by Robert Wilkinson
On February 4, Jupiter goes stationary direct at 12 Gemini and resumes its direct motion lasting through November as it prepares to sprint through Gemini on its way to entering Cancer on June 9. What does this mean?
It means that the Jupiter review we’ve been doing since September 2024 is now over. We’ve all been in review, revision, and re-imagining what how rich our lives are (or aren’t) and opened to more fulfilling, natural, and enjoyable relationships. This has led many to a form of energy rebuilding practice, as well as a natural way of being in the world, expressing what we’re here to express since its retrograde station at 22 Gemini.
Since early September we’ve been reviewing the degree span it first traversed between mid-July and early October. Having reviewed those lessons, potentials, protections, blessings, and opportunities, we now can communicate more freely and naturally with a sense of rebuilding in our relationships, and now move forward with a task of liberating ourselves from the ghosts of the past.
Where We’re At In The Larger Cycle
The transit of Jupiter through Aquarius in 2021 set a new 20 year era in motion. Its conjunction with Saturn in December 2020 (The “Grand Mutation”) began a 20 year Aquarian era as well as a 200 year Air era, where we leave the materialism of the Earth signs behind and fly free into the realm of cooperative visionary ideas to be accomplished through managed group energy.
Jupiter transited the “Transfiguration Zone” 3 times in 2021: in late April and early May, in August, and in December. Each of these opened doors to “graduation into a new realm of Being,” where something cocooned in each of us broke out of our chrysalis and were transfigured in some way related to our part in the greater whole of Being. The transfiguration was completed in by February/March 2023 when Saturn transited the Transfiguration Zone and crystallized the time line for the group work we will do in the future.
Jupiter was initially in its home sign of Pisces between May and July 2021, giving us “hints of immortality.” After a look back into Aquarius, we renewed our quick voyage through Pisces just before New Year’s eve in 2021, and found Jupiter entering Aries by early May 2022. It stayed in early Aries through late October, and sat in the last two degrees of Pisces between then and the December 2022 Solstice.
It re-entered Aries at the Solstice, and raced through that sign as well until it entered Taurus in mid-May and created the very powerful Fixed T-square triggering the Mars at 1 Leo opposing Pluto at 1 Aquarius. It moved forward in the first half of Taurus, finally going SRX in early September 2023 at 16 Taurus. We reviewed the span from 16 back to 6 Taurus where it went SD at the end of December.
Jupiter then raced forward through Taurus, entering Gemini in late May 2024, finally going SRX at 22 Gemini in October 2024. It then retrograded back to 12 Gemini. Which brings us to now.
From Here We Move Forward
This should bring a sense of confidence and well-being for those who have reviewed, explored alternative ways to discover something, interpret something, communicate something, or a new way of relating to others. We’ve all been given a wider view of what is and what we need to know or communicate. We now stand ready to live a new adventure in discovering our spirituality as we move into a time of externalizing something true for us as we prepare for a radical change of allegiances and direction coming by June!
Now that it’s moving forward, it will pick up speed very quickly, as it’s still in the part of the zodiac where Jupiter is at maximum speed! We’re getting our final experience of the Gemini shadow zone between now and early May as it races through the second half of Gemini from March through June. In early June it enters Cancer, opening a brand new energy field.
The Sabian Symbol for Jupiter's Direct Station
The Sabian symbol for the 12th degree of Gemini is “A Topsy saucily asserting herself." In the original Jones class notes Dane Rudhyar published in The Astrology of Personality, he states this degree is about "the will to rise above racial conditioning and limitations; or a sense of the need to conform to things as they are."
In The Astrological Mandala,, Rudhyar offers this degree involves "liberation from the ghosts of the past," where we need "virgin minds for virgin fields" as we liquidate the past. Here we get to drop our mental, emotional, and material baggage we no longer need, including attitudes engraved on our subconscious mind that cannot help us move into our new vistas of development in the preceding phase. Let go of preconceptions, prejudices, expectations, and ghosts that cannot help you toward the fulfillment track you're on.
This is a counterpoint degree where due to what's opened, we now can learn what we cannot bring with us and stay clean in our evolutionary process. It will naturally follow that we will then find a "climax in selfhood," where we get to "put on the show" and become a potential "source of inspiration." Rudhyar says it falls in the span of Zeal, the Process of Individualization, Act of Differentiation, and the Scene of Discovery on the Individual-Mental level.
According to Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, this indicates the balance we must maintain between what our society compels of us and our need to "exercise (our) fledgling wings on every possible occasion." Here we must "speak out to life with an almost spiritual impudence" in order to demonstrate character.
He states "personality here is refined as it risks its very being to be what it as yet has still to become." He offers us the keyword GROWTH, and says that when positive, this degree "is a high gift for taking personal advantage of every new situation in experience."
From these symbols it seems we now are on a platform to open to a new experience of life through growth where we stretch our wings and fly. In a nod to ancient echoes, this was the degree of the Solar Eclipse at 12 Gemini on June 1-2, 2011, with eclipse effects shutting something down in our mid-Gemini sector through 2016. Perhaps we can release unhelpful echoes of that time period by following the path we’ve been taught since July 2024.
That Solar Eclipse helped all of us drop unnecessary baggage and liberate ourselves from the ghosts of the past. It also taught us to assert ourselves naturally and happily to restore harmony and balance in our sense of duty and responsibility. This Jupiter station begins a time of moving forward free of any residual ghosts from those years. Certainly if Jupiter is “the promise of opportunity,” or “future truths,” then perhaps the space created by our losses between 2011 and 2016 will be filled as Jupiter moves forward.
So this Jupiter station on the counterpoint degree of individual spiritual activity in a field of discovery will begin a time of fulfillment, endings, openings, sharing, and then a new phase of learning how to externalize something we’ve seen or discovered. We are not free of old ghosts, or can easily let them go as we move into externalizing our discoveries of the past 8 months. This is a platform for larger Jupiter movement involving communications which prepare us to move in a different direction and/or consolidate our new trajectory beginning June. At that time a new opening involving “ensuring supply” will become evident.
The Near Future
As Jupiter goes direct it makes great aspects with Sun, Mercury, Venus and Neptune for several weeks. Jupiter has been and will be quintile Neptune through mid-March, so open to perceiving the collective field as it goes through its fluctuations en route to entering Aries at the end of March. This favors dreaming the future clearly, or “reading the flow” to know where to go.
Mercury squares Jupiter in late February, but due to being trine Mars and quintile Uranus, it should produce innovative intuitive “feeling-knowing.” This heralds the Sun making the same aspect in early March. As these “bring the news and the Light” to Saturn this year, it shows that as Jupiter moves forward, we will come to a new kinesthetic awareness of knowing how to care for self and others. This will be expressed through the mundane square of Jupiter in Gemini to Saturn in Pisces, where each can release the productive energies of the other.
The favorable aspects between the inner planets and Jupiter lasts through June, helping turn the tension of the semisquares and squares to productive ends. In June, Mercury conjuncts Jupiter at 30 Gemini, which finishes the cycle which began at 2 Gemini last June. These two are the only planetary conjunctions with Jupiter in Gemini, as Venus and the Sun both conjuncted Jupiter in Taurus in 2024, and will both conjunct Jupiter in Cancer in 2025.
Jupiter begins its last square to Saturn in mid-May. It is exact from 2 Cancer to 2 Aries in mid-June. The square is within active orb through mid-July, after which Jupiter makes the “fateful” biseptile to Saturn during the entire first half of August. The square challenges us to overcome any sense of discouragement or letting our rules and limitations block our imagination and ability to open to a greater life. Widen the view, open to greater possibilities within the new Cardinal field, and expand your “self-gathering, self-protective” energies
It is said that Jupiter square Saturn is a challenge for the personality limits to die or expand so the Soul can express itself. It is a time to see a greater way to live, a greater ideal to embrace, or a new way to express ourselves creatively without allowing our values to be in conflict with our ambition.
Keep your eye on the prize this Spring and Summer, knowing there’s a major corner to be turned at the August biseptile. This particularly affects zones around 13-17 Cancer, 5-9 Virgo, 26-30 Libra, 18-22 Sagittarius, 10-14 Aquarius, 1-4 Aries and 22-26 Taurus. If you have a planet in one of these, your life hits a major fork in the road in August! As Mars is in a Grand Air Trine the second week of the month, associations should be easy, though there could be tension from pushing too far too fast. If that happens, find a new “rhythm of action” and review with an eye to moving forward in early 2026.
Jupiter is said to be in “exile” in Gemini, because that sign opposes Jupiter’s natural Sagittarius qualities. We’ve all been learning how to navigate Gemini’s contradictions, conflicts, and “is it this, is it that, it is both, or is it neither” ways of framing its discoveries. We now have a lot of understanding about natural interactions, ways of sharing information and insights, and are about to send and receive information we’ll need when we turn the corner in June.
Jupiter is said to be “exalted” in Cancer, meaning it’s in its sign of greatest development. We’ll all open to an expanded form of caring then, opening to a new wisdom by early August, leading to the extraordinarily stabilizing Grand Water Trines of the inner planets and Mars in Scorpio trine Jupiter in late Cancer which is trine Saturn in late Pisces in October, November, and early December. During that time Jupiter goes SRX at 26 Cancer, which I’ll write about then.
As I explain in Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend, each planet has a duality of expression, healthy and unhealthy. Our task this life is to integrate our personality so we may express the Love, Wisdom, and Understanding of our Soul/Spirit. Jupiter’s duality is Wealth/Poverty. As I offer in the book, This is the aspect of consciousness showing how we are grasping circumstances with abundance or neediness. By our Jupiterian function we waste time, energy, or money, or are merciful in ways others can mistake for weakness, teaching us to understand the eternal abundance of the Universe in giving us what we need when we need it, and accept it.
Saturn’s duality is Dominion/Slavery. This is the aspect of consciousness demonstrating whether we are limited or limiting others in helpful or hurtful ways. By our Saturnian function we are slavers or enslaved, controllers or oppressed, and through these come to a patient and mature conscious participation in the Great Work, actively accepting our higher responsibilities and higher work to help our world.
The square between these two principals has been in play since August 2024, and is still triggered by Lunar transits through any of the Mutable signs. I gave you hints earlier about the “Soul growth challenge” of this square, as both Jupiter and Saturn lead us to spiritual growth in the visible world, allowing us access to higher spiritual planes of the transpersonal field. If you want to learn more about “making friends with your Saturn” so you know how to master your “response abilities,” please consider getting your copy of Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend. And if you already have a copy, please take a new look at the good that can come out of a Saturn square.
If you want a greater understanding of what this recent Jupiter retrograde in Gemini period has been about, here’s what I wrote when Jupiter went stationary retrograde in October 2024: Jupiter Stationary Retrograde in October 2024 at 22 Gemini – Looking Back at How We Dance With Others in Healthy Ways
For the bigger picture:
Here’s what I wrote in May 2024 on Jupiter’s entry into Gemini: Jupiter in Gemini 2024-2025 Pt. 1 – A World of New Ideas and Discoveries Awaits Us and Jupiter in Gemini 2024-2025 – Spreading New Views and New Understanding
Copyright © 2025 Robert Wilkinson