by Robert Wilkinson
On January 30, Uranus turns stationary direct at 24 Taurus, showing major sea changes happening right now! This is the platform of our mobilizing our expertise as we continue our voyage into the new time, new way, and new day promised by last April’s Jupiter conjunct Uranus at 22 Taurus.
I'll be composing more about the major changes of the larger spiritual field in the future, since as Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and TransPluto move, so moves the greater Transpersonal Field within which we live and breathe and have our Being. The outer planets show us the larger transformational forces within which we demonstrate our Higher Self as we stand individually and collectively at the threshold of a new era.
Uranus going direct is important since whenever an outer invisible goes retrograde or direct, it's a sea change in the collective consciousness. This larger shift begins 8:22 am PST on January 30, and now Uranus again begins to retrace its steps over ground it's now covering for a third time.
Here's where the Transpersonal Individualizer again moves forward, also moving collective consciousness with it. The 24th degree of Taurus is now again irrevocably burned as a hot spot that will be triggered any time there's a transit to that point.
Past, Present, and Future Awakenings In the Spiritual Field
We first experienced the themes of 24 Taurus when Uranus went stationary retrograde on this degree in August 2023, introducing us to themes related to “conquering inhibitions,” “Self mobilization for conquest,” and “return to primal values.” This sets the platform for what Uranus will awaken for all of us in 2025 as it finishes transiting the end of Taurus and prepares to move into early Gemini in July.
Uranus now resumes its forward trek, moving through its shadow zone span from 24-28 Taurus yet again. Now we have the advantage of having traversed 24-28 Taurus between May and August 2024 followed by a review of the span between September 2024 and now. So now we resume the trek toward “genuine rejuvenation” and renewal of our lives which was promised by Uranus’ SRX degree at 28 Taurus in September.
In months to come, Uranus will make its third pass of 24-28 Taurus, after which it enters unknown zones of 29 Taurus through 2 Gemini, where it goes stationary retrograde on September 5. Uranus will occupy 24 Taurus through March 12 and 25 Taurus from March 12 to April 6, finishing our time in the emotional and social level of “confirmation.” It then moves quickly through 26 and 27 Taurus through the rest of April through May 12 when it lands back on its 28 Taurus station that it occupies through the end of May.
It then leaves its shadow zone and occupies the last two degrees of Taurus in June and the first week of July. It enters Gemini on July 7 and moves to 2 Gemini on September 6 and remains through October 9, when it slips back to 1 Gemini before retrograding back into Taurus on November 7.
Uranus occupies the social-emotional level of Confirmation through April 6, and then transits the individual and spiritual level of Confirmation from early April through early July. When it enters Gemini it begins the scene of Discovery on the actional and material levels, so the energies will be totally different beginning July.
When Uranus goes SRX at 2 Gemini on September 6, it begins a “Uranian review” of all the themes related to the span between 28 Taurus and 2 Gemini. When it again goes stationary direct at 28 Taurus in February 2026, a degree of “genuine rejuvenation,” then we’ll move into a full regeneration phase in 2026. For now, use your expertise to take command of circumstances and if appropriate, other peoples’ skills.
The Sabian Symbol for Uranus' Station
The Sabian symbol for the 24th degree of Taurus is “A mounted Indian with scalp locks.” In the original Jones class notes from The Astrology of Personality, Rudhyar says this is a degree of “Forceful intrusion of elemental energies in over-conscious selfhood,” “Return to primal values,” and “Conquest of inhibitions.”
In The Astrological Mandala, he goes on to say that this degree symbolizes “the aggressiveness of human instincts when fighting for their earthly base of operation,” where we find aggression and force “are basic components of human nature at the level of the emotions and of a deep-seated identification with a particular culture” which sees those who are different as potential enemies. I have found this degree as representing the expertise needed to be an administrator of others’ energies, or perhaps a place where we find we need to defend our life mission, and/or see the broader context of our life mission.
He states this symbol confirms our difference from other people, where our need for “differentiation of human behavior and collective values is still strong.” Beware of those who are excessive in their use or show of force! He says this degree falls in the Span of Enjoyment, Act of Differentiation, and Scene of Confirmation on the Emotional-Social level.
Dr. Jones offers this is a degree of “pride in personal prowess,” suggesting “an exceptional capacity for gaining and administering authority.” He states we can find an appreciation of potential in nature, and our “senses as they can be brought to the full service” of our aspiration and ambition. He says “the conquest of an enemy becomes not so much a momentary supremacy over him as an acquisition and subsequent use of his particular genius.”
He offers us the keyword COMMAND. He states that when operating in a positive manner, this degree “is an unimpeachable control over life through a discipline of the self and its powers.”
From this symbol we see the theme of this Uranus threshold state involves some form of command and control over nature or others’ expertise and skills, but we are also cautioned to be watchful of those who are violent, or unnecessarily brutal in their aggressiveness. This period will awaken a new energy about what confirms us, our skills, and/or our life mission in a way suited to our individuality, and can do what we must to stabilize those skills that make our social or emotional existence more secure. We now get a 5 month review of our process of our “command and control” techniques to see another facet of our individuality.
Where We Stand and What’s Coming
We can now again resume moving forward, expressing unique forms of synthesized spiritual creativity wherever we have 24 Taurus in our charts. This begins to finish our experience of the awakening of the third decan of Taurus, ruled by a double dose of Saturn in sectors involving the emotion-social and individual, mental, and spiritual levels of experience.
Now that Uranus is again "on the move," it renews its powerful pull on the tides of evolution and moves into its shift into Gemini where it’ll make long term sextiles with Saturn and Neptune. Pay attention to the productive emergent developments this Summer, as the “three note chord” of Aquarius, Aries, and Gemini promise major new developments which will take clearer shape in 2026.
Uranus will soon approach its sextile with Neptune and trine to Pluto which will be THE major spiritual field energy in 2025-2026. As Uranus ingresses into Gemini and Saturn/Neptune ingress into Aries, it brings new energies into the collective spiritual field. The coming years will substantiate awakened Divine Power both in individuals and collectivities in creative and original forms, so get ready, since we're all on a journey of transition between the outer spiritual planets in Earth and Water signs and their entry into the Fire and Air signs.
The virtue of Taurus is in its calm strength of purpose, and ability to get the job done in a slow, steady, reliable way. The revolution in human values and ways of regarding matter proceeds, with the current Aquarian pulse fulfilling that Earth energy in a greater idealism and sense of connection. By what emerges this Spring and Summer, we get a dress rehearsal for the huge changes of 2026 which will propel the entire world into a new view, a new understanding, and countless new discoveries.
Articles Related to Uranus in Taurus 2019-2024
Here’s the September 2024 article when Uranus went stationary retrograde at 28 Taurus. In it you’ll find themes related to the “genuine rejuvenation” we began to experience after then:
Spiritual Astrology in September 2024 - Uranus Stationary Retrograde at 28 Taurus
Here’s the August 2023 article when Uranus went stationary retrograde at 24 Taurus. In it you’ll find themes related to the mobilization of energies which helped us to a new level of administering others’ skills and expertise:
Spiritual Astrology in August 2023 - Uranus Stationary Retrograde at 24 Taurus
Here’s the August 2022 article when Uranus went stationary retrograde at 19 Taurus. In it you’ll find themes related to a new spontaneity and freedom which helped us move in new directions:
Spiritual Astrology in August 2022 - Uranus Stationary Retrograde at 19 Taurus
Here’s the August 2021 article when Uranus went stationary retrograde at 15 Taurus. In it you’ll find themes related to “braving the storm” to cultivate our personality strengths:
Spiritual Astrology in August 2021 - Uranus Stationary Retrograde at 15 Taurus
Here’s the August 2020 article when Uranus went stationary retrograde at 11 Taurus. In it you’ll find themes related to the “garden” we began to cultivate:
Spiritual Astrology in August 2020 - Uranus Stationary Retrograde at 11 Taurus
Here’s what I wrote in March 2019 about the Uranus in Taurus era:
Uranus in Taurus May 2018 – The Commencement of A New Era Pt. 1
Copyright © 2025 Robert Wilkinson