by Robert Wilkinson
Neptune represents the Divine Power of eternal and infinite connectedness, and rules the tides of life and the universal feelings we experience as we navigate the fogs and uncertainties of life. It is the “Sea of Relatedness” we all swim in with each other, and It goes stationary direct December 7. What does this hold for us?
Neptune’s exact direct station occurs at 3:43 pm PST, 11:43 pm GMT on December 7. As is the case with all the outer planets when they turn stationary direct or retrograde, it marks a major “sea change” in those invisible Spiritual transpersonal energies. We are all about to have a different but familiar Neptunian experience where we are shown anew the span Neptune has traversed since May 2023, where we began to see a potential future abundance perfectly suited to who were were/are.
In 2022-2023 we purified our personalities so our Soul could shine through without distortion or any sense of separateness within the whole. Now we prepare for a new collective atmosphere as Neptune approaches its entry into Aries in the Spring.
We’ve been reviewing 30 through 28 Pisces since early July, and now stand on the threshold of being able to know the “call of the universal mind to the heart,” and some have found “normally unnoticed powers released” at the completion of a process. Having learned to bless and be blessed, forgive and be forgiven, these past months, we continue to move through the end of the end of Neptune’s stay in its home sign of Pisces, with the final phase of our experience beginning NOW, as Neptune will transit between 28 and 30 Pisces between now and its entry into Aries at the end of March 2025!
How We Got Here
Neptune has not been in this part of Pisces since 1860-1861. As I’ve mentioned for several years, it would seem the collective consciousness is in an impending “civil war” state of mind. It was certainly a time of rampant imperialism and heavy handed rule of the wealthy. As most of that mental and emotional pollution was never cleaned up, no doubt some are experiencing some very weird scenes of the collective haunted apparitions of the past and present.
Remember Neptune represents both the collective consciousness, as well as the collective unconscious. The first is what it’s aware of, whether consciously or unconsciously. The second is what it is unaware of as a collective mentality. As there are many ghosts and echoes across time associated with the sign of Pisces, it’s safe to say we are all experiencing “the ghosts of all time” at this long wave “end of the end, beginning of the beginning” minor epoch of the transition out of the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius.
Between 2016-2018, Neptune occupied 11-15 Pisces, where our sense of connectedness in Pisces is merged on an individual, intellectual, and spiritual level. Neptune fulfilled its transit of the first half of Pisces by March 2018, and then entered the second half of Pisces, shifting one keyword from “Federation” to “Perpetuation.” It moved through 16-20 Pisces between April 2018 and February 2021, during which it initially entered the third decan in April 2020. It then re-entered the third decan in late February 2021, and will stay in the end phase of Pisces until it enters Aries in late March 2025.
The second decan of Pisces has a Cancerian influence with a powerful Jupiter presence. That sector gives a sense of personal connection and caring to the Neptune in Pisces expression. The third part of Pisces has a Scorpionic influence with a powerful Mars presence. It is the last 10 degree phase of the Whole Cycle of 360 degrees, where we eliminate and complete the end of the end as we prepare for a new long wave beginning. This is a witnessing of all that has come before, a final “coming together” on the collective feeling level before the advent of a new era.
The final part of Pisces is the Scorpionic karma of humanity’s past with an extra dose of Mars to keep things moving forward. Once Neptune enters Aries in March 2025, many ghosts, superstitions, and confusions of the past 2000 years will quickly give way to a sense of emergence into a new collective consciousness.
Neptune’s Stationary Direct Sabian Symbol
Neptune represents what is “in fashion” in the collective. Different cultures and subcultures interpret this global pulse in different ways. The Sabian Symbol for the 28th degree of Pisces is “A fertile garden under the full moon.” In the original notes from the Marc Jones class on the symbols published in The Astrology of Personality, Rudhyar says this degree is one of “normally unnoticed powers released at the fruition of natural processes,” “call of universal mind to the heart,” and “fullness.”
In the Astrological Mandala he goes on to say this is a degree of “the full satisfaction of the individual’s basic needs,” where “what is stressed now is not the full moon itself or its light, but the moon’s power to call forth the instinctive urge for growth.” He offers the garden is a metaphor for a place where many things are grown “to fill an equal variety of human needs and tastes.”
He states it’s “a symbol of abundance, an abundance fitted to individualized requirements and wants.” This degree falls in the Span of Protection, and is the third, or synthesizing degree, of the Act of Capitalization in the Scene of Perpetuation on the individual-mental level.
Dr. Marc E Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, says this is a degree of “a simple satisfaction through outer rather than inner manifestations of reality, or of a normal self-dedication to purely conventional accomplishment.” He says we are blessed when we are “more the average than the exceptional,” since we find others more of service in the former than the latter.
He continues that our struggles show our commonality in which “the race survives,” and in our “archetypal make-up there is room to salvage all the failures and embody all the contributions of the far more lonely genius.” He gives us the keyword ULTIMACY, and states when operating in a positive manner, this is a degree of “high reward in worldly goods and exceptional self-integrity in using them.”
So we now begin to move forward within that vast “feeling field” known as Neptune, tuned into a vaster collective “fruition of a natural process,” where we may find abundance, growth, commonality, and the worldly goods we need to enter the Spring of the 21st century in 2025.
Neptune now moves forward through its shadow zone until March 30, 2025, when it will move into 1 Aries. Between now and April we will know the abundance in our lives from being immersed in it the past year, see further developments as “things fall apart” showing us the relationship of the parts to the whole.
Neptune then again makes another pass over its June 2024 retrograde station at 30 Pisces, where we’ve been “dreaming the future and pre-forming what is to come” since May 2024. You can find out more about the power of 30 Pisces, where our dream visualizations set the patterns for future manifestations, in the article The Sun at 30 Pisces – The Power of Dream Visualization to Create Our Future. Neptune will occupy that degree the entire month of March until it enters Aries at the end of the month. Still, the power and influence of that degree will be boosted by the Sun conjunct Neptune at 30 Pisces, followed by Venus retrograding back into Pisces and conjuncting Neptune on March 27 at 30 Pisces and then by Mercury retrograding back into Pisces and conjuncting Neptune on March 29/30 just 10 hours before Neptune enters Aries.
Long Terms Shifts In Collective Consciousness
Neptune shows us the tides of collective lessons, and the themes coming forth from the collective unconscious. Where Neptune is transiting in our charts is where we’re tuned into the collective, for better or worse. Apart from these larger shades of the sea, the Sabian Symbol themes can be excellent clues about humanity’s larger issues and themes of ultimate relatedness.
Try to imagine the collective “in-breathing and outbreathing” these larger themes across the years. We hit a threshold state at the SRX forward station each year in the Summer, then review the themes of the previous degrees between the SRX and SD points from Summer through late Autumn. The SD point becomes a platform from which we move forward within collective consciousness.
The November 2016 SD 10 Pisces theme was “Mastery Moving Into A Testing Period.” This implies we were within the themes of the beginning of the second decan of Pisces which involved our entry “into the sanctuary,” accepting our role within a new group energy and testing our skills and courage to get out of our own way so a higher Will could be focused within us.
The June 2017 SRX 15 Pisces threshold theme was “Rehearsal Before the Battle Where Appearances Give Way to Necessities.” We then re-traced the “atmospheres” of 15, 14, 13, and 12 Pisces, giving us a new look at how skilled we are in getting out of our way to focus a higher Will in a period of testing. So we were immersed in moving back and forth around 12-13 Pisces. (Neptune went SRX at 14 Pisces in June 1853).
The November 2017 12 Pisces SD theme was “We Have All Proved What We’re Qualified to Do in the Spiritual Field.” This grounded the testing in the collective field as a platform all of us have dealt with since 2016. (Neptune went SD at 11 Pisces in Nov 1853).
The June 2018 SRX 17 Pisces theme was “Participation in a Rebirth of Groups Assembling.” Early 2018 introduced us to the themes of 16 and 17 Pisces, while late 2018 we reviewed the themes of 17, 16, 15, and 14. So 2018 was about a “first look” at a new inspiration and our willingness to participate in some sort of group rebirth, presenting our best to our society. (Neptune went SRX at 16 Pisces in June 1854).
The November 2018 SD 14 Pisces theme was “Those Who Are Consecrated to a Sacred Work in the Spiritual Field Need Protective Shielding.” This anchored our protective “shields” to do our work in the world, and gave us yet another look at the themes of 14-17 Pisces, before entering into the unknown zone of 18-19, which became the new themes for 2019. (Neptune went SD at 13 Pisces in Jan 1855).
The June 2019 SRX 19 Pisces theme of “Taking A Walk With Our Wisdom” was the threshold of the Summer of 2019, after which we reviewed the themes of 16, 17, 18, and 19 Pisces. So 2019 was about our first experience of being invested with a deeper, vaster wisdom, with the second half of the year a review of our spiritual renewal within our group, along with revising some ideas “back to source.” (Neptune went SRX at 19 Pisces in June 1855).
The November 2019 SD 16 Pisces theme was “Finding a New Inspiration By Retreating From the World.” This grounded our ability to reference our inner inspiration as we participated in our spiritual group renewal and put ourselves and our skills out into the public realm trusting our wisdom as it again transited 17, 18, and 19 Pisces before entering into the unknown zone of 20-21 Pisces, which became the new themes for 2020 (Neptune went SD at 16 Pisces in December 1855).
The June 2020 SRX 21 Pisces theme of “Finding New Faith in Learning To Touch and Be Touched” was the threshold of the Summer of 2020, after which we reviewed the themes of 19, 20, and 21 Pisces. So 2020 was about our first experience of finding what we need at “the end of our day of labor,” as well as a discovery about touch (material and/or metaphorical), with the second half of the year a review of these, as well as the wisdom which was first given to us in the Summer of 2019. (Neptune went SRX at 21 Pisces in June 1856)
The November 2020 SD 19 Pisces theme was the same as the June 2019 SRX theme of “walking with our wisdom” as we moved forward through the span of 19-24 Pisces, getting at third look at 19-21 and a first look at 22-24 Pisces. (This begins the break in the pattern, as Neptune went SD at 18 Pisces in December 1856.)
The August 2021 SRX 24 Pisces theme of “Finding a new connection with others” was the threshold of the Summer of 2021, after which we reviewed the themes of 21, 22, 23, and 24 Pisces. So 2021 was about our first experience of total immersion in the social and emotional field of the vast collective. (This continues the break, as Neptune went SRX at 23 Pisces in June 1857.)
The December 2021 SD 21 Pisces theme was the same as the June 2020 SRX theme of becoming aware of new ways to touch and be touched, with more hope opened in the collective field based in all which had come forth related to 21 Pisces since June 2020. (Again, Neptune went SD at 20 Pisces in December 1857.)
The June 2022 SRX 26 Pisces theme of “Each gets to do their own thing in their own way, glimpsing the poetry of our lives” was the threshold of the Summer of 2022, after which we reviewed the themes of 23, 24, 25, and 26 Pisces. So the second half of 2022 was about moving from social and emotional immersion in collective consciousness to individual and spiritual levels of experience. (Neptune went SRX at 25 Pisces in June 1858).
The December 2022 SD 23 Pisces theme of hidden powers which come forth when we “give of our essence” to making something manifest was in play during early 2023, and led us through yet another crossing of collective themes before that time. (Neptune went SD at 23 Pisces in December 1858).
The June 2023 SRX 28 Pisces theme of “abundance suited to each individual” set the collective threshold that year, after which we reviewed 25, 26, 27 and 28 Pisces. So 2023 was about immersion in the individual and spiritual fields of the collective, and a review of using our creative imagination “to dominate circumstances,” seeing why we had to go our own way in the past, and then landed on our final period of purification. (Neptune went SRX at 28 Pisces in July 1859.)
The December 2023 SD 25 Pisces theme of purification was in play during early 2024, and led us through yet another crossing of collective themes related to 25, 26, 27, and 28 Pisces. (Neptune went SD at 25 Pisces in December 1859).
The July 2024 SRX 30 Pisces theme of “visualizing the future” set the collective threshold this year, after which we reviewed 28, 29, and 30 Pisces. So 2024 has helped us complete our Neptune in Pisces experience, and the review we’ve done should help us flow into the Neptune in Aries era. (Neptune went SRX at 30 Pisces in July 1860.)
From here we again move through this span of 28-30 Pisces from now through late March 2025, when Neptune again moves into unknown zones of 1-3 Aries. It last entered Aries in April 1861, so this coming Spring and Summer will parallel that one! For a sense of what we’ve all been through in 2024, please check out Astrology Sea Changes in July 2024 - Neptune is Stationary Retrograde at 30 Pisces. As Neptune went SD at 27 Pisces in Dec 1860, it would seem like the collective is partying like it’s 1860-1861 all over again!
Summing Up
So the tide has turned one more time as we prepare to sail familiar seas for a third time! We now move forward with a platform of having “a vaster feeling awareness” which allows us to know how to tap powers hidden deep within so we may play our part in the collective ocean.
In the past couple of years, we’ve purified our lives and secured a greater faith in ourselves, and seen how each can do what they do only in their own unique way. We now more forward, knowing we are moving toward our ideal of abundance in some way, already seeing how old things have been disintegrating, with some glimpses of the future we want to see made manifest.
From now through March 2025, we’ll again revisit the themes of 28, 29, and 30 Pisces which were discussed above. Then at the end of March Neptune will leave its shadow zone and move into the unknown zones of 1, 2, and 3 Aries, where it will go SRX in July. So for the next 16 weeks, show your mastery of navigating the collective fogs and fears while experiencing your connection to all other Beings as well as the depths of yourself.
At this point, Neptune makes off-again, on-again forming sextiles to Pluto, moving us from irrationality into a long period of invisible transformative energies working for productivity. Uranus has begun its approach to its sextile with Neptune and trine to Pluto in play for many years to come, indicating that as we slip into “The Spring of the 21st Century,” we’ll have an entirely different experience of the invisible Spiritual Triad.
Saturn makes nothing but favorable aspects to Neptune for many years, with the exact conjunction coming in February 2026 at 1 Aries. Jupiter is just coming off a binovile to Neptune, and by February they will be in a very tight quintile, helping us leave many ghosts of the past behind as things continue to fall apart.
Jupiter stays in a separating quintile through late March, and then returns to the binovile by late April. Jupiter then makes a powerful waxing square to Neptune from 3 Cancer to 3 Aries in June, marking a turning point in the Jupiter/Neptune cycle which began at the conjunction in April 2022 at 24 Pisces, a degree of “interdependence.”
As all the inner planets are now preparing to re-enter the outer planet occupied zone which begins with Pluto in Aquarius and runs through Saturn in mid-Pisces, Neptune in late Pisces, Jupiter in mid-Gemini, and Uranus in late Taurus, regard the next 6 months as a time of spiritual harvest for the year. We stand on the threshold of renewing the year cycles of each of these outer planet spiritual heavyweights between December and June, so prepare to pull the energies inward for the next few months, opening to the new Pluto, Neptune, and Saturn cycles while continuing to close the old Uranus and Jupiter year cycles.
If you want to know more about this long wave Neptune in Pisces seascape we’ve all been navigating, please take a new look at Neptune in Pisces – What to Expect. That article explores the nature of Neptune, what the Piscean field experience is all about, and has a lot of information you won’t find anywhere else.
Copyright © 2024 Robert Wilkinson