by Robert Wilkinson
Yes, we now enter a very narrow and wonderful window of doing a visualization of our heart's desire via our inner Venus. Between 4:30 pm PST February 2 and 11:57 pm PST February 3, get as clear as possible about what is beautiful and desirable that you want to see made manifest in the future.
Venus is now at the end of the end of the zodiac and enters the 30th degree of Pisces at 4:30 pm PDT Feb 2, 12:30 am GMT February 3 where it remains until it enters Aries at 11:57 pm PST on February 3. This is a time to focus Venusian energy to “value” or “capture a pleasing form” of the illuminated “Law” that will create our thought form for the future year. This is the first inner planet transit of this degree in 2025.
Mercury will cross this degree March 2 and the Sun, as usual, will transit 30 Pisces between 2 am PDT March 19 and 2:01 am PDT on March 20 at the Equinox. This year, because of both Mercury and Venus entering Aries and then retrograding back to the end of Pisces, whatever we dream at this time may have to be re-dreamed in late March, begin to be implemented in mid-April, and then confirmed in late April was Mercury and Venus both transit the end of Pisces a total of THREE times this year!
In the article the Sun at 30 Pisces – The Power of Dream Visualization to Create Our Future, I explain this degree is the end of the zodiacal cycle closing the 360 phases of experience. As you know from previous articles, Rudhyar says it's where we visualize the ideal we would become, and over time we will see that ideal made manifest in our lives.
In his Astrological Mandala he notes that this is related to our self-transformational ability that we cultivate through pouring our feelings and will into a visualized "mental image" aka "thought form." This projects that energy pattern into time as a "formula" for future developments on the mental, emotional, and physical levels of existence. You'll find more via the link to the Solar article.
All of these transits renew the larger promise Jupiter gave us when it crossed 30 Pisces three times between May and December 2022! This year’s transits of that degree bring value, understanding, and power to what we dreamed. We begin with adding a Venusian layer to the dream.
This Dream Was Awakened 15 Years Ago
The origins of the current “dream cycles” began with prior celestial events on this degree, including numerous Jupiter and Uranus transits and conjunctions near this degree in 2010, and the HUGE Solar Eclipse on this degree in 2015!
Uranus occupied 30 Pisces in May 2010, and Jupiter was on this degree from May 30 through June 6, 2010. This was the "awakening and expansion of the dream." Then Uranus retrograded back across 30 Pisces between mid-August and mid-September 2010. Jupiter retrograded across 30 Pisces from September 9-16. This revolutionized the dream, followed by a new look at the truth of the dream.
Jupiter again traversed 30 Pisces between January 16 and 22 2011. This final Jupiterian promise, protection, reward, opening, or greater Way opening was further electrified by Uranus when it made its final pass across 30 Pisces between February 21 and March 12, 2011. March 2011 was especially important, since Mercury conjuncted Uranus at 30 Pisces, giving a final "Guide of Souls" coordination to the dream being individualized by Uranus.
Those factors dominated the dream we lived between 2010 and 2022. Since 2010, each year when the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars transited 30 Pisces, we’ve had a review and/or renewal of the dream awakened by Jupiter and Uranus. Whatever part of that dream we no longer needed began to be shut down at the very powerful Solar Eclipse in March 2015 at 30 Pisces just before the Equinox!
So for the next few hours, go Venusian, and renew the dream, appreciate the dream, and enjoy the dream you’ve seen come into manifestation these past 15 years! This is the next step where we add to that dream so we may enjoy the years to come. It’s another “end of the end and the beginning of the beginning” in the Venus ruled areas of our life!
The Magic of Venus: Friendships, Soul Mates, and Twin Flames
Because Venus is THE most important planet in all our relationships, attraction, likes and dislikes, if you haven’t already, please consider getting your copy of my newest book, The Magic of Venus: Friendships, Soul Mates, and Twin Flames. It is the most comprehensive book on Venus ever written, and explains why we attract who we do and how to create more satisfying relationships in the future. You will understand the foundations of long term healthy relationships and friendships, why Soul Mates come into our lives, and how to know the difference between a Soul Mate and our Twin Flame. Even if you’re not looking for a partner, this book will explain why certain people with certain traits came into your life and what they taught you about yourself.
It has chapters on the qualities of each sign’s natural mate, the qualities of Venus in each sign, and when crucial choices and changes are made, affecting who we attract in the future. It was written for both astrologers and lay people, and as it has a thousand gems for better relationships, with self, others, and Source, please consider getting your copy by going to the link above! (And when you’re done, please leave a review on Amazon, since it helps the book and all other books on astrology as well!)
© Copyright 2025 Robert Wilkinson