by Robert Wilkinson
I was recently in a discussion with a spiritual Brother who had read that his Venus in Aquarius “wouldn’t be so good in a personal relationship with a wife or partner.” Today we discuss why that’s not true at all! Any Venus sign position can produce a great relationship if we play to Venus’ virtues and not Her excesses.
As per what I gave you about the planetary dualities in Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend, each planet has a healthy function and an unhealthy function. Venus’ duality is “Wisdom/Folly.” We choose to express a healthy Venus or an unhealthy Venus in every interaction, and the quality of this is shown by the sign being expressed. In other words, Venus in any sign has a healthy set of traits, and an unhealthy set of traits. Which we express is entirely up to us in that moment.
Also remember that while we have a tendency based in our natal sign position of a planet, it is modified by progressions, by transit experiences including eclipses which modify our experience and expression of each planet, as well as how we respond to our Solar Returns. It’s why a Venus in Pisces or in Capricorn or in Leo has literally ten thousand possible ways to express its qualities; it’s our task to make sure to elevate all of our planetary responses to the positive expression rather than stay stuck in negative expressions.
As I told my friend, Venus in Aquarius is great for finding a partner who could be a lifelong friend, someone who shares your goals, ambitions, and ideals, and who is good with not needing a partner who is "touchy feely," though that too could be worked out via the Moon sign. Venus in Aquarius can be detached, but it is the position of friendship, first, last and always. And it’s entirely possible that such a person could be part of the aspirational group Soul you are part of.
Along a similar line, Venus in Capricorn can be a bit cold and calculating when operating off of vanity or egocentric attitudes. It can be the perfect mate for those who want maturity, thoughtful responses, and a sense of responsibility. (There the trick might be to assess who or what they believe they are responsible for, as well as how they do or don’t take responsibility for their values, likes, and affections.) This is where looking at a person’s Saturn will be helpful, as Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn.
Across the years I’ve known people with every possible Venus sign. Some were healthy individuals, some were unhealthy individuals, and some were part of both. I’ve also observed that often if we struggle with a Venus trait we don’t like, if we reference the healthy function of the planet ruling our Venus we modify the expression of our Venus.
My Venus in Taurus always means well, always wants to enjoy life and be with others who enjoy life. That meant when I was young and somewhat dysfunctional, I attracted all kinds of hedonists, pleasure seekers, and stubbornly materialistic and selfish people into my life. Because I also loved the pleasures of the senses, not wisely but too well, of course I would attract others who were that way.
As I found myself in states of confusion or difficulty due to my attractions, I had to choose what and who to say “yes” to and what and who to say “no” to. As I turned away from lesser pleasures, I attracted different people with different likes and different values. Over time I saw that as I refused lower sensual experiences I attracted far more fulfilling ones. But I had to choose to turn away first before I could attract something better.
I have found, in my own life as well as others, that there are no bad sign positions for any planet once the planetary duality is eliminated so that only the positive of that planetary Light shines forth. Once there is no attraction to old destructive patterns, then the void naturally brings us new attractions perfect for who we are in the present. And as we aspire to elevate any planetary response, we naturally attract those who will model that behavior for us if we pay attention.
Another consideration is that regardless of our natal sign position, everything progresses, so a Venus in Aquarius progresses through Venus in Pisces and then Venus in Aries. Venus in Scorpio is said to be a difficult placement, but every Venus in Scorpio goes through the “flight into freedom” when their Venus progresses into Sagittarius, and come into their personal power when their Venus progresses into Capricorn.
While we are always our natal tendency, we evolve as our relationship experiences evolve. But we will always like those people and things indicated by our natal Venus. We just have to learn to replace folly with Wisdom, as per Venus' duality.
If you want to learn more about your power to reshape your relationships so they are more fulfilling in the future and you are riding the waves of your evolving likes and loves, please consider getting a copy of my book The Magic of Venus: Friendships, Soul Mates, and Twin Flames. It gives the strengths of Venus in each sign, antidotes for problematic responses, and has a very long chapter devoted to the qualities of each sign’s “archetypal mate” qualities. So if your natal Venus has evolved from Cancer through Leo through Virgo and now it’s in Libra, you can track what you liked and why you liked it in the various chapters of your life.
It was written for both astrologers and lay people, and as it has a thousand gems for better relationships, with self, others, and Source, please consider getting your copy by going to the link above! (And when you’re done, please leave a review on Amazon, since it helps the book and all other books on astrology as well!)
© Copyright 2025 Robert Wilkinson