by Robert Wilkinson
Yes, we again stand on the precipice of Mars exactly opposing Pluto for the second time in a few weeks. It first opposed Pluto from 30 Cancer to 30 Capricorn. This January 2025 opposition is from 2 Leo to 2 Aquarius.
All oppositions bring “the tension of opposites” into play. This can result in tugs of war, head butting, or seesawing back and forth between two poles. However, as I made clear in my recent talk about using squares and oppositions productively, I believe oppositions are the best aspect because they all bring opportunities for expanded awareness, larger vision, and demonstrating our skills in resolving the opposition into productive action, stabilized momentum, and broader understanding.
Mars opposed Pluto is associated with tension, things spinning out of control and underhanded events. Mars retrograde can bring up past frustrations, or insights into why certain methods didn’t work, aren’t working, or won’t work in the future. It always brings a period of a much slower pace to develop things.
If we know how to work with this opposition, we can find understanding and productivity in terms of helping reverse something in the collective field, or see how to re-engineer a plan to make it more efficient in the future. They key to this one is found in the out of sign but very close forming trine from Mars to Neptune.
Really, the Mars opposed Pluto has been a constant factor since early November, because though it slightly separated, Pluto’s entry into Aquarius immediately brought the opposition between Leo and Aquarius into constant motion. These oppositions continue to generate an awareness factor and an ability to act productively for any planets we have in early Fire and Air signs. So despite the polarization, it will be beneficial to planets we have in those elements. Any opposition gives us the ability to triangulate, using points outside the opposition to resolve the tension.
Even though an opposition may feel like we’re “sailing against the wind,” any trines and sextile Mars and Pluto make to planets in our charts can help us “tack into the wind” and catch the forward momentum in our sails despite the headwinds.
It’s the same with any other transit to transit opposition that affects a planet or angle in our charts. If we have something in sextile and trine to the opposition, we can make great progress despite outer circumstances. If we have something that makes a quintile or tredecile to the opposition, we will find high specialization and unique circumstances that should help us to express something “quintessential.” And if the opposition makes a T-square to a planet or angle in our chart, we can use the tension to integrate the power and release it through the void in the configuration.
Even though the opposition from Mars to Pluto will be separating by this weekend, we’ll still have the extreme building intensity while the Sun opposes Mars during the first three weeks of January. After the Sun opposes Mars, the tension will drop as Mars gradually begins to speed up again, getting ready to go stationary direct at 18 Cancer in late February. Though we won’t feel the opposition beginning a few days from now, it’ll be back in play in late April, so consider this a dress rehearsal for then.
The good news is the Sun opposition Mars in mid-January will aspect Uranus and Neptune favorably, creating a “four note chord” of harmonic productivity for planets we have in the last decan of the Earth and Water signs. So a lot of good can still be accomplished, even if timing seems a bit off. Be deliberate and find the pace which works for you. Keep working on things which will be a support for your efforts in the future. Be patient and cautious between now and late January and get ready to reorient and renew in February.
I’ll finish with reminding you of a key factor in astrology. Please don’t sweat transit to transit aspects, as they can all be used in productive ways. We’re here to learn how to bring order out of chaos, and accomplishment out of pure potential. It’s just a question of finding the right point of view and the willingness to learn how to bring love, wisdom, and understanding to the circumstance.
© Copyright 2024 Robert Wilkinson