by Robert Wilkinson
I wrote these notes some weeks back and just found them. While not comprehensive, they bear a look since we’re in the middle of it! Here are some key transits going on now related to the presidential candidates.
August will not be kind to TFG. Mars will conjunct Jupiter on his Uranus exactly squared by Saturn on August 14-16. Then Mars will oppose his Moon and conjunct his Sun between August 20-26.
The Mars/Jupiter squares to Saturn are followed August 18-23 by transiting Venus in Virgo square T Mars/Jupiter and opposed T Saturn. Mercury retrograde makes an inferior conjunction with the Sun conjunct TFG's natal Mars on August 18-19. As Mercury retrograde exposes tricksters and criminals, I'd say the last half of August will be more than a few nails in his coffin. The last 5 days shows Mars semisquare his Pluto.
Important points will be 1) July 14-21 (harbinger of August), 2) Jul 29-Aug 2, 3) Sept 4-10. By mid-September he'll be out of his mind as Mars squares his Neptune, conjuncts his Mercury and semisquares his Pluto. I’m sure he won’t like anything around the time of the debate.
Mars in Cancer is not a great transit for him. It squares his Neptune and conjuncts his Mercury between September 10-21, then it squares his Jupiter the first weekend in October, quincunxes his Moon mid-October, and transits his Saturn and Venus from October 10-27. This is important because Mars will retrograde back through the conjunctions to Venus/Saturn mid-January and square Jupiter all of February and Mars, again conjuncting his Venus/Saturn at the end of March into early April.
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Ms. Harris has Pluto in a separating T-square to her Sun/Moon which will not perfect again. However, Pluto has been squaring her Mercury since Spring 2023, thus the nasty smears some repubs have put out there. Jupiter is in her 12th giving lots of protection and momentum, and during this late Summer it’s boosting her Grand Air Trine.
Transiting Saturn in the 10th is an obvious marker of ascending in power and influence. Especially as the opposition externalizes her Virgo stellium energies in higher service. Depending on the individual and the timing of other transits, it always marks a huge rise or fall in influence. In her case, there are clearly oppositional factors in play in her chart for many months to come.
Saturn is also on her Healer/Mentor and can externalize her Virgo stellium power IF she can show the courage and focused will power that 13 Pisces demands. At least 13 Pisces is also quintile her Jupiter and trine her Neptune, throwing a favorable Cancer trine to her Asc.
The big deal this Summer for all of us is Mars conjunct Jupiter square Saturn and sesquisquare Pluto (which was coming in a few weeks when I first wrote this). That throws a frictional void to mid-Sagittarius in her chart. However, the Mars/Jupiter conjunction at 17 Gemini is in an exact tredecile to her Saturn which is interactive serendipity.
In her case, the convention is Aug 19-22, so the 22nd will be when she accepts the nomination. Jupiter and Saturn configure with her Venus, which makes sense since it’s an outpouring of human celebration. Mars is in a particularly good place for her as it is sextile her Mars and will be sextile her Moon and trine her Sun. That transiting grand Air trine is excellent for all kinds of connections and messaging.
I’d say her worst times will be when Mars transits the 26-30 Cancer, which unfortunately will happen three times. The last 10 days of October and the first week of November, followed by Mars square her Mercury through November 15. Then Mars squares her Mercury again at the end of December and first week of January and squares her Moon/Sun on January 9-18.
When it squares her Lights it also quincunxes her Saturn, but late Cancer is good for her Jupiter (friends and allies) and her Neptune, so she may still have a unique victory in the collective consciousness related to Neptune/Scorpio/5 house which shows the influence of abortion in her life at this time.
Stay tuned, since I’ll do another one of these in September.
© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson