius, we have three points of an ”8 Pointed Star of the Need for Right Action” in play over the next few weeks. Affected zones include 1-4 Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio, as well as 16-19 Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius. You may expect something big to shake some things up these next few weeks if you have a planet in one of these zones!
The danger of Mars conjunct Jupiter with both square Saturn is a tendency to push too far in the wrong direction. Know when to back down, when to gather your winnings and wait for another time, or when not to take a risk where there are unknowns due to assumptions. Have a sense of humor, look at the details, take a second or third look at the details, make sure that things are as they seem, and when in doubt, back off or take a leap in a new direction if the risks aren’t too great.
We’ll also be dealing with Venus in Virgo opposing Saturn and squaring Jupiter and then Mars. Again, it seems that Sagittarius energy is the best way to deal with the cross currents indicated by these 8th harmonic aspects. Pay attention to what is required in August, since Jupiter will retrograde back to the square to Saturn and sesquisquares to Pluto by late November which will last through early January 2025.
Obviously transits through the early degrees of the Fixed signs and middle degrees of the Mutable signs will trigger all kinds of Octile series aspects with Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto for the next 6 months. The most intense period will be when Mars is in late Cancer and early Leo, opposing Pluto, sesquisquares Saturn, and semisquare Jupiter. That will be in late October and early November, as well as early January.
So mark your calendars, make progress despite the crosswinds, and if things go every which way and nowhere at the same time, have a sense of humor and vision, seek the truth or at least a greater freedom to expand in the direction Jupiter is leading your mind, shake off Saturnine ambivalence, hesitancy, fear and confusion, and remember you’re fulfilling your part to play in the larger evolutionary process in play since 2020.
You can find out more about your ability to master your Saturn to come out of fear or oppressive limitations and attitudes in my book Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend. In that work you'll understand how to break free of unhelpful responses, so that when major "storm systems" like this one blow through your life, you'll know exactly how to use your power to steer the process of your self unfoldment toward the goals you know you are here to fulfill. While friction will certainly be in the air over the next few months, by claiming your Saturn powers you will move through them with a minimum of upset. Please get a copy, or if you already have one, take a new look at Saturn's virtues since they will help keep you on track despite these generic storms.
© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson