by Robert Wilkinson
This is the first conjunction of the Sun and Pluto in Aquarius since the end of the 18th century! This puts an illuminated focus on the transformational seed forms represented by Pluto at the beginning of Aquarius, with challenges coming related to 2020 and after when Saturn went SRX at 2 Aquarius. This will sprout those seeds, for better and for worse.
The conjunction happens at 4:29 am PST on January 21. The Sabian Symbol for 2 Aquarius is “An unexpected thunderstorm.” According to Rudhyar’s notes from the Marc Jones class originally published in The Astrology of Personality, this degree indicates that we’ll be “liberated from adverse conditions” by a “cosmic visitation” that will “galvanize us to action” through “spectacular developments.”
This promises a wild ride wherever we have 2 Aquarius in our charts! Expect to be freed somehow by something that compels your attention and moves you to action.
In The Astrological Mandala he states the keynote is "the need to develop the inner security which will enable us to meet unexpected crises.” He says this symbol is about some sort of “social collective processes and the function of the individual within them.”
He offers that this symbol could have positive effects as well as negative ones, and states “it refers to an event for which one is not prepared,” and therefore “Nature’s challenge.” He states this degree is in the Span of Defensiveness, and it's the counterpoint degree of the actional level of the Scene of Contribution in the Act of Capitalization.
Marc Jones says 2 Aquarius is a symbol of "Nature’s potentialities as they lie beyond any individual control,” and “the tendency of all things to come to some dramatic head in either physical or psychological terms.” He states this is about the need “that every living spirit remain wholly self-quickened within itself,” and stay open to its “inevitable participation in every shifting pattern of events.”
He continues that we find opportunities for self-fulfillment in “the convergence of relations in some climax of experience.” He offers us the keyword ACCIDENT. He goes on to state that when this degree is operating in a positive manner, it is “creative opportunism and a genius for shaping all eventualities to some desired end.”
From this symbol it seems the specific theme of this yearly conjunction is about the Light of events that challenge and/or mobilize us to some sort of action, “liberating us from adverse conditions.” We are told this is a degree of extraordinary “cosmic visitations” which will change our lives, bring a new security, or quicken our Spirit so we may participate more actively in shaping a sudden event to “some desired end.”
However, even though this intensifies things through January 23, it is immediately followed by Mercury opposed Mars and trine Uranus, with Mars sextile Uranus, and then Venus trine Mars and sextile Uranus when Mercury sextiles Neptune on January 26. This will prove extremely productive and harmonious for planets and points we have in the last decan of the Earth and Water signs.
After that, Mercury enters Aquarius on January 27, and is joined by the Moon as it makes a conjunction with Pluto also at 2 Aquarius. That implies the Sun will put something into motion which will come to light or at least exposure by the New Moon of 10 Aquarius on January 29, beginning the year of the Wood Snake. Then Uranus goes direct and we’re on our way to a revolutionary period through the end of the year!
© Copyright 2025 Robert Wilkinson