by Robert Wilkinson
Venus leaves its stay in pragmatic and studied Capricorn at 10:13 pm PST on December 6 and enters idealistic and detached Aquarius for most of December. It will enter Pisces, its sign of exaltation, promising more empathy, depth, and compassion in our Venus experience beginning January 2. So what does Venus’ passage through Aquarius hold for all of us?
This brings the next shift in the energy of planets and houses we have in Taurus and Libra. Whereas mid-Summer brought us outgoing, inspired Venus in Leo, lighting up our lives in both inner and outer ways, in August Venus in Virgo taught us that “to rule is to serve,” with an appreciation of good service, meticulous work, humility, and solid relationships.
Then in late August we moved into Venus in Libra, giving us a sense of balance, grace, and equilibrium as we found a new “rhythm of relationship.” Venus entered Scorpio in late September, deepening our connections, and then entered Sagittarius on October 17, bringing us a new sense of freedom and optimism as we danced with Venus in a Fire sign. It entered Capricorn on November 11, bringing value and appreciation for the practical elements in our relationships, and now enters Aquarius.
We were trained in forms of social power and effective ways of relating while Venus was in Capricorn. We learned a more refined restraint, or a new maturity in our interactions. Now Venus in Aquarius allows that personal power to expand in social effectiveness, where we can see greater ways to contribute to a greater good while seeking more ideal and friendly relationships.
Venus in Aquarius brings the love of idealism, an attraction to ideas which will create a greater good for a greater number, and all things progressive which further group evolution. Venus in this sign is an idealist who sees a better way and is the ultimate ruler of their realm. Aquarius is the sign of a worker for the betterment of society. Venus in this sign always tries to conduct itself with propriety, even if some of its more progressive expressions could shock people stuck in old ways!
Venus in Aquarius is impersonal in its likes and dislikes, preferring to evaluate people and things “at a distance.” Always friendly and open minded, it’s still very fixed in its tastes and opinions.
This position values the ability to relate to others at a higher, or perhaps more formal or refined way of interacting coupled with idealism and genuine friendliness. Venus in this sign encourages us to value shared ideals, value friendships, value a higher vision, value managing resources and people wisely, and value our ability to relate to others with genuine dispassion.
As the trip around the zodiac can be seen in terms of “dual pulses,” initiated by the Fire and Air signs and “confirmed” by the Earth and Water signs, this begins our trip through the Sagittarius/Capricorn pulse. This is solidly in the spiritual/transpersonal sector of the zodiac, permitting us to take the social experience of Venus in Leo, Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio into another dimension of human experience. The balancing, refining energy of Venus in Libra, deepened in magnetic attraction/repulsion in Scorpio, entered a new realm in Sagittarius, organized into personal power in Capricorn, which will now see a wider vision of how to apply that power for the greatest good.
Venus in Aquarius is powerful, as it combines its familiar qualities of Air and Fixity. Venus in this sign harmonizes with planets in the Air and Fire signs, brings those with Venus in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius to a turning point in their relationships.
Venus in Aquarius is harmonious by element with its Libra nature and harmonious by mode with its Taurus nature. So it has the familiar Fixed power of conservation of energy, moving only when it is compelled of its own initiative, as well as the interactive tendency of its Libra Air qualities.
In Aquarius Venus is in Her own 5th sign, as per Her rulership of Libra, and in Her own 10th sign, as per Her rulership of Taurus. In its own 5th it naturally and spontaneously expresses its sense of fairness, justice, and balance in a big picture setting. In its own 10th, it represents fulfills its values and how to use what we have to secure a more ideal expression of our public persona or reputation. As Aquarius is the 12th sign from Venus’ exaltation in Pisces, it also is in a harmonious position as the precursor to entering Her sign of greatest growth.
Venus in Aquarius is extraordinarily consistent, following its own idealistic image of beauty and value. As it’s in the axis of the Archetype of the “King/Queen,” a.k.a. “The Noble,” or “The Orphan,” it indicates Venus accepts its “role to rule,” but without the pomp, ceremony, and style of Venus in Leo. Venus should be most powerful in the first and last decans of Aquarius, due to its subrulership of those sector of the zodiac.
It should be good for people with Sun or Moon in Aquarius, because when Venus comes to visit your Lights, you could find yourself beholding something or someone of great beauty or value who can illuminate you or care for you in Venusian ways. Because it is the backdrop to how planets in Taurus and Libra express themselves, if things move away from the careful and pragmatic way of being with others of Capricorn into a more detached, friendly, and altruistic way of being with others, take the cue and re-shape your likes and expression accordingly.
So welcome to the gateway to a new Venusian experience which will lead us to a greater appreciation and value for our ability to make a greater contribution to others or society as a whole, with an ease of maturity and an ability to feel a part of a greater group contribution. Enjoy Venus in an Air sign, since it brings lightness and brightness to our interactions, and even a broader view of how we can use what we have to contribute to a better future. With Venus in Aquarius, we learn to enjoy being part of a larger whole. By early January Venus will enter Pisces, the sign of its exaltation, where we get a renewed swim in the ocean of infinite compassion and will learn new ways of being empathic, forgiving, and allowing when it’s time for things to end.
A Brief Look at How We Got Here
Venus in Aquarius brings yet another a turning point in the voyage of Venus through all the zodiacal signs. So let’s take a look at the current Venus cycle to get a sense of perspective about how we got here and where we’re going.
In early April 2024, Venus left Pisces and entered Aries. Venus in Pisces feels everything there is to feel, while Venus in Aries feels what is immediate and passing, leaping forward into relationships and quick to like and “unlike” things. Venus in Aries opens new likes, new values, new appreciation, and more directness in all interactions. This year Venus occupied Aries from April 4-29, when it entered Taurus.
Venus in Taurus savors each moment. Venus in Taurus likes what it likes and is not inclined to try new things unless they’re easy and pleasant. While Venus in Aries is highly agitated, Venus in Taurus likes comfort and ease. This year Venus occupied Taurus the first 3 ½ weeks of May.
When Venus was in Gemini it began a new “pulse,” and we experienced a more curious, open and adaptable approach to our likes, loves, and fancies. Venus in Gemini gives a “love of learning,” a love of exploring all the ideas there are to explore which capture the imagination. It is good with words and ideas, and solves information puzzles by seeing ways to put them together. We learned new Venusian likes, values, and the social promise in Gemini. This year Venus occupied Gemini between late May through mid-June.
Venus then moved into Cancer, giving opportunities to secure what nurtured us and allowed us to have deeper relationships. Venus in Cancer loves deep, tender connections with people and experience. While it is VERY sensitive, it is also the most caring placement for Venus, because it rules Taurus, the exaltation of the Moon. The Moon does well in Venus signs, and Venus does well in Lunar signs (I include Leo, as the Moon is the spiritual ruler of Leo, as I explain in Saturn, Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend. This year Venus transited Cancer between mid-June and early July.
Venus in Leo began a new pulse between mid-July and early August this year, taking the introversion and sensitivity of Cancer and turning it outward in creative and dramatic forms of expression. Venus in Virgo for almost all of August completed this dual pulse by learning to value expressing “significant form” and “divine Discernment.” Leo gave us a new enthusiasm and sense of heartfelt liking and loving of things and people, and Virgo helped us find the place and function of each detail in our lives.
Venus was in Libra began a new “dual pulse” in its home sign of Libra. Venus in Libra values and expresses more balanced, reasoned, beautiful and “symmetric” interactions and experiences. It is interactive, gracious, and wants to make forms more pleasing. Venus completes or “secures” that pulse in Scorpio, reorienting our social instincts toward a deeper connection with self and others, and a greater intensity of all our interactions with the world. Venus in Scorpio taught us what we can attract and how to do it, as well as what we cannot hold on to because the magnetism is no longer there. This year Venus was in Libra between late August and late September, and in Scorpio between late September and mid-October.
Venus in Sagittarius from mid-October through mid-November brought a new pulse, which will be completed during its time in Capricorn. Venus in Sagittarius brings openness and a willingness to dance, appreciating the spaces which allow us freedom to explore each other, and seeing how what we value feeds our future or not. It values freedom and higher, broader truths, whether others agree with them or not.
Venus in Sagittarius then takes those truths and potential futures and organizes values and interactions into forms of personal power in Capricorn. That love of propriety and maturity in relationships naturally lead us to see our power in the broader context of society. Venus in Capricorn teaches us about the value of personal power and more mature interactions. Venus transited Capricorn between mid-November and early December.
Venus’ in Aquarius leads us to value or appreciation for our ability to make a greater contribution to others or society as a whole, with an ease of maturity and an ability to feel a part of a greater group contribution. Venus in Aquarius teaches us how to enjoy more of a sense of being part of a greater group work. Venus was last in Aquarius mid-February through early March 2024 and now returns to that sign between early December and early January 2025.
Venus then takes the vision and affection for a greater good into the depth waters of Pisces, where it feels all the empathy and compassion there is to feel while understanding the value of saying goodbye, forgiving much as it passes down the stream of Time. Venus in Pisces gives us a renewed swim in the ocean of infinite compassion. Venus was last in Pisces mid-March through early April 2024, and it will next occupy the sign between early January and early February 2025.
From Here We Dance On
Venus’ entry into Aquarius introduces our Venusian expression to a greater appreciation and value for our ability to be mature adults interacting with others on a higher level of idealism or behavior. Practice detachment, but be engaged when you’re with others because indifference is bad for relationships. See the greater values you want to nurture in your world, and enjoy the breadth of view!
With Venus in Aquarius, we learn to enjoy being our own friend. Show genuine appreciation for others who share your ideals and you might find you’re having a great party! Venus is still heralding the path of the Sun from now through the Spring, as when it goes retrograde in March it will make an inferior conjunction with the Sun at 3 Aries just after the Equinox, when it becomes the gateway to the Light of the Sun for a short time.
So welcome to the threshold to a new Venusian experience which will lead us to a more idealistic connection with others, as well as a greater enjoyment of all things Aquarian! Venus in Aquarius is in a sign favorable to its Libra nature, if not its Taurus nature. What Venus heralds this month will give us Venusian appreciation before we incorporate the experience in our lives via the Solar transits.
As our Venus response evolves, we have the capability to enjoy the subtle pleasures in life to the fullest. No longer over-indulgent or self-denying, we can choose what to like and find a rich appreciation for the banquet of life experiences which are ours for the enjoying!
The Magic of Venus: Friendships, Soul Mates, and Twin Flames
Each transit Venus makes through a sign adds to our Venusian experience, enabling us to shape our likes and affections toward newer and better values and relationships. Venus’ duality is Wisdom/Folly. By our Venus responses, we are led out of erroneous values, vanities, and ways of interacting into the wisdom of “Right Relationship.”
In esoteric philosophy, Venus is said to be the elder sister of the Earth, so perhaps our Venus shows us how to refine what is of value and leave the superficial and vain imaginings of the ego behind, just as humanity is learning globally at this time in history. Venus is definitely part of the equation in our personal and interpersonal happiness.
Because Venus changing signs shows us our own changing tastes as well as the changing tastes of those around us, you can find out more about what you like and why you like it, as well as how Venus functions in Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and all the signs in my book The Magic of Venus: Friendships, Soul Mates, and Twin Flames. It is the most comprehensive book on Venus ever written, and explains why we attract who we do and how to create more satisfying relationships in the future. It is a combination of psychological, astrological, spiritual, and experiential knowledge and wisdom accumulated over a 60 year period.
This work offers all you could want to know about the power of your inner Venus and how you can make your relationships more fulfilling because you are living a Soul-ful life. You’ll find out about why you like or don’t like people and things, why you’ve attracted who you have in the past and present, and how to make those attractions more aligned with your Soul purpose in the future. You’ll understand why Soul Mates come into our lives, and how to know the difference between a Soul Mate and our Twin Flame.
It has chapters on the qualities of each sign’s natural mate, the qualities of Venus in each sign, Venus retrograde, and when crucial choices and changes are made, affecting who we attract in the future. It was written for both astrologers and lay people, and as it has a thousand gems for better relationships, with self, others, and Source, please consider getting your copy by going to the link above! (And when you’re done, please leave a review on Amazon, since it helps the book and all other books on astrology as well!)
© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson