by Robert Wilkinson
On January 11, 2025, we finish the North Node in Aries/South Node in Libra era we began on July 17, 2023, and enter the North Node in Pisces/South Node in Virgo era which will last until late July 2026. What can we expect?
When the North Node is in a sign, that energy becomes our “line of greatest evolutionary development” and the South Node in the opposite sign is the “line of least resistance” and how we “show what we know.” We breathe in NN energy, we exhale SN energy. The North Node pulls us to growth, and the South Node shows us what we are already familiar with.
The Recent Past Now Gives Way to the Future
When the North Node was in Gemini and the South Node was in Sagittarius between May 2020 and January 2022, the growth was in seeing the many ways things can be interpreted and communicated, with the line of least resistance being the world of abstractions and possibilities which are never actualized. This Nodal axis was a time of needing to read, write, study, and explore the countless ways that words and language can be used while not getting lost in abstractions for their own sake. While the NN in Sag grows through long journeys and higher education, NN in Gemini grows through short journeys and training the brain-mind in logic, order, and structure, demonstrating its growth through the openness of Sagittarius.
With the North Node in Taurus and the South Node in Scorpio, we learned through enjoyment, simplicity, comfort, and steadiness of effort, and demonstrated these qualities through letting go of intensity for its own sake, defaulting to discontent, or eliminating things which obstructed our easy of living. We learned about value, demonstrated by what we let go of and what we chose to keep.
A simple way to view this Nodal axis is that if Taurus is gain and Scorpio is loss, then with NN in Taurus and SN in Scorpio, we learned more from our gains than our losses. We grew through accumulating, whether ideas, things, or whatever; the line of least resistance was to learn to let go, voluntarily and proactively, of whatever you need to release. In this case, a sense of value or worth was more important than whatever we felt about anything.
With the North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra, we learned through taking the initiative, being a pioneer in some way, and breaking new ground and discovering new ways to be ourselves. We demonstrated these through our sense of balance, proportion, and fairness with action the pull and elegance the release. Aries and Taurus are the two signs which are least influenced by the outer world, and are entirely self-generating in their initiatives and ways to enjoy life on their own terms. Those two signs are definitely “what you see is what you get,” and both are very immediate in their response to life. It’s why they are the two signs which are least socially influenced.
So we’ve been learning how to be self-reliant while enjoying ourselves these past 18 months in inspired initiatives while letting go of needless compromise and “being nice for nice’ sake.” We now move from the self-reliant energies of Taurus and Aries into the global feeling-field of Pisces, where we’ll grow by feeling our connection to “All-That-Is.”
We’ve learned to go our own way and do our own thing in our own way the past 18 months, getting things in motion and breaking new ground wherever we have Aries in our charts. We demonstrated our growth through our ability to maintain balance and a sense of proportion but didn’t grow when we were unnecessarily compromising, as that just led us in circles or down blind alleys. Our growth has been in NOT being wishy-washy while seeing the naked truth which required action.
The North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo
We grow through embracing the collective feeling-awareness of Pisces and demonstrate our growth through the practical discipleship and divine discernment of Virgo. The last time we experienced this was between June 2006 and December 2007. This increases our growth in our Pisces houses and planets, pulling those areas to develop. This accompanies an ability to demonstrate the growth in compassion and empathy of Pisces through the humility and practical service of Virgo.
The North Node may be the line of greatest development, but that doesn’t mean it’s an easy time for those planets pulled to grow. In fact, it’s more likely to be difficult following the North Node energy, but it will turn out to be very profitable in the long run. While it may be easy to be worried, critical, troubled over small details, and generally insecure, there’s really no growth there, even if there are releases. For Pisces planets, allow yourself to be pulled to growth; for Virgo planets, “let go, let god.”
Those with a planet in Pisces will find that planet moving into its line of greatest development during this time, while letting go of old Virgo expressions in any planets we may have in that sign. Any time the North Node comes to visit a planet it pushes our understanding and responses to that sign energy. When the South Node comes to visit a planet, it shows us what we no longer need to express, or something from the past presents itself which we don’t really need to revisit in any way except to see how we needed to let it go.
So with the end of the NN in Aries era, we should all have cultivated the ability to act on our own initiative, seeing new vistas of development, new parts to play as individuals within a larger field of interactivity, and new freedom to do our own thing. Now we get to feel our Oneness within the whole of the planetary Life, swimming in the ocean of collective human feelings across space and time.
Obviously with the North Node now conjunct Neptune, that widespread “feeling field” will pull us all to growth. Allow yourself to feel more empathy, more compassion, and more forgiveness in the coming months, demonstrating it in practical service or some sort of material self-adjustment to meet conditions you feel are coming.
Besides the conjunction with Neptune in play through April 2025, we also have Saturn conjunct the North Node through May. This should bring a sense of structure to the Neptunian growth the first 4 months of 2025, and help us flow out of fear and useless rules into structures and duties which connect us to the greater whole of life. Obviously we’re going to have a very powerful focus wherever we have the last half of Pisces!
To give you a sense of these periods in your past, here are some previous North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo eras. (These were all preceded by NN in Aries for the 17-18 month before these periods):
December 1931-June 1933
July 1950-March 1952
April 1969-November 1970
November 1987-May 1989
June 2006-December 2007
Anyway, if it’s time to forgive and bless the passages, having compassion for yourself, another, or the entire human condition. Let yourself flow into the vast feelings of knowing you’re developing “non-local awareness” and are tuning into the joys and sorrows, tragedies and triumphs or all people through all time! This is the time to accept that this is a place of transitions, of connections to all other life forms, and of learning how to “let go let god.”
It will also be a time when you cannot take some things personally, as you may be picking up on someone else’s feelings, whether near or far. Learn to surf the waves of the vast oceanic feeling-field while showing discernment by not getting caught in rip tides! When confronted with criticism from self or others, see the bigger picture and be willing to be silent rather than get lost in wheelspinning details.
On a final note, the last part of January and the first week of February Venus will be conjunct the North Node, so growth through Venus will be featured. To know more about what to expect, please take a new look at The Magic of Venus in March-April 2024 - Venus In Pisces Brings Empathic Relationships. And because Saturn will conjunct the North Node between February and May, please take a new look at Saturn Enters Pisces and Saturn in Pisces – What Grant Lewi and Marc Edmund Jones Say.
Have fun learning to ride the waves, surfer dudes and dudettes! “Let’s go surfing now, everybody’s learning how, come on the safari with me, come on and safari with me....” “We’ll all be planning that route, we’re gonna take real soon, we’re waxing down our surfboards, we can’t wait for June, We’ll all be gone for the summer, we’re on safari to stay, tell the teacher we’re surfin’, surfin’ USA.”
© Copyright 2025 Robert Wilkinson